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Hispanidad en Estados Unidos, Abasto Magazine

La comunidad hispana en EE. UU. representa un gran porcentaje de la población total del país. Conozca diez datos interesantes acerca de la hispanidad.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage WWhhatat is is H Hispaispanniicc?? 10 Facts about Hispanic identity in the USA By Iván Aranaga ou must have often heard entirely di昀昀erent. someone being called Hispanic. An example is the use given by the National 吀栀is term has been known since Museum of the American Latino. 吀栀is forum links ancient times. But, do you know the term “Latino” with the ancestral or cultural what is Hispanic? connection of those regions. YYou must have often heard Therefore, it uses it to refer to culturally someone being called Hispanic. 吀栀is connected USA residents. Others use it to describe term has been known since ancient people of color, Asians, or indigenous people. times. But, do you know what is Likewise, to talk about individuals of European Hispanic? descent. What is Hispanic for others? Some use it If you live or have ever been in the to refer to Spanish speakers. USA, you know that there are many residents whose mother tongue is Spanish. 10 FACTS ABOUT Americans call them Hispanics. This identity HISPANICS IN THE encompasses anyone who speaks this language or has roots in Latin UNITED STATES America. For example, Mexicans descended 1. A Month-Long Celebration. Hispanic from indigenous people, Argentines with Heritage Month celebrations begin on September Italian ancestry, or Ecuadorians with African 15 and continue through October 15 each year. It ancestors. all started in 1968. 吀栀ey even include this classi昀椀cation within the ethnic category, separate from the racial 2. The Largest Minority. Over 65.2 million one. Hence, a Cuban American is considered people of Hispanic origin live in the United States, Hispanic and Black. according to the 2023 government Census Bureau Or also Hispanic and White, depending on data. Of that population, the fastest-growing the characteristics associated with their race. group was made up of Venezuelans, Guatemalans, and Dominicans. 3. The Most Latino States. According to HISPANIC VS. LATINO the 2020 Census, the 10 states with the largest Hispanic population are: Arizona, California, Another word you have surely heard a lot is Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Latino. Like Hispanic, it is accepted to identify New Mexico, New York, and Texas. Americans with roots in Latin America or the 4. Population as a Resource. Latinos or Caribbean. Hispanics have transformed the demographics Although the two terms are often used of the US. 吀栀eir in昀氀uence also contributes to the interchangeably, the meaning for some people is economy, food, music, and even politics. 6666 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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