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Reskilling y Big Data, Abasto Magazine

AgTools expone que en un entorno agrícola altamente tecnológico y sostenible, la actualización de habilidades garantiza la competitividad y la eficiencia.

Revolution in the Food Supply Chain:: Reskilling and Big Data By AgTools ver the past decade, the food supply chain has in the technology and 昀椀nancial industries have shown that transformed signi昀椀cantly due to globalization, investing in reskilling their leaders improves decision-making changing consumer preferences, and technological and inspires the entire team to keep learning and adapting. advancement. Digitization o昀昀ers both challenges In the agricultural industry, leaders who upgrade their and opportunities, and two key factors in skills and knowledge better understand emerging trends and Oaddressing these challenges are reskilling and disruptive technologies, enabling them to make more informed e昀昀ective data use. and e昀昀ective decisions. 吀栀is is an example of the team fostering a culture of continuous learning. RESKILLING STARTS WITH LEADERS When leaders engage in reskilling, their team follows suit Reskilling, or skills upgrading, must start with organizations' and participates in professional development programs, leaders as they guide change and innovation. Companies strengthening the organization's competitiveness and resilience in a constantly evolving environment. RESKILLING AND DATA An ATD report indicates that companies with regular training have 218% higher revenue per employee. LinkedIn Learning found that 94% of employees would stay longer at companies that invest in their development, and Gallup revealed that 87% of millennials value professional development and learning opportunities. A recent study on reskilling and the use of data in the agricultural supply chain concluded that continuous learning and professional development are essential to adapt to technological advances and market changes. Companies that invest in comprehensive employee training increase job satisfaction, retention, and productivity, resulting in higher pro昀椀t margins. Continued on Page 4. 22   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 62 Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 Page 61 Page 63