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Productos destacados de Otoño, Abasto Magazine

Las peras, higos manzanas y arándanos son el grupo de productos frescos que se adaptan a los climas del otoño y que aportan una rica variedad de vitaminas.

Global Produce and Floral Show 2024 A Super Event By Abasto powerful lineup of prominent how they found their success and rose to the speakers promises to inspire top of their industries.” and inform attendees at the An outstanding lineup of speakers promises International Fresh Produce to inspire and inform attendees about essential Association's Global Produce and aspects of the industry. A.B. Stoddard AF loral Show 2024. “We’ll hear from Rodney McMullen, CEO 吀栀ose attending the event, to be held Oct. of Kroger; we’ll welcome the co-founder and 17-19 in Atlanta, Georgia, will gain exclusive CEO of Net昀氀ix, Marc Randolph. 吀栀is is also insights into the future of the produce and an election year, so we’ll have A.B. Stoddard, 昀氀oral industry and the positive impact of columnist for the Bulwark, here to share her female leadership. insights. 吀栀is year, we’ll also see our women’s Cathy Burns, CEO of IFPA, shared details breakfast session join the All Access Pass of the fresh produce industry's big event lineup, and that session will feature Reshma with Abasto. Saujani, Founder of Girls Who Code and Moms “吀栀e Global Show is a moment to celebrate First,” said Burns. and re昀氀ect on the year and to re-energize as Likewise, the CEO of the International Food we head into the year ahead. 吀栀is year, we’re Produce Association gave Abasto a preview of celebrating the great collaboration between her State of the Industry report. Cathy Burns our members – especially our global network “Yes, the 2024 State of the Industry will of volunteers – as we bring together our be presented during the 吀栀ursday morning industry to provide value for our supply chain session at 8:30 am. While the presentation is and our consumers and have our voices heard in development, I am con昀椀dent it will explore on our main priorities,” Burns said.. opportunities for our industry in technology and innovation, sustainability, talent attrac- NEW THIS YEAR tion, workforce development, consumer trends, She noted that they are celebrating a break- advocacy, and more.” through with the participation of the 昀椀rst 100 Through Abasto, Burns joined the cele- growers to bene昀椀t from USDA's $15 million bration of Hispanic Heritage Month with Climate Smart pilot program. a message to this community that has been “Our industry faces major impacts from instrumental in the success of the U.S. agri- Marc Randolph extreme weather and climate change, and we culture industry. must constantly rethink how, where, and when “I’m thrilled we’ll celebrate National we grow. 吀栀is kind of investment is a critical Hispanic Heritage Month together in Atlanta step for our industry to utilize innovation to as we kick o昀昀 the Global Show this year. 吀栀e drive down costs and increase the yield of our Global Show is truly the meeting ground for products,” Burns explained. our industry and a 昀椀tting place to celebrate Despite the challenges facing the agriculture the many communities that make up our great industry due to rising input costs, labor shorta- industry. Our Hispanic industry members are ges, and extensive new packaging regulations, represented across our entire supply chain and among other issues, Burns acknowledged that provide the passion and dedication to growing IFPA must go into 2025 with the knowledge our agricultural practices and serving their that they are part of the solution to many of communities at all levels of retail. these challenges, but it is critical that they play “I can’t quantify the in昀氀uence and impact Reshma Saujami a role in de昀椀ning priorities rather than settling that the Hispanic community has had on agri- for what others decide. culture in the US especially, but I also think it’s On hosting the Global Produce & Floral important to recognize the Hispanic consumer. Show in October, Burns said they expect to 吀栀is demographic is quickly growing, and for exceed expectations, “We’ll be in Atlanta for these consumers to connect with our products, the 昀椀rst time in many years, and we are so they look for their needs to be met with 昀氀avor, excited to welcome everyone to the industry’s variety, choices, and consumer technology. 吀栀e greatest event of the year. We will have major best way to serve our consumers is to ensure focuses on innovation, which includes the new they are represented in our industry. I’d like products and varieties we hear about, new to thank this great community and personally technologies, and solutions, and we’ll also hear invite them to join us in Atlanta at the Global Rodney McMullen from the biggest business leaders out there on Produce & Floral Show this October 17-19.” 1414   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 74 Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 Page 73 Page 75