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Alimentos que se deben evitar en el embarazo, Abasto Magazine

Descubra los seis alimentos que es crucial evitar durante el embarazo para proteger su salud, según un reciente informe de Consumer Reports.

INDUSTRIA ALIMENTOS CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Risky Foods to Avoid 6While Pregnant Por Lisa L. Gill, Consumer Reports Investigative Reporter isteriosis is a relatively uncommon infection caused by infected with it will lose their baby, according to the American the bacteria listeria. However, it poses special concerns College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. during pregnancy because pregnant women are 10 times 吀栀e list of foods prone to listeria contamination is long more likely to get a listeriosis infection than other adults. because listeria is a hardy bacteria that spreads easily. It Pregnant Hispanics face an even larger threat: 吀栀ey are thrives in the cold, damp environment of food processing L24 times more likely to develop listeriosis. 吀栀at’s because plants, and can live almost inde昀椀nitely on many surfaces. Once certain soft cheeses often made from unpasteurized milk, such it contaminates machinery in a food processing plant or the as queso fresco and cotija, are prone to listeria contamination equipment at a grocery store, it is very di昀케cult to eliminate. and are common in many Latino households. 吀栀ough avoiding such a wide variety of foods may sound 吀栀e consequences of a listeriosis infection are daunting, Consumer Reports recommends focusing on the serious: About 20 percent of pregnant people foods known to pose the highest risk: DELI MEAT, PREPARED DELI SALADS, AND HOT DOGS: Los equipos de preparación, como cortadoras y tablas de cortar, pueden albergar listeria. Se recomienda evitar estos alimentos durante el embarazo pero si decides consumirlos, CR recomienda calentarlos a 165°F. RAW SPINACH AND LEAFY GREENS: Listeria puede entrar en el agua de una granja, o los animales también pueden contaminar las plantas. Pero como las verduras están repletas de vitaminas y nutrientes, no conviene evitarlas por completo. En su lugar, considera verduras como espinacas, col rizada y acelgas que se puedan cocer. SOFT CHEESES: 吀栀e riskiest soft cheeses are made with unpasteurized, raw milk, so you should always check the label. 吀栀e problem is that soft cheeses have a high water content and low acidity, which allows listeria to thrive. Some examples are Brie, queso fresco, queso blanco, queso blanco, queso ranchero, and cuajada en terrón. REFRIGERATED MEAT SPREADS AND PÂTÉ: Either skip these or 昀椀nd meat spreads and pâté that do not need refrigeration before opening, such as products in cans, jars, or sealed pouches. 吀栀ese sealed products are heat-treated to kill germs and then sealed in airtight containers. However, once you open these foods, store them in the refrigerator. RAW AND SMOKED SEAFOOD: Raw and smoked seafood aren’t heated enough to kill listeria. 吀栀is includes ceviche, sushi, sashimi, raw shell昀椀sh, and 昀椀sh marked as nova-style, lox, kippered, smoked, or jerky. ALFALFA SPROUTS AND BEAN SPROUTS: 吀栀ese sprouts are susceptible to listeria because the cultivation conditions, a moist, warm environment, can also foster bacteria growth, including listeria. If you decide to eat these, heat the sprouts to the point they’re steaming to kill any potential listeria. **吀栀is is a condensed version of a Consumer Reports story from May 2024. Visit for the full story 7744 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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