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FOOD INDUSTRY TThhee PPuurrppllee C Croroww C Ceelleebbrraatteess i ittss SumSummmeerr F Foooodd S Shhooww 20 202244 By Hernando Ramírez-Santos Our Summer Show was great!” said Rick Calabro, general manager of the Purple Crow, at the close of the event held at the Hispanic distribution center’s Winston-Salem facility on 吀栀ursday, June 13, 2024. As has been traditional over the years, the Hispanic “food trade show was held in a very family-friendly atmosphere, where suppliers and buyers of grocery products made good business deals. “Buyers bene昀椀ted signi昀椀cantly from the savings o昀昀ered during the show, which led to amazing volume sales,” noted Calabro, who, along with his entire Purple Crow team, o昀昀ered personalized attention to exhibitors and attendees. ATTENDANCE CONTINUES GROWING Likewise, Calabro thanked everyone who attended the Summer Show. “吀栀e turnout was truly amazing, and we were delighted to see so many of our loyal customers. 吀栀eir presence added incredible excitement and energy, making the event a resounding success.” In turn, representatives of the many product brands o昀昀ered at the trade show expressed their satisfaction with the number of deals and business contacts they achieved during the event. “Attending the Purple Crow show has been an incredibly bene昀椀cial experience for the Gamesa brand,” said Keith Shelnut, Gamesa brand Key Account Manager, who highlighted that the event allowed them to showcase their innovative products directly to key retailers who stopped by the booth. “吀栀e interactions with these retailers are unparalleled because they come to our booth. It’s one of the few places where all the retailers come to us rather than us coming to them. 吀栀at’s very valuable; it helps us build stronger relationships and understand their needs. Most importantly, the show’s participation has led to substantial increases in sales because, at the end of the day, we all want to get more sales. We thank the Purple Crow and the Calhoun family for inviting us,” added Shelnut. NEW PRODUCTS SHOWCASED For his part, Franklin Morales, district sales manager for Novamex, made the most of the Purple Crow Summer Show 2024 to present new products and the company’s 昀氀agship line of beverages, 2828 JJUULLYY//AAUUGGUUSST 2T 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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