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La cadena de suministro más sólida del hemisferio occidental. Su operación se centra en la importación y distribución de frutas y verduras tropicales.

KEY POINT STATISTICS INVOLVEMENT Continuous 8 out of 10 people say learning gives Improves performance and retention. Learning them purpose at work. Acquisition of 74% of employees want to acquire Essential for job security and career new skills. advancement. New Skills Professional 94% of employees would stay longer Increased job satisfaction and productivity. Development with companies that invest in their development. On-The-Job 68% prefer to learn on the job; 59% Integrates training into daily activities, Training believe more training improves improving performance. performance. Profit Margins Companies that offer 40 hours of Significant financial benefits of regular training annually have 24% higher training programs. profit margins. Real-Time Data Revolutionizes the industry with real- Improves decision making and efficiency, App Adoption time global agricultural market data. aligning with the need for continuous learning and adaptability. RESKILLING: ESSENTIAL IN FOOD INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATION Continuation from Page 2 Reskilling, or training in new skills, is crucial to adapting to more responsible and sustainable supply chain that is aligned the changing demands of the food industry. with consumer expectations in terms of food safety and social Automation, artificial intelligence, and information responsibility. technologies are transforming roles and processes, but their practical implementation requires training workers. 吀栀e THE VALUE OF DATA ANALYTICS agricultural sector has revolutionized crop management Data analytics turns raw information into actionable with drones and sensors, but proper training is necessary for insights, di昀昀erentiating between operating reactively and farmers to utilize them e昀昀ectively. proactively in the food supply chain. Farm machinery companies have created training programs • PROCESS OPTIMIZATION: Identi昀椀es ine昀케ciencies in to maximize the use of these technologies. Reskilling includes production and distribution, allowing adjustments to reduce technical skills, data analysis, critical thinking, and problem- costs and improve e昀케ciency. Predictive models anticipate solving, which are essential to improving decisions and demand, adjusting production and inventories. processes. • QUALITY IMPROVEMENT: Helps monitor and control quality at every stage. Advanced analytics detect anomalies USING DATA IN THE FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN before they reach the consumer. E昀케cient data management is crucial to the modernization • SUSTAINABILITY: Supports sustainability initiatives of the food supply chain. Everyone involved in the food supply by tracking and reducing environmental impact. Optimize chain increasingly values data for its ability to provide real-time transportation routes, e昀케ciently manage water and energy visibility and trend analysis and foster transparency. use, and minimize food waste. • REAL-TIME VISIBILITY: Real-time market data allows Ultimately, adapting to and taking advantage of technological one to anticipate and react quickly to 昀氀uctuations in demand innovations is crucial to success in the food supply chain. and supply, adjusting production and distribution strategies. Investing in equipment training and data management 吀栀is avoids product surpluses or shortages and improves the systems improves e昀케ciency and sustainability and ensures management of production volumes, reducing costs and waste. an agile response to future demands. • TREND ANALYSIS: Immediate visibility of market trends Reskilling and e昀케cient data use are essential for supply allows optimization of operations, ensuring food freshness chain evolution in a competitive and changing environment. and quality, responding proactively to consumer needs, and improving customer satisfaction and business sustainability.. • TRANSPARENCY: Real-time information enables problems to be detected and corrected quickly, optimizes inventory management, and reduces waste. Transparency fosters a 44   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 64 Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 Page 63 Page 65