Tecnologías emergentes en la agricultura, Abasto

En los últimos años, las tecnologías emergentes y la IA han revolucionado el mundo de la agricultura con automatización, eficiencia y sostenibilidad.

4 Fruits You Can Eat During the Fall By Iván Aranaga ach season of the year has its own group of foods to o昀昀er you. Fall arrives with a variety of fresh fruits 4. BLUEBERRIES suitable for adapting to the new temperature. 吀栀ese small reddish-blue berries are very healthy After spring and summer, the heat is not as strong. due to their high nutritional value. 吀栀ey provide It could be said that the weather is intermediate. antioxidants, 昀氀avonoids, anthocyanins, and ELeaves begin to fall from the trees, and certain rainy carotenoids, among others, which protect periods also appear, which refreshes the environment. 吀栀en, against various diseases. more consistent fruits appear. 吀栀ey also provide 昀椀ber, carbohydrates, water, Perhaps you saw some of them at the end of summer, but and vitamins. 吀栀eir 昀氀avor? Slightly acidic and it is in this season when their 昀氀avor becomes more pleasant sweeter than other berries. and intense. 1. PEARS 吀栀ey are a classic of the temperate season. 吀栀eir most enjoyable moment begins in August and ends in November. 吀栀ey are full of nutrients and vitamin C. A pear provides you with 12% of your daily requirements, in addition to other vitamin substances and 昀椀ber. 吀栀ere are many varieties, but the Asian one is the most popular in autumn when it takes on a beautiful yellow color. 2. FIGS 吀栀ese fruits from the 昀椀g tree are equally delicious and nutritious. 吀栀ey provide you with vitamin A, C, and minerals like potassium. 吀栀ey also have a lot of 昀椀ber and natural sugars, which injects a lot of energy into you. To eat them fresh, take advantage of this season. 3. APPLES Apples are some of the most abundant fruits in this season. Inevitably, they will tempt you because they are very tasty. Both the red and yellow ones as well as the green ones. Moreover, they are nutritious, loaded with 昀椀ber and vitamin C, and it is believed that they o昀昀er some neurological bene昀椀ts. 1616   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

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