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The Global Produce & Floral Show 2024, Abasto Magazine

El espacio ideal para establecer conexiones estratégicas que impulsen el crecimiento de tu negocio. Asiste del 17 al 19 de octubre en Atlanta GA.

Ajo: El Ingrediente Secreto de la Cocina Hispana By Agtools arlic was cultivated in Ancient Egypt more than 5,000 years ago, and there is evidence of its use for medicinal purposes. Its healing abilities gave it magical powers, as it is said that the pharaohs gave garlic to their slaves to keep them healthy and strong. In ancient Greece, it was used by Olympic athletes to increase their resistance. Roman soldiers also consumed it to strengthen themselves before battles. GGarlic is a fundamental ingredient in Hispanic cuisine. It is used fresh and powdered and can be cooked, roasted, raw, or pickled. Its distinctive 昀氀avor and strong aroma make it an essential component of many traditional dishes. Moreover, it is typical for Hispanic families to take pride in their dishes, often enriched with garlic, as its use encompasses sofrito, dressings, salsas, adobos, and moles, where it is combined with chiles and spices. Garlic is also valued for its medicinal properties and cultural symbolism, in addition to its culinary use. In many Hispanic cultures, people believe that garlic protects against the evil eye and other negative in昀氀uences. THE GARLIC TRADE In 2023, the United States imported garlic from several countries, including China, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, and Peru. In the 昀椀rst half of 2023, 124 million pounds of garlic were traded in the United States. However, in 2024, the amount has increased to 148 million pounds, representing an increase of 19.3%. During the 昀椀rst six months of this year, Mexico was the third country to export the most garlic to the United States. In 2023, it shipped 14.7 million pounds, while in 2024, it exported 27.29 million, representing a growth of 85%. 吀栀is increase occurred mainly in April and May, making Mexico the region with the highest growth. Zacatecas is the leader in Mexican garlic production, with 53.34% of the volume produced in 2023, while Guanajuato and Puebla complete the top three with 15.82% and 5.96%, respectively. 吀栀e increase in imports from di昀昀erent countries to the United States has not caused a drop in the price paid by the consumer for this product. On the contrary, minimum prices have been higher than those in 2023, which shows the high demand for this product among families. In addition, garlic contains compounds such as allicin, which has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti- fungal e昀昀ects. Modern studies have suggested that garlic can help reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health. 2222   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

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