RFC Distributors, Crespo Organic Mangoes, Abasto Magazine

Desde el campo mexicano hasta los mercados estadounidenses. RFC Distributors narra de qué forma cosechan, seleccionan, empacan y transportan los productos.

EEXXPP.. G GRROUP LOUP LLLCC is the Strongest Supply Chain in the Western Hemispherel By Violeta Montes de Oca xp. Group LLC is a multinational-level conglomerate Sera昀椀no in an interview with Abasto. based on several companies. It is the strongest supply Exp. Group LLC headquarters are in North Bergen, NJ, just chain in the Western Hemisphere and soon globally. 昀椀ve miles outside New York City. La empresa vende más de 150 SKU con múltiples Last September, they opened their second location in variaciones, entre las que se incluyen coco, papaya, McAllen, TX. Emango, aguacate y piña. En hortalizas y tubérculos, “We e昀케ciently invest in countries and di昀昀erent types venden zanahorias, ajicito, chayote, jengibre, kabocha, of infrastructure, as well as Central and South America, to malanga y yuca. distribute produce globally. Founded in October of 2005 by Emil Sera昀椀no, with Italian/ And that’s what makes the Exp. Sicilian descent/birth, and managed by his son Anthony Group very special, because Sera昀椀no, it is a company with an e昀케cient network of production, we like to control every aspect importation, and distribution of tropical fruits and vegetables of the supply chain, which is from Central and South America. growing, packing, shipping, The company sells over 150 SKUs with distributing, wholesaling, and multiple variations, including coconut, retail, and that allows us to do papaya, mango, avocado and pineapple. what we do,” said Sera昀椀no. In vegetable and tubers, they sell ajicito, carrots, chayote, ginger, kabocha, KEY OF SUCCESS malanga, and yuca. Quality, brand, service and Bananas and plantains are the culture are Exp. Group LLC main produce stars. pillars as a company, which are “We try to corner different taking them to the next level. demographics, and that allows us to Culture involves character, really have that supply chain. We common sense, and creativity. are now entering European and “吀栀e brand is very important Anthony Sera昀椀no, Asian markets with some of because I want people to have immense presidente de Exp. our asparagus merchandise pride in where they work. I pride myself Group LLC. in having the strongest brand in the Rio Grande Valley. We feel FACTS that we’re winning brands now”, said Sera昀椀no. 2005 when North BIG PLANS FOR A BIG COMPANY Bergen, NJ opened 吀栀e Exp Group has plans to open its third location in Florida and a fourth one in California. Exp. Group LLC is “We feel that these four premises will corner the market and comprised of seven supply our lead-focused country, the United States of America, di昀昀erent companies delivering that exact mission statement: the best possible produce across the globe,” said Sera昀椀no. 500 people work as labor force Florida and California are crucial states providing geographical and logistical bene昀椀ts and advantages. 500,000,000 lbs. of produce Exp. “We are looking to raise our investments, not potentially in Group LLC distributes a year those markets and other markets that we are currently looking at in the United States to provide a great logistical hub for us, that we’re leaning in,” said President Anthony but anything that can improve our supply chain.” 66   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

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