Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks By Abasto he 昀椀fth annual edition of the National Confectioners Association’s (NCA) State of Treating re昀氀ects the snack buying trends in 2023, a year in which in昀氀ation grabbed all the attention. 吀栀e study analyzes long-term trend lines and documents what changed and why those changes occurred in confectionery shoppers’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors T$61,  0 billion dollars U.S. confectionery sales forecast for 2028. SOURCE: EUROMONITOR | PASSPORT MODEL JANUARY 2024 Sales trends in 2023 Total sales in all channels: $25.9 billion in chocolate + $19.2 billion in non-chocolate candy + $3.7 billion in gum = $48.8 billion in confectionery. FUENTE: EUROMONITOR |PASSPORT MODEL ENERO 2024 In Circana-measured channels only, year-over-year growth for each segment was as follows: 5.8% chocolate 2023-dollar sales growth. 12.1% non-chocolate candy 2023-dollar sales growth 15.4% gum and mints 2023-dollar sales growth. SOURCE: CIRCANA, TOTAL US, MULO+C, 52 WE. 12/31/2023 3030 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM

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