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FOOD INDUSTRY WWhhaat tt thhe 2e 200224 S4 Swweeeetts & Ss & Snnaacckkss EExxppoo b brroouugghhtt t too In Indiadiannaappoollisis By Abasto he 2024 Sweets & Snacks Expo, a standout event FIRST TIME IN INDIANA, IN in the industry, was held from May 14 to 16 at After 25 successful years in Chicago, Sweets & Snacks Expo the Indiana Convention Center in downtown set up shop in Indianapolis because it is the right city to meet Indianapolis. It offered a unique platform the growing demands of the show and the community. 吀栀e for unveiling new products and business 2024 show began a new multi-year partnership with the City Topportunities. of Indianapolis. 吀栀e Sweet & Snacks Expo, a highly anticipated annual John Downs, president & CEO of the National Confectioners event, provides a unique opportunity for customers to preview Association – which is the host organization for the Sweets & and taste the latest products from renowned and emerging Snacks Expo – said: “As the top innovation showcase in the companies. It also o昀昀ers a platform for direct interaction confectionery and snack categories, the Sweets & Snacks Expo with company executives, marketing professionals, and sales o昀昀ers an opportunity for the community to come together representatives, providing insights beyond the world of sweets to debut products, gain insights, and create meaningful and snacks. connections. 吀栀is year’s show solidi昀椀ed that there is no better place to do so than right here in Indianapolis. You could feel a renewed energy on the show 昀氀oor from manufacturers, retailers, brokers, and suppliers alike – and everyone is buzzing about our bright future.” 4040 JJUULLYY//AAUUGGUUSST 2T 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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