special insert All about The Tortilla Industry Association’s Convention 2024 By Violeta Montes de Oca he world would be vastly di昀昀erent without the industry built around tortillas and 昀氀atbread. 吀栀at is why the Tortilla 'A World of Tortillas' Industry Association is ready for its Annual Convention Tortillas have become an 2024 And Trade Show to happen on May 8-9-10 at Horseshoe international food everywhere Casino Resort of Las Vegas, Nevada. 吀栀is event is a unique and not just in the U.S., but in Topportunity for tortilla manufacturers, industry suppliers, and distributors to network, learn about the latest industry trends, Europe and Asia and Africa. and showcase their products and services. Visitors from the United States, 吀栀e Convention is designed for all participants in the Mexico, Canada, Germany, tortilla industry, regardless of the scale of their operation, Netherlands, England, Italy, said Kabbani, who has led TIA for a decade. 吀栀is event is open and France, among other to manufacturers, industry suppliers, distributors, and any countries, will be there. company interested in the fast-growing industry. “We call it ‘A World of TIA was founded in 1990 to serve the emerging tortilla Tortillas’ because tortillas industry. It is a non-pro昀椀t organization based in Arlington, have become an international Virginia, aiming to assist manufacturers, suppliers, and food everywhere and not distributors in the growing tortilla industry. TIA seeks to just in the U.S., but in Europe promote the consumption of tortillas, including alternative and Asia and Africa,” said Jim uses in mainstream American dishes such as sandwiches, Kabbani, CEO of the Tortilla soups, and desserts. Industry Association (TIA) to JIM KABBANI Abasto during an interview. DIRECTOR GENERAL DE LA TORTILLA e INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (TIA) ortillas ar T y da o t ar l popu e mor l .S. than al in the U s, ¿Who is Going? thnic bread ther e o s, l ge a b as h 70 exhibiting suc , and ish mu昀케ns Engl pita bread. D CHEMISTRY companies CE: FOO SOUR 550 attendees 18 different countries 44 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 20224 - 4 - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM

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