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AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY Joy of Mangos coincided with the release of the latest Disney Continuation from page 68. movie, Inside Out 2, in which one of the main characters is 吀栀e primary consumers of mangos in the U.S. are Hispanics named Joy. 吀栀ey took advantage of this situation and, with and Asians. But they are increasingly followed by the Anglo Disney, created a successful advertising campaign to develop and African American segments, motivated by the trend of promotional material that was deployed in more than 2,000 retail seeking more healthful foods and the desire to be adventurous outlets in the US. by trying di昀昀erent fruits or creating simple and various recipes "With this promotion and the relaunch of our website on July using mango. 22, when National Mango Day is celebrated, we send the message Each summer, the NMB intensi昀椀es its marketing campaign, that this fruit is synonymous with joy because that is what you taking advantage of the full harvest of the fruit and the feel when you taste a mango," concluded Ojeda. supermarkets 昀椀lled with varieties that o昀昀er unique 昀氀avors and delicious textures. Summer is the ideal time to savor the joy of mangoes. Ojeda noted that the creation of this new slogan for Taste the One Year at the Head of the NMB Ramón Ojeda is an outstanding Venezuelan professional He also created his with a degree in Business Administration and an MBA from consulting firm, ROI Penn State University. In June 2023, he was appointed executive Business Strategies, to director of the National Mango Board, an organization dedicated provide outstanding to promoting and developing the U.S. mango market. solutions, innovative Previously, Ojeda served as chief operating o昀케cer of the NMB, service, and the right a position he assumed in 2021. He oversaw the organization's expertise to help business 昀椀nancial, operational, and administrative functions in this role. owners succeed in their 吀栀roughout his 30-year professional career, Ojeda has held businesses. several senior management positions, including director of Ojeda's appointment as marketing at Cargill Foods, chairman of the Florida Diversity executive director of the National Business Council, executive director of the Children's Safety Mango Board is a testament to Ramón Ojeda Village, and for ten years served as president of the Orlando his commitment and exceptional Executive Director of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. business management skills. National Mango Board On the Way: The Mango Joyride Tour A new marketing initiative that the National celebrate the Labor Day holiday at Florida State Mango Board will be launching this summer University Stadium for the FSU vs. Boston is the Mango JoyRide Tour. 吀栀is mango College game. joyride tour will take place with a truck 吀栀e JoyRide Tour will wrap up in Oxford, out昀椀tted as a Mango Truck, which will MS, with two days of activities on the weekend visit several cities in the southeastern U.S. of September 7 during the University of "At each stop during the tour, the idea Mississippi's Ole Miss celebration. is to interact with consumers at the point During the Mango JoyRide Tour, the mango of sale, which could be supermarkets and truck will make stops at various supermarkets, sports facilities," said Ojeda. engaging the community with fun activities. 吀栀e Mango JoyRide Tour will kick o昀昀 It will o昀昀er a variety of drinks and dishes on August 25 at the H-E-B supermarket in prepared with mangoes, allowing consumers Frisco, Texas, then at the Frisco Rough Riders to experience the fruit's versatility 昀椀rsthand. minor league baseball team's ballpark. Additionally, it will distribute merchandise On Monday, September 2, the Mango Truck related to this delicious fruit, further promoting will arrive in Tallahassee, FL, where they will the joy of mangoes. 7070 JJUULLYY//AAUUGGUUSST 2T 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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