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El ajo en la cocina Hispana, Abasto Magazine

El ajo es un ingrediente fundamental en la cocina hispana. Se utiliza fresco, en polvo, cocido o crudo para darle sabor a los platillos tradicionales.

Precision Farming Technologies Used in Field and Specialty Crops: Variable Rate Soil Mapping Plant Technology Measurements Yield Monitors and Auto- Farm Management Yield Mapping Guidance Information System Continuation of Page 18. AI-DRIVEN PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS AI models can accurately forecast crop yields by analyzing historical data and current conditions. 吀栀ese predictions help farmers plan their operations more e昀昀ectively, from resource allocation to market strategies. Such information enables farmers to negotiate better prices and reduce waste. Likewise, predictive analytics can inform breeding programs by identifying traits associated with increased yield and resistance, accelerating the development of improved crop varieties. ROBOTS IN THE ABSENCE OF LABOR Robotics and autonomous machines, guided by AI, can perform activities such as planting, weeding, and harvesting with high precision and e昀케ciency. Automation reduces labor costs and addresses the challenge of labor shortages in the agricultural sector. AI-driven machines can operate continuously and constantly, ensuring optimal productivity. DISPARITIES IN ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGY Small-scale farmers primarily face numerous challenges when using precision farming technology. According to a report prepared by the U.S. Government Accountability O昀케ce (GAO), the top seven barriers for farmers to access these technological tools are: •High initial acquisition costs. •Difficulties with data analysis and interpretation. •Limited access to farm data and lack of analytical tools to determine the •Problems with ownership and control cost-effectiveness of precision farming of farm data. technologies. •Lack of standards and interoperability. •Limited education and training opportunities focused on precision •Lack of universal and reliable rural agriculture. broadband services. As the industry continues to embrace these innovations, the future of agriculture looks bright. It has the potential to feed a growing world population while preserving natural resources. 2020   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 80 Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 Page 79 Page 81