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AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY Taste the Joy of Mangoes with the National Mango Board By Hernando Ramírez-Santos or nearly two decades, the National Mango Board Mango Consumption (NMB) has inspired consumers in the United States Trend on the Rise to taste the joy of mangos. Its work has been crucial Ojeda pointed out that when the National Mango Board began in changing the perception of mangos from an exotic its work in 2005, about 62 million boxes of mangos were imported fruit to a staple in the American diet. to the United States. Today, nearly 140 million 4-kilogram boxes FSince its inception in 2005, the NMB has are imported. worked closely with growers, importers, and retailers to "Two decades ago, mango prices were much higher, and the ensure that high-quality mangos are available year-round in quantity of product available was much smaller. And, of course, the United States. the level of consumer knowledge about the fruit's versatility and 吀栀anks to this e昀昀ort, consumption of this super fruit has nutritional properties was practically nil. 吀栀at's why people didn't more than doubled, and mango imports in 2023 increased by consume it," Ojeda said. more than 32% compared to 2019 昀椀gures, according to USDA However, with the NMB's work to educate consumers and the trade statistics. support of social networks, the organization has been able to enter National Mango Board executive director Ramon Ojeda new markets. spoke with Abasto magazine about the organization's work, "Mango, with its diverse varieties from di昀昀erent countries, which celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2025 and plans available all year round and of consistently good quality, has been to get the uno昀케cial king of fruits onto the tables of more instrumental in driving up the demand and consumption of the consumers in the United States. fruit," said Ojeda. 吀栀is variety and availability make mango a fruit "We are an agricultural promotion board because that can be enjoyed in various ways, catering to di昀昀erent tastes A SA Supupeer Fr Frruuiitt and preferences. Mangoes are not only delicious but also Which Countries Export Mango nutritious. It is rich in vitamins C, A, E, folate, to the U.S.? and several B vitamins. It is also a good Currently, 99% of the RefRefrreesshhiinngg source of dietary 昀椀ber and antioxidants. mango consumed in the These nutrients strengthen the immune United States comes from IInnggrreeddieienntt system and promote healthy skin. six countries. • México mainly Discover the endless with 67%. possibilities of mango in • Perú, s is your kitchen. This versatile what we do is educate the second with 14%. fruit can be used in a variety consumer and educate, • Brasil 9%. of dishes, from salads and train, and provide • Ecuador 4%. desserts to smoothies research information • Guatemala 3%. and main courses. Its to growers and the • The Dominican sweet and tangy flavor supply chain so Republic adds a unique twist to any that all mangos almost 2%. recipe, empowering you reach the hands of The rest is imported to create delicious and consumers in optimal from other countries. nutritious meals. conditions, intending The remaining 1% to increase demand for is mangos grown in • Mixed with yogurt or milk, it this product," Ojeda Puerto Rico, California, o昀昀ers an energetic and explained. southern Texas, southern delicious drink. California, and Hawaii. • Used in sauces or Continued on Page 70. marinades, it adds an exotic 昀氀avor. • A world of recipes at 6868 JJUULLYY//AAUUGGUUSST 2T 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine July/August 2024 - Page 68 Abasto Magazine July/August 2024 Page 67 Page 69