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OUR COVER PPiillllaar r iin n tthhe e HHiissppaanniic c FFrroozzeenn FFoooodd MMaarkrkeett By Hernando Ramírez-Santos n the East Coast of the United States, La Fe has established itself as one of the industry's most recognized Hispanic frozen food brands. With more than half a century of history, this brand has adapted and grown in a competitive Omarket, o昀昀ering products that satisfy the needs of the Hispanic community and capture the attention of consumers from diverse cultures. LEADERS IN INNOVATION EVOLUTION AND EXPANSION OF LA FE 吀栀e key to La Fe's success has been its focus on quality and Since its founding more than 56 years ago, La Fe has been a leader convenience, whether preparing and sharing favorite recipes among in providing essential products for Hispanic families. family and friends or providing convenient snacks and refreshing 吀栀ey started with foods such as frozen yucca chunks, fruit beverages. pulps, and guava paste. Not only did these products quickly become 吀栀e brand has developed a portfolio of more than 1,400 products, favorites of Hispanic consumers, but they also attracted a broader many of which are vegan, kosher, non-GMO and A+ certi昀椀ed. audience on the East Coast of the United States. Its most notable products are convenient, ready-to-serve (RTS) However, La Fe has faced several challenges in this growth frozen and air fryer-friendly snacks. process, especially in a changing and evolving post-COVID-19 吀栀ese innovations have allowed them to expand into large chains marketplace. such as Walmart, Kroger, and Target and gain acceptance from One of the biggest challenges has been maintaining control of the second-generation Hispanic consumers and a mainstream audience. supply chain, a昀昀ected by global events. However, with suppliers in La Fe's frozen food portfolio represents 65% of its business, with regions such as Central and South America, Asia, and Europe, La Fe more than 500 products that include frozen yucca, exotic fruit pulps, has managed to stabilize costs and maintain its growth. sweet plantains, tostones, and a line of empanadas. Today, La Fe directly serves more than 吀栀ese foods are imported mainly from Latin America and the 12 states on the East Coast and indirectly Caribbean. 吀栀ey also import banana leaves from 吀栀ailand, one of reaches places like Illinois, Texas, and the best-selling products along the East Coast due to its freshness California, establishing itself as the 昀椀rst and high quality. However, they also have local products from the choice for quality products for Hispanic United States, such as frozen vegetables. consumers of all generations. CONSUMER FAVORITES 吀栀e acceptance of La Fe's frozen foods on the East Coast has been remarkable. According to a study conducted by WATT in early 2024, La Fe is in the top 3 for Anglo-Hispanic brand recognition and is the preferred frozen product portfolio for second-generation Hispanic and mainstream consumers between the ages of 20 and 45. 2626 JJUULLYY//AAUUGGUUSST 2T 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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