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Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, Abasto Magazine

En Abasto, celebramos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana destacando las contribuciones innovadoras y el progreso significativo que los hispanos aportan al país.

EDITORIAL CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Celebrate Our Diversity and Contributions for National Hispanic Heritage Month o r Calab o Gustav y B ational Hispanic Heritage the United States. 吀栀is route symbo- Month, celebrated from lizes not only international trade September 15 to October but also the deep link between 15, is a time to honor the Hispanic communities and the global NHispanic community's rich supply chain. and diverse cultures, traditions, and countless contributions to the United States. Abasto Magazine TRENDS AND PREPARING FOR highlights the legacy of the food THE HALLOWEEN SEASON and beverage world and the stories In other topics in this issue, we of perseverance, innovation, and highlight candy trend projections progress we have written in this for the Halloween season, a criti- country’s Hispanic history. cal time for the industry. Experts analyze the changing preferences THE HEART OF HISPANIC of consumers and how candies with HERITAGE unique and exotic 昀氀avors are captu- Mary Coppola Heslep’s article highlights AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY SPECIAL ring the attention of not only Hispanics how the agricultural industry, where a INSERT: INNOVATION AND but also a broader audience. large part of the workforce is of Hispanic ADAPTATION IN A CHANGING WORLD Finally, our contributor, Ramon Portilla, origin, proudly joins this celebration. In this issue, Abasto Magazine features looks at how retailers can prepare to Agriculture, one of the cornerstones of a special insert dedicated to the agricul- cater to the growing number of non-His- the U.S. economy, has been primarily tural industry. 吀栀is sector faces unique panic customers seeking new products shaped and strengthened by the hard- challenges in an ever-changing world. and 昀氀avors inspired by Hispanic culture. working hands of Hispanic immigrants. 吀栀e cover article, written by AgTools, From the 昀椀elds to the markets, their highlights the importance of reskilling FINAL REFLECTION impact is undeniable. and the e昀昀ective use of data. In an agri- National Hispanic Heritage Month Ivan Aranaga, for his part, reminds us cultural environment where technology reminds us of the cultural richness that of the importance of recognizing what it and the demand for sustainability are Hispanics bring to the United States. In means to be Hispanic in the United States. advancing rapidly, updating skills is each issue of Abasto Magazine, we cele- It is an identity forged in the duality of essential to ensure competitiveness and brate not only our traditions but also cultures, a balance between adaptation and e昀케ciency. the innovation and progress that result preservation of our roots. Being Hispanic in In addition, with RCF Distributors, we from our presence in this country. May this country is a pride that manifests itself follow the fascinating “Mango Road,” a this celebration continue to inspire the in hard work. journey that takes us from the orchards Hispanic community and all those who in Mexico to the supermarket shelves in value their unique contribution. 66 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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