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INDUSTRY ADVICE The Pet Market in The U.S. Is Roaring By Alfonso Bergthier he pet food and pet accessories market in the United But this growth or area of opportunity is not only in traditional States is growing and booming, making it one of food but also in the purchase of snacks, such as cookies and other the most exciting trends in supermarkets and small snacks. In addition, exponential spending is on the sale of online sales. accessories, ranging from leashes to sweaters, ornaments, and Nowadays, pet owners are not only satis昀椀ed with costumes for all breeds. Tgiving them balanced food, in which the category of Figures published by the American Pet Products Association dogs and cats stands out. (APPA) report that in 2023, consumers spent $147 billion on 吀栀e new mega trends show us that the subspecialties in these their pets. foods are based on increasingly prominent niches, such as home-pre- In turn, worldwide spending on pets will be approximately $259.7 pared foods, pet foods, from small to large, and others prepared with billion in 2024, with exponential annual growth projected to pass special recipes for adult animals. $400 billion by 2032. Pet owners by generation Gen Z - 16% 66% Millennial – 33% of households in the U.S. own a pet. Gen X – 25% The top three pets living in U.S. Baby households are: Boomer – 2% Dogs Cats Freshwater Fish Products such as CBD, probiotics and toys will be in the highest demand over the next two years. However, accessories such as cat litter boxes, electronic waterers, and 昀氀ea control products are the most purchased during pets' lifetime. In addition to all this, we 昀椀nd parallel niches in the sale of pet insurance and the purchase and sale of medicines when they have diseases, without counting the plans for veterinary visits or funeral services of all kinds. 吀栀e information presented above shows us an excellent opportu- nity to increase supermarkets' sales by adding counters or sections specialized in pet products.. 8282 JJUULLYY//AAUUGGUUSST 2T 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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