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INDUSTRY ADVICE Chocolate Evolves! By Ana María Triana, Business and Human Resources Consultant hocolate lovers know this product was born for those who love of the world is an exciting evolution in the manufacture and to taste a warm, creamy, and delicate 昀氀avor. When placed on consumption of chocolate in the confectionery world. the palate, it evokes various pleasurable emotions and takes Of course, 昀氀avors are a crucial element of choice. Consumers want us to the greatest delight of delights, whether bitter or sweet, unique, rare, seasonal, and limited-edition chocolates. 吀栀ey want with or without additions. exciting, multi-textured, and visually appealing 昀氀avors, including CChocolate comes from the cocoa bean, and according their packaging. to history, it was 昀椀rst cultivated in Mexico during the Olmec In 2024, the trend towards healthier lifestyles will signi昀椀cantly civilization. 吀栀ese ancient Mexicans roasted and mixed the seeds in昀氀uence the chocolate industry. As a result, many consumers are with water, resulting in a rich and bitter drink called "xocolatl." interested in the product's healthy ingredients, which highlight Later, this delicious drink reached Europe, where sugar was added nutritious, energizing, and health-supporting chocolate. to make it sweeter, and England was the country where the 昀椀rst chocolate as we know it today was manufactured. In Mexico and Europe, chocolate was only within the reach of the Innovation & Luxury that stay on your Mind and your palate privileged classes since it was an expensive item that was usually Candied chocolate not only provides an explosion of delicious used as currency to buy services and materials. 昀氀avors to our palate, but also, in many aspects, it is perfect for Over time, chocolate became increasingly popular among people's health as it helps prevent heart disease, improves brain new consumers, and today, it is one of the most coveted foods in function, reduces the risk of diabetes, and promotes a sense of the world. well-being. 吀栀is not only brings a host of bene昀椀ts to our mouths but also How Is Confectionery Chocolate Made? luxury and distinction. Cocoa nuts are fermented, dried, and roasted before being ground Chocolate manufacturers constantly innovate and introduce new into cocoa powder. products, including 昀氀avors, textures, and formats. 吀栀en, with this by-product, the magic happens: the powder is Chocolate confectionery packaging also stands out for its quality turned into cocoa-based confectionery products, resulting in dark and beauty, making it a prestige factor for those who buy it to satisfy chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolate, each with a unique a whim or give it as a gift or a jewel. taste and texture. Innovation, as well as the decision to invest in re昀椀ned and luxurious packaging, provides the consumer with an experience and, Producción y consumo undoubtedly, a feeling of luxury, which has driven this type of trust In 2023, West Africa (Mar昀椀l Coast, Ghana, and Nigeria) was the to choose an exclusive pro昀椀le for those with this purchasing power. world's largest cocoa producer, with around two million tons. 吀栀e Netherlands, Belgium, and the United States were the main export Online vs. In-Store Shopping destinations. It continues to be the trend that the primary place consumers go Each person is estimated to ingest an average of 3.5 kilograms of to buy chocolate products is physical stores, as evidenced by the fact chocolate per year. However, consumption continues to increase. In that, in 2023, approximately 97% of sales recorded by the industry 2023, the countries with the highest chocolate consumption in the will have yet to be made over the Internet. world were Switzerland, Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom, Another trend a昀昀ecting the confectionery chocolate market with annual per capita consumption 昀椀gures per person between 8.2 includes the growing demand for organic, vegan, sugar-free, and kg and 8.8 kg. In the United States, the average person consumes gluten-free chocolates due to consumers' awareness of the adverse approximately 4.5 kilograms of chocolate each year. e昀昀ects of synthetic products on health and the environment. 吀栀e premium chocolate market is estimated to be worth $35.97 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach $54.91 billion in 2029, growing at a compound annual rate of 8.83% between 2024 and 2029. La evolución del chocolate 吀栀e chocolate confectionery market is highly dynamic in bars, tablets, or chocolates. It is gaining ground as the growing demand for artisan, premium, and top-quality chocolates in various regions 7676 JJUULLYY//AAUUGGUUSST 2T 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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