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Cómo celebrar el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, Abasto Magazine

Tres sugerencias para celebrar el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana. Desde el liderazgo, la representación y la gratitud.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Continuación de la página 42 Hispanic Heritage Hispanic community of professionals is vital. It touches every Celebrating a diverse workforce in all aspects of your link along our supply chain. How might we celebrate National operation includes providing a seat at the table where decisions Hispanic Heritage Month with them? Here are a few speci昀椀c are made, challenges are discussed, and solutions are created suggestions: for the bene昀椀t of your business and all employees. A seat at the proverbial table is not just for optics or to check a DEI box; having diversity of representation at work ensures 1. YOUR BEHAVIOR IS A MODEL that policies are appropriate and equitable for all employees FOR OTHERS TO FO䰀䰀OW. across the enterprise. Recognizing, as leadership, that your behavior is a model for 3. THE CELEBRATION DOES NOT N䔀䔀D TO BE LIMITED others to follow will allow you to lead by example. Consider celebrating the contributions of your employees of TO ONE MONTH. Hispanic descent, outlining the many ways their work supports Any ethnically diverse workforce can celebrate without being your business’s bottom line. By spotlighting their work during relegated to a designated month, week, or day. National Hispanic Heritage Month, you are validating their Just as the crops produced around the world that fall under professional contributions. the fresh produce umbrella are diverse, unique, and vast in By doing so in a public manner, you are setting the example variety and 昀氀avor, so are the professionals who contribute to that this is a community of professionals worthy of celebration every step of our supply chain. and elevation, further creating an environment of respect and Mid-September to mid-October calls special attention to the belonging. contributions of people and professionals of Hispanic descent, Your actions can empower others to follow suit and promote but the attention needs to continue. Celebrating diversity is a diversity and inclusion in the industry 365-day opportunity in any business across any industry 吀栀is National Hispanic Heritage Month, let’s re昀氀ect on the contributions of the people and professionals of Hispanic 2. DIVERSE VOICES ENABLE US TO descent across the produce supply chain, celebrate their collaboration, and ensure that they, too, have a seat at the table M䔀䔀T DI䘀䘀ERENT N䔀䔀DS. as the fresh produce industry continues to grow in diversity, Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month also means representation, and voice. creating space for representation. 4444 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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