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Tendencias para Halloween, 2024, Abasto Magazine

El informe 'Mars, Tricks, Treats, and Trends 2024' revela las preferencias y patrones de compra de los consumidores antes y durante Halloween.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage HALLOWEEN Preferences and Trends “Mars, Tricks, Treats, and Trends 2024” By Hernando Ramírez-Santos eneration Z and Millennials will celebrate Halloween big this year and stock up on plenty of treats. This is good news for su- permarkets, which are gearing Gup for a successful candy and snack sales season. Mars Wrigley, the maker of some of the world's best-selling candy and snacks, recently released its “Mars Tricks, Treats, and Trends” report. The study delves into consumer preferences during Halloween, revealing new behavioral patterns and pur- chasing decisions leading up to and during the season. brate Halloween on a larger scale than last year. mayor escala que el año pasado. Report Overview What's Driving Innovations The report provides a snapshot of this year's antic- As consumers continue to prefer seasonally inspired ipated trends, from “trick-or-treat” plans to Halloween flavors, Mars Wrigley is adding M&M'S® Milk Chocolate flavor and format preferences. The data also offers a Pumpkin Pie to its Halloween lineup. The festive treats detailed look at the generational aspects of those cele- offer on-trend pumpkin spice flavors in a milk chocolate brating this holiday. coating that delivers the pleasant taste of fall. “Our Mars Wrigley product lineup for Halloween The Mars Tricks, Treats, and Trends report also 2024 is a direct reflection of our consumers' obsession revealed that most consumers planning to buy candy and offers a fun mix of flavor, creativity, and on-trend (55%) are looking for assorted bags with a mix of fruity seasonal offerings to deliver products that we know will and chocolate candies. end up in the 'good candy' pile on Halloween night,” This year, Mars is meeting the demand with assorted said Tim LeBel, Chief Halloween Officer and President bags that mix Mars brands such as TWIX®, SNICKERS®, of Sales for Mars Wrigley North America. LIFE SAVERS® Gummies, and SKITTLES® Gummies. Mars' new report, prepared with Ipsos, analyzes the Fun size continues to be the star of Mars' Hallow- attitudes of U.S. adults who plan to celebrate Hallow- een treat variety bags. According to the survey, 75% of een. candy shoppers prefer it. The report shows that consumers consider candy the number one factor contributing to a positive Halloween experience. Continues on page 70. It also found that 85% of those planning to celebrate Halloween this year plan to go big or maintain similar plans to last year. 吀栀is 昀椀gure is even higher among Generation Z and Millennials at 90%, and nearly a third of Generation Z (32%) plan to cele- 6868 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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