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Cómo celebrar el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, Abasto Magazine

El Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana es una oportunidad para reflexionar acerca de la contribución de los hispanos en la producción de productos frescos.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage How We Can All Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month By: Mary Heslep, Ten Acre Marketing ational Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated each decades. year from mid-September to mid-October, is an As a professional female who has worked to advance my opportunity for the fresh produce industry to re昀氀ect career in the fresh produce industry for more than a decade, on the history of people of Hispanic descent and their I know 昀椀rsthand that representation matters. 吀栀e same can contributions to the overall production of fruits and be said for the Hispanic community of professionals in our Nvegetables. industry. Representation provides validation and creates an 吀栀e month-long event is also a time to celebrate Hispanic inclusive environment of respect and belonging. professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners' great According to International Fresh Produce Associations’ strides within their communities and the supply chain. Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Toolkit 1, diversity does not work without inclusion. “An inclusive and welcoming REFLECTIONS ON THIS CELEBRATION environment builds con昀椀dence and creates an environment 吀栀is year, I invite everyone across the fresh produce supply in which everyone feels confident in bringing their full chain to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month by professional selves – in ways that realize their full potential re昀氀ecting on the contributions of our many colleagues, peers and drive team and company performance.” and friends of hispanic descent in the produce industry that From c-suite executives and entrepreneurs to sales teams, have played pivotal roles in the growth of our industry for administrative sta昀昀, and seasonal workers, our industry's Continues on page 44 4242 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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