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AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY Peppers Pillar of Hispanic Cuisine and its Impact on New Generations By Paola Ochoa/AgTools eppers originated from Central and South America, and historians believe that natives 昀椀rst domesticated them over 6,000 years ago in the region that is now Mexico, where they cultivated the peppers for food and ornamental purposes. Over the centuries, numerous varieties of peppers have been grown Pwith a great diversity of shapes, sizes, colors, and heat levels. 吀栀e culti- vation of peppers has been adapted to di昀昀erent climatic conditions, which has made their production possible in various parts of the world. Peppers are a fundamental ingredient in numerous cuisines around the world, contributing their distinctive 昀氀avor, color, and texture to dishes ranging from Asian and Italian to Hispanic and Indian cuisine. Its presence extends from stews to emblematic sauces. In some Latin American countries such as Costa Rica, Mexico, and Peru, chiles or bell peppers stu昀昀ed with meat or other ingredients are common. Some variants use di昀昀erent peppers, such as the jalapeños in Mexico (chile relleno) or the Peruvian rocoto relleno. BELL PEPPER PRODUCTION In 2023, the United States produced and received peppers from several states and countries, including Mexico, Canada, Florida, California, Belgium, and Honduras. During the 昀椀rst four months of 2023, the United States sold 851 million pounds of peppers. However, in 2024, the quantity increased to 877 million pounds, an increase of 3%. 吀栀is increase was especially notable in April. Over these 昀椀rst four months, Mexico historically ranked as the leading supplier of peppers to the United States. However, in 2024, its export volume slightly increased by 1.9% compared to 2023. Sinaloa is the leader in bell pepper production in Mexico, with 48.53% of the volume produced in 2022, while Sonora and Guanajuato complete the top three with 18.6% and 9.65%, respectively. Florida, the undisputed leader in pepper production in the United States, had a record season in the 昀椀rst four months of 2024. Its production increased by 8.33%, with its highest production peak in March. 6464 JJUULLYY//AAUUGGUUSST 2T 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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