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HIGH DEMAND, HIGH PRICES Despite the increase in Florida production and imports from Mexico, prices for this product remain high. In March, green peppers reached a record price of $2.16 per pound, which speaks to the high consumer demand for this vegetable. Di昀昀erences in peppers' colors a昀昀ect their appearance, 昀氀avor, and texture. Green peppers have a more robust, less sweet 昀氀avor, while red, yellow, and orange peppers o昀昀er more sweetness and juiciness. 吀栀is diversity allows consumers to select the type of bell pepper that best complements their recipes in 昀氀avor and visual presentation. Speaking of prices, green peppers, being the least ripe, are also the least expensive for the consumer. 吀栀e orange bell pepper has reached the highest prices, reaching almost $4 per pound. In addition, peppers are rich in 昀椀ber, which aids digestion and contributes to the feeling of satiety, helping in weight control. 吀栀ey also contain 昀氀avonoids and carotenoids, which have anti-in昀氀ammatory properties and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. 吀栀eir low caloric content and versatility in the kitchen make them an ideal food to incorporate into a balanced and nutritious diet. AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM JJ UULYLY//AAUUGGUUSSTT 2 2002244 6565

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