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FOOD INDUSTRY Adults Spend More In The Dairy Aisle By Violeta Montes de Oca hether looking for new products, (52%) say both macronutrients and calories are equally impulse buying or seeking meal important when checking nutrition labels, with 81% agreeing inspiration, nearly 2 in 3 U.S. that dairy products like yogurt or cottage cheese provide an adults (65%) say they often easy high-protein breakfast. purchase unplanned items in the Wdairy aisle, according to a recent Trending Flexitarian Habits survey by the National Frozen and Refrigerated Foods Adopting a 昀氀exitarian approach to dairy consumption Association (NFRA). 吀栀is tendency is even higher among appears to be a common practice for many adults, who Gen Z and millennials (74% each). frequently purchase both traditional dairy products More than 2,000 consumers were surveyed, providing and alternatives, like almond and soy milk. 吀栀is trend is insight into U.S. adult consumers’ dairy aisle attitudes particularly strong among Gen Z and millennials, with 71% and behaviors related to health bene昀椀ts, inclusion of dairy and 72% respectively engaging in this behavior. alternatives, premium brand propensities and more. Flexitarianism, a diet primarily consisting of plant-based foods while allowing for the occasional inclusion of animal Health Benefits products, is gaining popularity. During the same trip to the Regarding health bene昀椀ts, options from the dairy aisle grocery store, 61% of U.S. adults say they often purchase dairy stand out alongside veggies, fruits and lean meats. Survey and dairy alternatives together. results show that eggs (74%), yogurt (67%) and cheese (63%) are top choices for health-conscious consumers due to their A Preferencne for Premium Brands macronutrient and protein content. Over half of U.S. adults Survey 昀椀ndings illustrate a notable trend in consumers’ tendency to seek out brand-name and premium brands, particularly regarding yogurt, cheese, and butter. Nearly 2 in 3 half of U.S. adults (45%) prefer brand-name yogurt, while 39% do the same for cheese and butter. Furthermore, 40% of adults often purchase unplanned consumers often opt for premium brand yogurt, with cheese items in the dairy aisle. (37%) and butter (34%) following closely. dairy aisle. 3 in 5 adults describe almond or oat milk as "healthy." 6262 JJUULLYY//AAUUGGUUSST 2T 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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