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FOOD INDUSTRY Uncovering How Consumers Find Value at the Grocery Store By Abasto hoppers enjoy food shopping as much as ever, according PRIORITIES WHEN IT COMES TO to FMI’s latest annual survey conducted with 吀栀e GROCERY SHOPPING Hartman Group. 吀栀e analysis starts with the 2024 To manage higher prices, Leslie Sarasin, president and series, “U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends: Finding Value.” CEO of 吀栀e Food Industry Association pointed out shoppers 吀栀e Food Industry Association survey provides a increasingly prioritize getting good value, which involves Scrucial snapshot of consumer behavior and sentiment. focusing more on quality and optimizing purchases for personal Speci昀椀cally, it focuses on the most frequently purchased enjoyment, convenience, and waste reduction at home. consumer category. Additionally, it highlights ongoing concerns “吀栀is is not to say that price is irrelevant to the value about the impact of in昀氀ation on grocery costs. equation. While half of shoppers surveyed say they are looking for more deals, only 32% are buying fewer items, and far fewer “FMI’s national survey found that grocery are cutting back on key food categories or attributes such as shoppers’ concerns about inflation have organic (15%) or fresh items (14%),” Sarasin concluded. stabilized in recent months, illustrating how FMI’s grocery trends exploration partner and CEO of 吀栀e resilient consumers are when it comes to food Hartman Group, Laurie Demeritt, noted that ultimately, food shopping.” Leslie G. Sarasin, President and shopping remains a labor of like – if not CEO of FMI-The Food Industry Association. always a labor of love. Leslie G. Sarasin, President and CEO of FMI-The However, how much shoppers like or 91% Food Industry Association. love grocery shopping varies between of shoppers demographics. have made some El recién lanzado Índice de Sentimiento de los Compradores For example, Demeritt said that changes to their deFMI’s newly launched U.S. Grocery Shopper Sentiment Index Millennials and Gen Z say they ‘love’ shopping habits. accounts for shoppers’ collective feelings and attitudes toward or ‘like’ grocery shopping more than grocery shopping as well as their feelings about their current Gen X or Baby Boomers do. primary store. 吀栀e research shows that where and how consumers shop for 吀栀e index found that grocery shopper sentiment reached food also di昀昀ers depending on age – it’s not just that younger a post-COVID-19 pandemic high in 2023 (of 72 out of 100) shoppers have more comfort with online grocery. Younger and continues to remain elevated (70 out of 100 currently), shoppers are more likely to have shifted their trips away from with more than half of shoppers surveyed expressing positive supermarkets and toward mass and other channels. feelings toward grocery shopping. 吀栀is strong score, achieved at the virtual peak of price in昀氀ation, suggests that notwithstanding the di昀케culties price in昀氀ation may introduce, it has done little to degrade the overall experience and outcomes perceived in grocery shopping. 4848 JJUULLYY//AAUUGGUUSST 2T 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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