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Empaques ecológicos, Abasto Magazine

La industria de empaques de alimentos está transformando sus métodos de empaquetado con soluciones ecológicas y sostenibles que protegen el medio ambiente.

COADNVISCEEJOS UTILES CONSEJOS UTILES MES DE LA Herencia Hispana Eco-Friendly Food Packaging: Innovation and Sustainability by Ana María Triana n a world increasingly aware of the need to protect the Some can be transformed into bioplastics derived from plants environment, the food packaging industry is undergoing like corn or sugarcane. a signi昀椀cant transformation with eco-friendly packaging, Among successful cases of this type of packaging are banana or biopackaging. packaging, an innovative project developed in Ecuador that IMade from sustainable materials like natural 昀椀bers, uses banana 昀椀bers to create sustainable packaging. Another fruits, and vegetables, this type of packaging is gaining example is apple pulp containers, a development carried out in popularity due to its ability to reduce environmental impact, Germany that, besides using fruit pulp, also takes advantage among other bene昀椀ts for the planet. of juice industry waste, promoting resource reuse. Current trends in eco-friendly packaging highlight its bene昀椀ts and the innovation behind these products, which 2. Edible Packaging for food manufacturers represent both an opportunity and a 吀栀ese packages are made from natural ingredients and are challenge, inviting them to align with a sustainable production safe for human consumption. Edible packaging can be made chain that guarantees environmental responsibility from seaweed, milk proteins, or potato starch, providing an ingenious solution to reduce packaging waste. 3. Bioplastics Technology TRENDS IN ECO-FRIENDLY PACKAGING Bioplastics are made from renewable resources like corn starch, vegetable oil, or sugarcane residues. 吀栀ese materials 吀栀ese packages are designed to naturally decompose without are not only biodegradable but also have properties similar leaving toxic residues, including materials such as bamboo to conventional plastics in terms of durability and versatility. 昀椀ber, fruit peels, and cellulose pulp, all lightweight and durable. Some can be transformed into bioplastics derived from plants BENEFITS OF ECO-FRIENDLY PACKAGING like corn or sugarcane. Ignacio Parada, CEO of BioElements, a Chilean company that Among successful cases of this type of packaging are banana aims to be an eco-friendly alternative to conventional plastic, said: packaging, an innovative project developed in Ecuador that “Without intervention, there could be more plastic in our oceans uses banana 昀椀bers to create sustainable packaging. Another than 昀椀sh by 2050. 吀栀erefore, the inclusion of eco-friendly packaging example is apple pulp containers, a development carried out in in the food sector is a clear di昀昀erentiator and is becoming a compe- Germany that, besides using fruit pulp, also takes advantage titive advantage for triple-bottom-line companies.” of juice industry waste, promoting resource reuse. SOME BENEFITS INCLUDE: 1. B1. Biodegradable and Compostable Materials 吀栀ese packages are designed to naturally decompose without Reduction of carbon footprint, which positively impacts leaving toxic residues, including materials such as bamboo energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and plastic 昀椀ber, fruit peels, and cellulose pulp, all lightweight and durable. waste generation. 7676 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 100 Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 Page 99 Page 101