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INDUSTRY ADVICE RReettaaiil Al Accaaddeemmyy: T: Thhe Ge Grroocceerry Ay ArreePoaar Julio Ibáñez / [email protected] n this edition of the Retail Academy, we will delve into the Although each store has its distinctive style, it is essential central area of supermarkets: the grocery aisles. 吀栀ese aisles not to compromise brand identity. Despite the importance house the dry goods shelves and represent the heart of our of promotions, it is crucial to maintain a clear and orderly customers' shopping experience. presentation. To this end, speci昀椀c areas can be assigned for promotions IThe importance of presentation and o昀昀ers, ensuring they are attractive but always maintaining and maintenance elegance and order. 吀栀e presentation, order, and maintenance of the Grocery area are crucial. A well-managed area ensures customers 5 Innovations and 昀椀nd the products they seek quickly, in perfect condition, and improvements in the store without inconvenience. Each aisle manager must regularly receive a sheet with • Lighting: Adequate lighting can enhance product visibility precise information on the location of each product, thus avoi- and improve the customer's shopping experience. Lighting ding out-of-stock or misplaced items. should be su昀케cient to highlight products without creating glare or shadows that make selection di昀케cult. Key points for product display • Inventory management technology: Advanced technological systems for inventory management can prevent • Double facing: Each product should have a minimum out-of-stocks and optimize product replenishment. of two facings to maximize visibility. • Themed merchandising: Implementing seasonal or • Price labels: 吀栀ey should be placed at the beginning of themed merchandising strategies can attract customers and each product, ensuring clarity and ease of price identi昀椀cation. generate a dynamic buying environment • Vertical position: All products should be displayed • Staff training: Ongoing staff training in grocery vertically, facilitating better viewing and access. management can increase e昀케ciency and improve customer • Shortage management: In the event of a product service. shortage, the space should remain empty until replenished, • Consumer behavior: Understanding consumer behavior maintaining the visual integrity of the shelf. within the grocery aisles can optimize product placement and • Products at the front:It is essential to keep products improve sales. aligned at the front of the shelves for an impeccable presentation and to give the sensation of absolute fullness on the shelves. In short, having a clean and well-organized grocery area re昀氀ects the store's commitment to quality and contributes to Organization by category a positive shopping experience that fosters customer loyalty. Organize thoroughly each aisle by category without mixing products from di昀昀erent sections. 8484 JJUULLYY//AAUUGGUUSST 2T 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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