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Liderando con innovación, Abasto Magazine

Claves para adaptarse a las tendencias emergentes y prosperar en un mundo empresarial en constante cambio.

ADVICE CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage IInnssppiirratatiioonn a anndd A Actctiioonn:: Leading with Innovation and Purpose Por Juan Ramón (Jay) García iscover the keys to adapting to emerging underrepresented talent to access meaningful opportunities. trends and thriving in a constantly changing For those seeking employment or in recruitment positions, business world. it is important to focus on skills and how they can contribute With autumn on the horizon, 2024 is to the success of the organization. Dbringing signi昀椀cant changes in the business world. Current trends re昀氀ect not only shifts Sustainability and Green Practices in market dynamics but also an evolution in the values and Sustainability has shifted from being an option to an expectations of consumers and employees. imperative in the business world trends. Companies are 吀栀is article o昀昀ers an analysis of these trends and an invitation adopting more environmentally responsible practices, such as to action for readers who want to stay informed about new implementing circular economies and reducing “greenwashing.” developments and prepare for future challenges. 吀栀is trend responds to growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products and services and prepares companies Emerging Leadership: Beyond the Numbers for a future with stricter environmental regulations. Today, business leaders are adopting a more human and Adopting sustainable practices is not only good for the planet authentic approach. Maximizing shareholder pro昀椀ts is no but can also enhance brand image and foster customer loyalty. longer the sole objective. Now, the goal is to create value for all stakeholders, including employees, customers, and Immersive Technologies and Personalization communities. Immersive technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and 吀栀is shift towards more empathetic and purpose-driven virtual reality (VR), are revolutionizing the way companies leadership not only fosters a more inclusive and collaborative interact with their customers. 吀栀ese tools not only enhance the organizational culture but also motivates employees and user experience by making it more interactive and engaging, improves the workplace environment. It is crucial that today’s but they also o昀昀er new opportunities for marketing and leaders embrace this transformation trends and be genuine in employee training. their decisions and actions. Additionally, the personalization of the customer experience has become a key di昀昀erentiator in an increasingly competitive Skills over Degrees: The Future of Recruitment market. By using customer relationship management (CRM) Another highlighted trend is the growing focus on skills- technologies, companies can o昀昀er personalized experiences based hiring rather than academic degrees. that deeply resonate with their target audiences. Companies are recognizing that practical and speci昀椀c As we approach the end of 2024, it is essential for businesses competencies are more important for job success than and leaders to adapt to these emerging trends. 吀栀e business educational credentials. 吀栀is shift is opening doors to greater world is constantly evolving, and those who are able to innovate diversity and inclusion in the workforce, allowing previously and lead with purpose will be the ones who stand out. 8282 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 106 Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 Page 105 Page 107