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Mango Board, Universidad de Mississippi

La National Mango Board se asocia con el Departamento Atlético de la Universidad de Mississippi para promover los beneficios de la salud y del mango.

吀栀e Mango Journey From the Mexican Countryside to U.S. Supermarkets By Hernando Ramírez-Santos CF Distributors has perfected the process of getting fresh mangos from the Mexican Pa挀欀ing and Tran猀瀀ort 昀椀elds to the shelves of U.S. supermarkets for Once the mangoes have passed the selection and cleaning nearly thirty years now. Today, with an annual process, they undergo phytosanitary inspection and labeling Rdistribution of almost seven million boxes, it is by Mexican and USDA inspectors. the number one packer of Mexican mangoes With the inspectors' approval, the mangoes are packed and exported to the United States. stored in refrigerated warehouses for later transport to their The family-owned company achieved this position of 昀椀nal destination in supermarkets in the United States. preference because it ensures that the fruit maintains its “吀栀ere are di昀昀erent types of packaging, depending on the freshness and quality at every stage of the supply chain process. 昀椀nal destination of the mango. If it goes to chain stores, we Malú Crespo, president of RCF Distributors, spoke to Abasto extend the speci昀椀cations required by the client, who de昀椀nes Magazine about the mango's complex but successful journey how the mango should be packaged. 吀栀ere are di昀昀erent types from the moment it is harvested in Mexican orchards to its of packaging to meet the requirements of each customer, who sale in U.S. supermarkets. de昀椀nes it, and we take care of his request,” Crespo explained. Harve猀琀ing and Sorting Refrigerated trucks with controlled temperatures transport “We started our operations in Chiapas and worked our way up the Paci昀椀c coast to our home in Sinaloa. 吀栀is year, with its exception, we worked in Peru, which made us close the full annual cycle. My brothers Roberto and Jorge, both agronomists, are in charge of identifying and selecting mango orchards that meet all the requirements and certi昀椀cations required by Mexican and U.S. authorities for exporting the fruit,” Crespo said. During this process, José Ángel Crespo, the youngest of the Crespo brothers, along with his team of inspectors, technicians, RCF team from the RCF headquarters in Nogales, and 昀椀eld engineers, evaluate the quality of the mangoes, such Arizona. Photos courtesy of RCF Distributors as skin color, 昀椀rmness, and sugar content, to decide the ideal harvest time. the mangos between 45° and 48°F. 吀栀e Ataulfo variety can be RCF selects only mangoes that transported at 50°F. meet specific standards in size, RCF Distributors' logistics team constantly monitors the weight, shape, color, and absence of fruit during transport, ensuring the containers maintain the defects for export. temperature and the trucks follow the established route to “Once selected and randomly meet delivery dates. reviewed by Mexican health 吀栀is journey of the mango, from the orchards in Mexico to inspectors, the mangos are subjected a supermarket in the United States, is a carefully developed to a hydrothermal treatment process that RCF Distributors is pleased with, as the president process at a temperature of 115°F. of the family business says. Depending on their weight “For us, it is a great pride to put the name of RCF Distributors and size, the length of time the on high; we are proud to be a Mexican product. It gives us great fruit remains in the thermal satisfaction, and at the same time, it is a great commitment to bath is determined to eliminate see how we have earned everyone's trust in this complex and any pests, whether of animal or delicate process, from the moment the fruit is delivered to us vegetable origin,” Crespo noted. until our customers receive it,” concluded Crespo. 88   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

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