Abasto Magazine - May/June 2024
Essential Guide for the Hispanic Entrepreneur: Now Available in ENGLISH!
In This Issue INDUSTRY BUSINESS SHOWCASE FOOD 14 BIG FUTURE 34 RETAIL ADVERTISING Cordialsa USA celebrates How this tool helps grocers 20 years with ambitious create experiences that engage COVER growth goals. consumers. THE COVER STORY 16 GRUPO BAFAR 30 IRRESISTIBLE A Mexican company 36 MEZCAL CHAMOY MEGA committed to quality. Contributor Ramón Portilla Enjoy the summer and the back to takes us on a journey through school season, with delicious Chamoy IN THE NEWS the land where mezcal is Mega sauce. 18 BETTER produced. SPECIAL INSERTS SERVICE 48 SUPERIOR IN Cardenas Markets 18 TORTILLA launches loyalty program. LAS VEGAS INDUSTRY 22 NEW LAW Superior Grocers opened its 昀椀rst supermarket in Las Vegas. 吀栀e Tortilla Industry Association holds The State of Washington its annual trade show in Las Vegas. protects supermarket AGRICULTURE workers. 60 BORDER 48 CANDY & SNACKS OUTLOOK FLAVORS 吀栀e industry meets in Indianapolis 26 TECHNOLOGY The route of Mexican fruits May 14-16. and vegetables through 吀栀e use of AI in retail pricing. McAllen, Texas. 28 ECONOMY 62 THE MEXICO 吀栀e impact of technology on Hispanic shopping behavior. CONFERENCE IFPA invites the agribusiness industry to the event to be held May 22-23 in Guadalajara. 44 MMAAYYOO//JJUUNNIIO 2O 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
EDITORIAL A ShA red Achievement t Abasto, each issue marks a further step in our its distribution at the most important tortilla industry event commitment to excellence and quality information. in the United States, the Tortilla Industry Association (TIA) Today, we are honored to share a significant show in Las Vegas, NV. 吀栀is insert is not only a recognition of achievement with you: this edition, which you hold the tradition and innovation in tortilla manufacturing but also in your hands, has reached 132 pages, a record number a tool for connecting industry professionals. Afor our publication. 吀栀is achievement not only re昀氀ects our growth but also the constant support we receive from our 吀栀e second insert is dedicated to the vibrant candy industry, readers and advertisers. aligned with the Sweets & Snacks event, the leading showcase for the candy industry in the United States, which will be held G r A tI t U de t O OU r re A der S A nd A dvertIS er S in Indianapolis, IN. 吀栀is insert highlights the latest trends and First, we want to express our sincere thanks to you, our developments in the world of sweets and snacks, providing a readers, who month after month choose Abasto as your comprehensive and updated view that we hope will be of great preferred source of information in the food industry. Your interest to our readers. interest and loyalty are the reason for our e昀昀orts. Likewise, we extend our gratitude to our advertisers, whose con昀椀dence in lOO kin G tO w A rd the F U tU re our platform has been indispensable for this growth. Without Each page of this special edition re昀氀ects our commitment to their support, this editorial achievement would not have been excellence and innovation. By expanding our content to include possible. these special inserts, we not only celebrate these two sectors we cover but also reinforce our role as a leading informational r ec OG niti O n t O the Ab AS t O t e A m medium in the food industry. 吀栀is milestone is also the result of the tireless work of our 吀栀ank you for being part of this journey, for believing in our team. From journalists and editors to the design, sales, and work, and for making each of these 132 pages possible. Together, administration sta昀昀, every Abasto employee has played a we will continue to move forward, inform, and celebrate the crucial role. Day after day, their dedication and professionalism many facets of the food industry. ensure that both our print and digital versions are benchmarks of quality and relevance in the sector. Until the next edition. Speci A l InS ert S : c elebr A tin G Inn O v A ti O n S in the Ind US trY Gustavo Calabro 吀栀is special 132-page issue includes two special inserts that highlight vital categories of our industry. 吀栀e 昀椀rst celebrates the tortilla industry and its rich history, corresponding with 66 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
Our TM BUENOS CONSEJOS. Collaborators BUENOS NEGOCIOS. MARY RON ANA JULIO IBÁÑEZ PAOLA OCHOA COPPOLA HESLEP MARGULIS MARÍA TRIANA Retail Executive, Director of Operations Creative Director of Director of RAM Psychologist & International. CEO at Agtools. She has Ten Acre Marketing. Communications, Business Consultant. of Aurora Grocery a Master's degree in Former vice presi- LLC. He is a journa- She is Marketing Group and President Clinical Nutrition and dent of marketing for list specializing in Director of AnaBella of the Hispanic more than 10 years United Fresh Produce the food industry. Dried Food. Retail Chamber of of experience in the Association. Commerce. supply chain. JAIME ENRIQUE RICARDO GAITÁN “RICK” PARRA Branding specialist. RAMON PORTILLA NISSA PIERSON Executive Director of Master in Marketing Founder HumanX Renowned herb expert, multicultural consul- Management, Insights. Visionary cooking teacher and ting for Cross Cultural Universidad San Plablo. leader in customer recipe creator. Nissa Conexion with over Author of the book: "101 insights. Passionate writes about fresh 30 years in the CPG useful branding tips". about CX. Innovator herbs on her blog sector. in Insights technology MyHerbal-Roots.com. ABASTO MEDIA IS ACCREDITED / ACTIVELY INVOLVED Gerente General / VIOLETA MONTES DE OCA Mercadotecnia Multicultural WITH THE FOLLOWING ASSOCIATIONS: General Manager [email protected] • /Multicultural Marketing GUSTAVO CALABRO 336.724.9718 x.203 ANITA GRACE, MBA [email protected] • Cuentas Nacionales / [email protected] • 336.724.9718 x.204 National Accounts 763.792.3538 ELIANA LANKERD Director Creativo / Creative [email protected] • Administración & Eventos / Director 336.724.9718 x.202 Administration & Events JENNIFER PANTOJA-PAREDES Ventas México-Latam / FERNANDA PIÑEROS WALKER [email protected] • Sales Representative LATAM fernanda.pineros@abasto. 336.724.9718 x.201 MARCELA CHAVES com • 336.724.9718 x.213 [email protected] • Coordinador Editorial / 336.724.9718 x.206 PPubublliicciiddaadd / / A Addvvererttiissiinngg Editorial Coordinator NILDA MARÍN adadveverrttiissiinngg@@aabbaassttoo..ccoomm HERNANDO [email protected] • 33336.6.44886.6.22442244 Abasto es una revista bimestral de circulación nacional publicada By Hispanic RAMÍREZ-SANTOS 336.968.1276 Marketing Consultants, Inc. P.O. Box 20577 Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproducción parcial o total de su [email protected] JUAN PABLO MADERO Suscripciones / Suscriptions contenido sin previa autorización del Editor. Abasto investiga la seriedad de sus anunciantes, pero no se hace responsable del contenido de las ofertas. Las • 336.724.9718 x.205 [email protected] • [email protected] opiniones expresadas By los autores y contribuyentes que colaboran en esta revista no son necesariamente compartidas By los editores o representantes 52.1.333.167. 8502 de HMC (Hispanic Marketing Consultants) Abasto Media. 88 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
FEATURED PRODUCTS At Lol-Tun® we create products that traditionally represent the Mexican family, with warmth, commitment and authentic natural 昀氀avor. We bring to your kitchen the perfect selection of Sauces, Preserves and our practical Pastes for cooking, so you can make all those delicious dishes with a taste of Mexico a reality. SALES USA: SUPPLY SERVICES & SOLUTIONS LLC HTTP://SUPPLYSERVICESS.COM/ [email protected] TEL Y WHATSAPP: USA +1 (210) 687 85 64 MEX +52 (552) 270 11 67 Chicharrones Señorial Chicharrones lands in the United States! A new jewel in the market! We are pleased to intro- duce Señorial Chicharrones, a delicacy with a wide recognition in Central America. Available in three Pasta La Moderna® delicious 昀氀avors: BBQ, Spicy BBQ and Lemon Chile. La Moderna USA introduces the new sign language paste which A product that has conquered the hearts of Central features a carefully crafted alphabet derived from Mexican Sign America and many Latinos, its authentic 昀氀avor has Language. been present in families and has been passed down By purchasing this product, you will be helping the non-pro昀椀t from generation to generation. Available in your organization Texas Hands & Voices (A chapter of Hands & Voices). favorite store, join the movement of those addicted To learn more about Sign Language, visit to the most exquisite snack on the market. www.LaModernaUSA.com We have made our products reach families in the United States, And don't worry, we have many surprises in store Central America, South America and other parts of the world. for you in the future! We are a proudly Mexican company and we will continue working to feed the world. EDT CORPORATION LA MODERNA • WWW.LAMODERNA.COM.MX • TEL: 1 (888) 944 9411 [email protected] WWW.SOMOSVPA.COM 1010 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
SPRING Picnic XOT ENERGY TAKE A XOT! Awaken your senses with XOT Energy! A carbonated energy drink made with natural fruits. XOT accompanies you in your day, added with vitamins B2, B3, B6 and B12 and reinforced with natural ca昀昀eine to give you the energy you need. Taste the freshness and natural 昀氀avor in every sip!! VILORE FOODS • WWW.VILORE.COM • 210-509-9496 • [email protected] Pepito USA In 1971, Mr. José Jaime Porras started Poductos Pepito in Mexico City, producing peanut brittle, a totally handmade product. He later entered the U.S. market with the PEPECUATE brand, becoming the preferred brand of the Hispanic consumer. We are back with a wide variety of products.. [email protected] | HTTPS://PEPITO.GLOBAL La Preferida Seasoning Blends Try our new trio of condiments! Spice up your next meal with La Preferida's new seasonings. Made with a balanced blend of herbs and spices, La Preferida's new seasonings are easy to use and perfect for your favorite taco recipes! LA PREFERIDA | WWW.LAPREFERIDA.COM | TEL: 1 (800) 621-5422 | [email protected] Productos FUD Awaken your senses and get ready for an explosion of 昀氀avor! Grilling season has arrived at FUD, and with it, the opportunity to create unforgettable memories with your family. Make sausages, cheeses and sausages the star ingredients of your barbecues. Are you passionate about 昀椀re and cooking? Visit fudusa.com/ and 昀椀nd a wide variety of recipes that will help you conquer the most demanding palates. BAR-S FOODS – A SIGMA COMPANY WWW.FUDUSA.COM | 1-800-699-4115 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM MMAAYY/J/JUUNNEE 2 2002244 1111
USEFUL DATA bottled water Brands dominating the bo琀琀led water business Leading bottled water brands by world market share (%)* Dasani Master Kong Fiji (Coca-Cola) (Tingyi) (The Wonderful Company) Evian Volvic San Pellegrino (Danone) (Danone) (Nestlé) Distributor Perrier Other brands (Nestlé) Brands *DATA AS OF 2022. THERE 8 GRANDS TOGETHER REPRESENT 41 PERCENT OF THE MARKET. **ESTIMATES AS OF DECEMBER 2023. SOURCE: STATISTA MARKET INSIGHTS How popular is bo琀琀led water? Market Percentage of respondents who say they drink bottled water volume regularly in selected countries (%) (in billions of liters) 2,000-6,000 RESPONDENTS (18-64 Y/O) PER COUNTRY, SURVEYED JAN.-DEC. 2023 SOURCE: STATISTA CONSUMER INSIGHTS 1212 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
BUSINESS SHOWCASE Cordialsa USA Celebrates its 20th Anniversary Ambitious Goals to Secure its Future By Hernando Ramírez-Santos ordialsa USA is celebrating its 20th anniversary as sales achieved in 2020. a distributor of leading Hispanic food brands in the We continue to see immense potential in the U.S. Hispanic United States. It has been two decades of growth market. We are con昀椀dent that it will continue to grow, and we thanks to the vision of the company’s team, which has want to participate actively and participate in it. positioned its product portfolio in di昀昀erent regions of RA: We understand that Cordialsa USA Cthe country. operates in other countries; where else does Cordialsa USA knows that the U.S. Hispanic market and its the company have a presence? purchasing power are improving daily. For this reason, they LA: Cordialsa USA is part of Grupo Nutresa, a leader in have set an ambitious goal in their strategic development plan. processed foods in Colombia - with 50.2% of consolidated Luis Arango, Managing Director of Cordialsa USA, talked to market share - and one of the most relevant players in the Abasto about the company and how they prepare to continue sector in Latin America through eight business units: Meat, growing. Biscuits, Chocolates, Co昀昀ees, Tresmontes Lucchetti (TMLUC), Abasto Magazine: This year, Cordialsa USA Consumer Foods, Ice Cream, Pasta, and Others. celebrates its twentieth anniversary. How did With over 100 years of existence and more than 49,000 it start? employees, Grupo Nutresa is a diversified company in Luis Arango: Cordialsa USA began operations in 2004 geography, products, and supply, with a direct presence in 18 in California, intending to distribute some of the Grupo countries and international sales of US$1,783 million in 82 Nutresa brands in the Hispanic market in the United States. countries. Subsequently, in 2007, the main headquarters moved to RA: With what products did the company Houston. become known in the market? Cordialsa USA has grown rapidly in recent years. As a product LA: Cordialsa USA began its operations with leading brands of this year’s strategic planning exercise, the company has set with a long tradition in their respective countries of origin. a new and ambitious goal: to grow seven times by 2030, the Today, our portfolio consists of more than 40 brands, some 1414 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
LuiLuiss A Arraannggoo Managing Director, Cordialsa USA from Nutresa and others from third parties that have entrusted the development of their business in our hands. RA: How has Cordialsa USA evolved since its beginnings? LA: At Cordialsa USA, we have declared that our vision is to develop a robust and e昀케cient distribution network with the best multicultural product o昀昀erings. Over the last eight years, we have increased our sales by a factor of 12 and our sta昀昀 by a factor of 18.. RA: What makes Cordialsa USA more and We have 昀椀ve regional sales o昀케ces, nine distribution centers more attractive for retail? for dry and frozen products, and our own DSD distribution, LA: At Cordialsa USA, we have products close to the tastes serving most of the East Coast of the United States. In addition, and preferences of Hispanic Americans, including Mexicans, we created a special B2B business division to serve di昀昀erent Caribbeans, Peruvians, Colombians, Ecuadorians, Venezuelans, industries. and Central Americans, among others. RA: What is the company’s scope regarding On the other hand, our customers recognize us for our good categories and brands? point-of-sale management, seasonality, additional displays, LA: We currently have a presence in 21 categories through service level, and logistics. We focus on helping retailers sell 700 SKUs and expect to incorporate some new ones in the more, which is why they reward us with loyalty and support. coming months. We also have a trade marketing team RA: What projects will occupy the company’s implementing over 100 campaigns and generating over 10,000 attention in the future? contact points with the consumer. LA: At Cordialsa USA, we have outlined a plan that RA:How has Cordialsa USA adapted to new contemplates growing our distribution capabilities, technologies? incorporating new categories, strengthening our relationship LA: At Cordialsa USA, we have the latest technology tools with our partners, and developing our people. to interact with our commercial team in real-time. 吀栀ese Recently, we took over the direct distribution of the Dux, tools allow us, among other things, to collect and store more Saltín, Ducales, and Festival brands on the East Coast. 吀栀ese than 50,000 point-of-sale photographs per month, which brands have been present for many years in the U.S. market. will be critical to streamline trade marketing processes and 吀栀ey are emblematic of Latin American consumers, who have make strategic decisions on time. In addition, we have a solid had them in their homes for years thanks to their quality, tradi- structure dedicated to boosting online sales. tion, and leadership in their countries of origin. RA: What has been the most crucial success 吀栀ey are brands with the backing of a well-known manu- for Cordialsa USA in its 20 years? facturer and have been in the market for more than 100 years. LA: We base our model on our distribution network, RA: There is no doubt about the importance ability to reach the market, our management of brands, and of the Dux, Ducales, Saltín, and Festival brands the development of our people. 吀栀e latter has been vital to in the U.S. Hispanic cookie market. How has the company’s growth, and today, we have leaders with retail received the news? extraordinary professional and human capabilities and a LA: 吀栀anks to the support of our customers and the passionate, competitive, and diverse team of collaborators commitment of our commercial team, we have achieved signi昀椀cant sales growth in these territories while at the same time achieving a clear improvement in the visibility of our brands in stores and a substantial expansion of references in our portfolio. AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM MMAAYY/J/JUUNNEE 2 2002244 1515
IN THE NEWS SupSupeeririoror G Grroocceerrss AArrirrivveess i inn Di Dinnububaa,, C CAA By Hernando Ramírez-Santos ith the opening of its 72nd store in Dinuba, COMMITMENT TO THE DINUBA COMMUNITY California, Superior Grocers took another step Superior Grocers demonstrated its dedication to supporting in its growth in the southern part of the state. education and community development by presenting a $3,000 Mayor Maribel Reynosa, Vice Mayor Rachel check to Dinuba High School during the grand opening event Nerio-Guerrero, Councilmember Kuldip 吀栀usu on February 7. Wand Eddie Valero, Supervisor of District Four of In addition, another check was presented to the non-pro昀椀t Tulare County, were present at the opening of the supermarket. organization Campus Life, reinforcing the company's commitment to investing in the future success and well-being of Dinuba's youth. CaCardrdeenanass M Maarrkkeettss ha hass a a nneeww l looyyaltaltyy p prrooggrraamm By Abasto eritage Grocers Group more customers to the HGG family," added launched the innovative Salgado. 'Cardenas Rewards' loyalty Cardenas Markets is headquartered program, designed to provide in Ontario, CA, and currently even more value and added operates a total of 58 stores under Hbene昀椀ts to regular customers the Cardenas Markets brand of Cardenas Markets, a subsidiary of HGG. and seven stores under the Los "We are thrilled to o昀昀er our innovative Altos Ranch Markets brand in new loyalty program to our customers California, Nevada and Arizona. and are grateful for their participation," 吀栀e 'Cardenas Rewards' mobile said Adam Salgado, Chief Marketing app is available for download on O昀케cer of HGG. Apple's App Store or Google Play. "吀栀is program is another great way for Customers can also sign up for the us to engage with our local community and new loyalty program and show our appreciation to our loyal customers start enjoying incredible for choosing to shop with us. Likewise, this bene昀椀ts by loyalty program will allow us to leverage data visiting and trends to further customize our o昀昀ering https:// and tailor it to our customers' changing cardenas- shopping needs. As HGG continues to rewards.web. launch exciting new initiatives like Cardenas app Rewards, we look forward to welcoming even 1818 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

special insert Sustainable, Non-GMO and OrganiC A Great Seal of Quality for Minsa USA’s Flour By Hernando Ramírez-Santos n a world where more and more AM: How do you promote consumers are looking for healthy and organic and sustainable sustainable food options, Minsa USA ingredients in your has adapted to these emerging trends, product line? ensuring sustainability and care for the IA: The demand for organic, Ienvironment in its corn 昀氀our production non-GMO, and sustainable process. products has increased over the To learn more about Minsa USA’s commitment to last decades, and it is not a trend sustainability and the reduction of its carbon footprint, that came and went; it is here to stay. Minsa has Abasto Magazine interviewed the company’s director, Iván been preparing for this trend, and we have followed the Ahumada-Gómez. guidelines, regulations, and needs of the market and the authorities to o昀昀er fully certi昀椀ed products. Abasto Magazine: How is Minsa USA adapting to new healthy trends in the food industry? AM:What organic products are you o昀昀ering?? Iván Ahumada: We are adding new product lines and IA: We have a line of organic corn 昀氀our for snacks and bene昀椀ts to our 昀氀ours. Improving our production chain tortillas in blue, white, and yellow corn varieties, guaranteed processes:. through the NPO Organic Certi昀椀cation. • Organic. • Transgenic free. AM: How does MINSA USA ensure it meets • Under an IMS (Integrated Management sustainability and product safety standards System) scheme. throughout its supply chain? • Using whole corn grain, 昀椀ber intake. IA: Our suppliers throughout the supply chain, from seed, grain, packaging materials, and production, must AM: How does Minsa USA ensure sustainability comply with all the requirements of our certi昀椀cations and in its production processes and reduce must be approved by our audits and those of the certi昀椀ers. environmental impact? In addition, we carry out continuous training of personnel IA: We follow strict standards that ensure sustainable and constantly communicate company policies. production and help protect the environment. In these AM: Do you have plans to expand your o昀昀er of procedures, it is worth highlighting: organic and sustainable products in the market? 吀栀e use of regenerative corn in 昀氀our production. IA: Without a doubt. 吀栀e 昀椀rst step is to o昀昀er the products Use of organic corn. to the tortilla and snack market (tortilla chips, chips, Recirculate nixtamal washing water for the cooking extruded products) and, as a second stage, to consumers in process. self-service (retail) chains. Minsa’s factories are accredited as Quali昀椀ed Users and, AM: What are the benefits of marketing GM- therefore, have access to the Wholesale Electricity free and organic products? Market. This is why IA: Marketing organic and GMO-free products promotes photovoltaic energy regenerative agriculture, protects biodiversity, and helps has been implemented restore farmland. In the case of organic corn, we help avoid in two plants and the soil and water contamination with pesticides and herbicides. cogeneration of electricity It is the way to grow as Mother Nature intended. in one plant. 22 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 20224 - 4 - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
special insert All about The Tortilla Industry Association’s Convention 2024 By Violeta Montes de Oca he world would be vastly di昀昀erent without the industry built around tortillas and 昀氀atbread. 吀栀at is why the Tortilla 'A World of Tortillas' Industry Association is ready for its Annual Convention Tortillas have become an 2024 And Trade Show to happen on May 8-9-10 at Horseshoe international food everywhere Casino Resort of Las Vegas, Nevada. 吀栀is event is a unique and not just in the U.S., but in Topportunity for tortilla manufacturers, industry suppliers, and distributors to network, learn about the latest industry trends, Europe and Asia and Africa. and showcase their products and services. Visitors from the United States, 吀栀e Convention is designed for all participants in the Mexico, Canada, Germany, tortilla industry, regardless of the scale of their operation, Netherlands, England, Italy, said Kabbani, who has led TIA for a decade. 吀栀is event is open and France, among other to manufacturers, industry suppliers, distributors, and any countries, will be there. company interested in the fast-growing industry. “We call it ‘A World of TIA was founded in 1990 to serve the emerging tortilla Tortillas’ because tortillas industry. It is a non-pro昀椀t organization based in Arlington, have become an international Virginia, aiming to assist manufacturers, suppliers, and food everywhere and not distributors in the growing tortilla industry. TIA seeks to just in the U.S., but in Europe promote the consumption of tortillas, including alternative and Asia and Africa,” said Jim uses in mainstream American dishes such as sandwiches, Kabbani, CEO of the Tortilla soups, and desserts. Industry Association (TIA) to JIM KABBANI Abasto during an interview. DIRECTOR GENERAL DE LA TORTILLA e INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (TIA) ortillas ar T y da o t ar l popu e mor l .S. than al in the U s, ¿Who is Going? thnic bread ther e o s, l ge a b as h 70 exhibiting suc , and ish mu昀케ns Engl pita bread. D CHEMISTRY companies CE: FOO SOUR 550 attendees 18 different countries 44 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 20224 - 4 - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM

Main Topics TIA Annual Convention 2024 And Trade Show will spin around the news in the tortilla industry. - Kabbani said a couple of things are going on, and the goal is to provide attendees with the latest on sorting and conquering. - Constant changes in regulations. - Update information about market data (market statistics and sales are evolving). Consumers drive the industry, and the industry must keep up with a vast interest in things like gluten-free and clean labels. FACT: In 2019, approximately 21 billion Upcoming Events TIA tortillas were consumed - Hands On Classes – July 9-11 / Dallas–Fort in the United States not Worth including tortilla chips Three days of small classes, 40 to 50 people, in which students mix their own dough. or chips. Fuente: TIA There is a machine to see how the corn or flour tortillas come out. The dynamic is to understand the science behind what happens if we add or don't add a little more of a certain ingredient. - TIA Europe - October 2-3 / Valencia, Spain Started in 2017 in Barcelona, Spain, with 50 attendees. Amsterdam, Belgrade and Munich are other cities where they have replicated the event. For this year the plan is to visit a couple of factories and tour their bullpen area. - TIA Tech – October 29-30 / Los Angeles, CA This two-day Technical Conference revolves around educational sessions. There are small exhibits during the cocktail reception on the first day. The second day plans to visit tortilla or ingredient supplier factories. AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM MMAAYY//JJUNEUNE 2 2002244 55
special insert Tortilla GOES WITH EVERYTHING More and more foods have tortillas in them: soups, salads, tacos, burritos or wraps and make their 昀氀avor unique. The tortilla market will reach a value of $45,163.7 million in 2024 and rise to $75,309.4 million in 2034, according to estimates shown in Tortilla Market, a report by Future Marketing Insights Inc. Types, styles, shapes and condition of the product: 4 types 5 styles 8 shapes 4 conditions • Tortilla • Corn • Round • Shelf Stable • Chips • Flour • U-Shaped • Extended • Hard-shell • Flour w/ Herbs • Triangular Shelf Life Tortilla & Spices • Bowl • Refrigerated • Tostada • Flour with • Oval • Frozen raisin puree • Other • Rectangular • Strips & others Refridgerated Market Division Dollar share of major U.S. refrigerated tortilla Dollar sales share of major U.S. hard/soft/ sellers taco kit tortilla sellers SOURCE: STATISTA, 2022 SOURCE: VENTAS EN MILLONES DE DÓLARES ESTADOUNIDENSES SOURCE: STATISTA, 2022 39% 41% 13% 12% 9% 15% 6% 8% 7% 5% Mission Gruma General Ole Mexican Private Circle Siete Family Azteca Foods La Abuela Private Foods Inc. Corporation Mills Inc Foods Inc Label Foods Foods Baja Trading Mexican Label LLC Inc Foods 66 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 20224 - 4 - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
special insert Taste of Northern Mexico: Flour Tortillas By Abasto exico has di昀昀erent types of tortillas, but the main ones are corn or 昀氀our. 吀栀e northern zone is renowned for its unique 昀氀our tortilla, a culinary star that adds a distinct 昀氀avor and aroma to any dish. A recipe and 昀椀ve ingredients are required, plus a rolling pin Mto knead the dough, a clean and 昀氀at surface, a deep bowl, another one with a lid, a small one, and a steel comal or 昀氀at pan. 吀栀e following recipe is originally from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Ingredients • 1 kilo or 35 oz. of wheat 昀氀our • 250 grams or 1 cup of vegetable shortening (at room temperature) • 1 handful of salt • 2 cups of hot water Instructions • Set aside some 昀氀our in a small bowl to 昀氀our the testalitos (small balls of dough to roll with the rolling pin). • Put the 昀氀our in a deep bowl and add the shortening at room temperature so that it is soft and can mixed up with your 昀椀ngers. Blend Cooking both ingredients as much as possible. Add the • Place the testalito, on both sides, in the small salt and combine evenly with the 昀氀our and bowl with a bit of 昀氀our to 昀氀our the dough ball. shortening mixture. • On a smooth, 昀氀at surface, sprinkle some • Gradually add the hot water at the highest 昀氀our and place the testalito on top. Roll each temperature your hands can withstand. First dough ball until 昀氀attened with the rolling pin one cup and then the other. The result should on one side and then on the other, making sure be a soft but not chewy dough. The dough is that the tortilla is round. A tip is to turn it only expected to feel chewy at the beginning, so it is three times. Ensure it is not too thin so that the necessary to continue blending the ingredients 昀氀our tortilla is soft during cooking. until it is smooth. • Place the comal or 昀氀at pan over medium- • Now it is time to make the testalitos, the high heat and wait until it is hot. Then, place the little dough balls of the same size. tortilla on the 昀椀rst side and wait for the other • Cover the testalitos in a bowl so they do not side (the raw side) to 昀椀ll with bubbles. Flip and be in the open air. Store them in the refrigerator wait for the other side to cook. Only 昀氀ip once. or leave them at room temperature if it is not hot. Let stand for 30 minutes. ¡Provecho! 88 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 20224 - 4 - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
special insert Challenges to Increase Supply of Folic Acid- Enriched Tortillas By Abasto mproving the availability of folic acid-enriched foods is crucial to preventing neural tube defects, especially among babies born Industry to Hispanic women. To this end, Department of leaders also Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier d i s c u s s e d IBecerra recently hosted a roundtable discussion their challenges, with representatives of major U.S. corn masa 昀氀our particularly in educating manufacturers and distributors. the public about the health At the meeting, the group discussed strategies to bene昀椀ts of consuming these products. improve the commercial availability of corn masa 昀氀our Secretary Becerra stressed the importance products fortified with folic acid. of fortifying corn masa flour with folic acid to address critical nutritional needs. He expressed A HEALTH ISSUE his commitment to support consumer and supplier Since 2016, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) education on this issue. has authorized, but only voluntarily, the addition of Support from the Department of Health folic acid to corn masa 昀氀our. However, a recent analysis HHS reported that it has undertaken several by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention initiatives to improve the health conditions of the (CDC) revealed that there has been no signi昀椀cant Hispanic community. 吀栀ese include reducing the cost improvement in blood folate levels among Hispanic of prescription drugs, providing Spanish-language women of reproductive age. services for crisis hotlines, launching a Spanish- The result of the analysis is concerning, language website for FindSupport.gov, and ensuring as Hispanic women are currently at the immediate availability of COVID-19 vaccines and the highest risk of having a baby test kits. a昀昀ected by a neural tube defect, In addition, HHS has developed the Food is Medicine HHS said initiative, which aims to provide consistent access to dietary and nutritional resources for communities THE CHALLENGES nationwide. During the roundtable, HHS has a strong history of collaborating with representatives from Bunge, the Food Latino community leaders to address health issues Industry Association (FMI), and eliminate health disparities. Kroger, the Latino Restaurant One example of these collaborative e昀昀orts is the Association, Ole Mexican roundtable discussion with representatives of major Foods, the Tortilla corn masa 昀氀our manufacturers and distributors. Industry Association, HHS said that by working together, they can and Walmart shared signi昀椀cantly increase the availability and accessibility updates on their e昀昀orts of folic acid-enriched corn masa 昀氀our products. to make forti昀椀ed corn masa 吀栀e ultimate goal is to improve the health conditions 昀氀our products of Hispanic women and their babies. more widely available. 1010 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 20224 - 4 - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
special insert MORE THAN JUST FOOD By Gustavo Calabro THE ANCESTRAL FLATBREAD the diet. It was consumed in various forms: on ETYMOLOGICAL ROOTS its own, as a base for 吀栀e history of the tortilla begins not only in the kitchens of meats and vegetables, ancient civilizations, but also within the lexicon of the Spanish or as an edible utensil language. Derived from the word "torta," meaning "cake," with for scooping up beans the diminutive su昀케x "-illa" implying "small," the word "tortilla" and sauces. was 昀椀rst documented in the mid-17th century. 吀栀is etymology In Aztec society, re昀氀ects the humble origins of the tortilla as a simple food, a tortillas were not merely "small cake" made of corn, which would become a staple of food but a cultural Mesoamerican diets. emblem, deeply ingrained in the fabric of everyday life. 吀栀ey were sold in bustling markets, enjoyed by all levels of society, PREHISTORIC BEGINNINGS and played a key role in rituals and celebrations. Long before the Spanish set foot in the New World, the 吀栀e nixtamalization process, a method developed by these peoples of the Sierra Madre Mountains in Mexico had already early peoples, involved soaking and cooking corn in an alkaline perfected the art of making tortillas. Dating back to around solution, typically lime water. 吀栀is process improved the 10,000 B.C., the inception of the tortilla coincides with the nutritional value of corn, making the niacin it contained more domestication of corn. 吀栀is era marks a signi昀椀cant turning readily available for absorption by the body and enhancing the point in human civilization, as communities transitioned from amino acid pro昀椀le of the proteins in corn. It also imparted to the nomadic lifestyles to settled agricultural societies. Corn, with tortilla its distinctive 昀氀avor and texture, which remain largely its high caloric value and adaptability to di昀昀erent terrains, unchanged to this day. became the staple of these societies, laying the groundwork 吀栀e importance of the tortilla extended beyond nutrition; for the development of complex civilizations such as the Aztecs it was a symbol of sustenance and innovation, a testament and the Maya. to the ingenuity of the people who 昀椀rst cultivated corn and transformed it into a food that could sustain large populations. CULINARY As we delve further into the journey of the tortilla through EVOLUTION time, we witness not only the evolution of a food item but A medida que el cultivo de also the unfolding of human history itself. From the ancient mAs corn cultivation became more sophisticated, so too "symbol of sustenance and innovation" did the culinary applications highlands of Mexico to a "symbol of sustenance and innovation" of this versatile grain. The on the global culinary stage, the tortilla embodies the resilience, tortilla, a thin 昀氀atbread made adaptability, and cultural richness of the civilizations that from ground nixtamalized cherished it. corn, emerged as a staple in 1212 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 20224 - 4 - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
INTRODUCTION OF WHEAT 吀栀e Spaniards not only brought swords and conquest; they also brought wheat, a grain previously unknown in the New World. 吀栀e introduction of wheat led to the creation of 昀氀our tortillas, adding a new dimension to the already diverse world of Mesoamerican cuisine. Flour tortillas o昀昀ered a di昀昀erent texture and 昀氀avor pro昀椀le, and their ability to be stored for longer periods made them an attractive alternative to their corn counterparts, especially in regions where wheat was more readily available than corn. WORLDWIDE ADOPTION From the ports of Mexico to the shores of Europe and beyond, tortillas began their global journey aboard Spanish galleons. As they traveled, they evolved, adapting to the tastes and ingredients of new lands. In Europe, the tortilla was initially a novelty, a curious artifact from the New World. However, it soon found its place in local kitchens, transforming into versions that suited the European palate and available ingredients. 吀栀e true test of the tortilla's adaptability came when it spread even further, reaching every corner of the globe. In each new locality, it transformed, incorporating local 昀氀avors and ingredients, proving to be a truly versatile culinary creation. 吀栀e journey of the tortilla from a staple of the Aztec Empire to a global culinary phenomenon underscores not only its adaptability but also the interconnectedness of world cultures. AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM MMAAYY//JJUNEUNE 2 2002244 1313
special insert INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION OF THE TORTILLA In the mid-20th century, a new era for the tortilla was announced, marked by mechanization and mass production. 吀栀e growing popularity of Mexican cuisine in the United States, along with the demands of a constantly expanding market, necessitated a shift from hand-pressed tortillas to those produced by machines. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT 吀栀is period saw the invention of tortilla-making machines, capable of producing thousands of tortillas per hour. 吀栀ese machines revolutionized the tortilla industry, making it possible to meet the high demand in restaurants and grocery stores in the United States and around the world. 吀栀e automation of tortilla production marked a signi昀椀cant deviation from traditional methods that had been passed down through generations, re昀氀ecting broader trends in food production and consumption. IMPACT ON PRODUCTION While the transition to industrial production made tortillas more accessible, it also sparked debates about the loss of traditional food practices and the implications for cultural identity. 吀栀e e昀케ciency of machines could not replicate the unique textures and 昀氀avors of handmade tortillas, leading some to lament the dwindling presence of traditional methods in the modern world. However, the industrialization of the tortilla also opened up The journey of the tortilla from the ancient fields of new possibilities, allowing this ancient food to reach a global Mesoamerica to the global stage is a remarkable tale of resilience, audience and become a staple in households around the world. adaptation, and cultural exchange. It serves as a reminder of the It demonstrated the enduring appeal and adaptability of the power of food to bring people together, transcending borders tortilla, capable of evolving with the times while remaining and connecting cultures. As we savor each bite of this ancient rooted in its rich cultural heritage. creation, we participate in a tradition that has nourished generations, connecting us with the past and with each other. TORTILLA: A CULTURAL EMBLEM 吀栀is narrative o昀昀ers a glimpse into the rich history and global In Mexico and many countries in Latin America, the tortilla is journey of the tortilla, a humble 昀氀atbread that has become a more than just food; it is a cultural emblem, a symbol of heritage symbol of cultural identity and culinary innovation. 吀栀rough its and home. Its simple ingredients and the process of its creation history, we are reminded of the lasting power of food to shape tell a story of resilience, community, and innovation. societies, connect cultures, and enrich our lives. MORE THAN FOOD The importance of the tortilla extends far beyond its nutritional value. It embodies the spirit of Mexican cuisine, known for its rich 昀氀avors, diverse ingredients, and deep cultural roots. Whether served alongside a hearty stew, wrapped around succulent meats, or simply enjoyed with a dollop of salsa, the tortilla remains a fundamental part of Mexican culinary tradition. CONTEMPORARY CELEBRATIONS Today, the tortilla continues to be celebrated in its many forms, from the traditional corn tortilla, redolent with the 昀氀avor of nixtamalized corn, to the soft and 昀氀exible 昀氀our tortilla. It is a testament to the versatility of the tortilla that it can be found at the heart of so many dishes, from tacos and burritos to enchiladas and beyond. 1144 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 20 02244 - - A ABBA ASSTTOO..CCOOMM

IN THE NEWS ALDI to open Grocery Outlet: 800 more stores 60 new stores by before the end of 2024 2028 By Hernando Ramírez-Santos By Abasto o l l o w i n g stable at 30.2%. Grocery Outlet's The company opened announcement of 13 new stores, ending the i s c o u n t "With this commitment the acquisition of quarter with 468 stores in supermarket to add 800 stores over the United Grocery nine states. Net income chain ALDI plans next 昀椀ve years, we will be FOutlet and its 40 decreased 11.2% to $14.1 to add 800 stores where our shoppers need us stores operating in the million, or $0.14 per nationwide by while positively impacting southeastern US, the diluted share. Dthe end of 2028 the communities we serve," company said that during Adjusted EBITDA through new stores said Jason Hart, CEO 2024 it plans to open a total decreased 6.3% to $50.9 and transformations of of ALDI. of 60 supermarkets. The million, or 5.1% of net sales. existing stores. 吀栀e discount retailer said discount retailer revealed Adjusted net income In addition, ALDI it will invest more than $9 its growth plans during the decreased 19.6% to $18.2 reported that it completed billion over the next 昀椀ve presentation of its fourth million, or $0.18 per adjusted the acquisition of years to expand its presence quarter and fiscal 2023 diluted share. Southeastern Grocers and across the country. 昀椀nancial results. "Going forward, we are its Winn-Dixie and Harveys ALDI plans to grow in excited about the acquisition Supermarket chains, which the Northeast and Midwest Grocery Outlet's of United Grocery Outlet will strengthen its presence by adding about 330 stores 昀椀scal 2023 and the platform it will in the Southeast region in by 2028. fourth quarter provide us to support the coming years. It will also expand in the highlights: future store growth in the The phased store West by adding more stores Net sales increased 6.3% Southeast," said RJ Sheedy, conversion process will in Southern California and to $989.8 million. CEO of Grocery Outlet. begin in mid-summer. Phoenix and entering new Comparable store sales This acquisition will Around 50 supermarkets cities such as Las Vegas. increased 2.7%, driven by a expand Grocery Outlet's are expected to begin Hart recognized 7.5% increase in the number store reach in the states conversion in the second customers as drivers of its of transactions, partially of Tennessee, North half of 2024, with the growth. o昀昀set by a 4.5% decline in Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, majority reopening as ALDI average transaction size. Kentucky and Virginia. in 2025. Gross margin remained 2020 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
IN THE NEWS ONON TT NNGG HIHI SS AA EE OF OF W W TT AA TT HEHE S S NN T T II ket mar per u otects s w pr New la s ker r wo ez-Santos ernando Ramír By H ashington Governor Jay Inslee signed into law Protection of current working conditions and collective Senate Bill 6007, a bill intended to protect grocery bargaining agreements. store workers and communities from the negative impacts of corporate megamergers in the grocery Mandatory engagement with local government if a merger Windustry. would result in the closure of a store in an existing food desert. In a press release, UFCW 3000 Union reported that Governor “That’s what this legislation seeks to remediate: to Inslee signed the new law on Friday, March 15. help workers keep their jobs and seniority when their Drafted in response to the news that grocery giants Kroger stores change owners.” (owner of Fred Meyer and QFC) and Albertsons/Safeway are planning to merge into one mega-company, ESSB 6007 found 吀栀at statement was given by Britt Leggett, a UFCW 3000 enormous support from local Washington grocery store member and worker in the deli meat section at the Fred Meyer workers and community allies, who advocated throughout in Seattle's Ballard neighborhood of Ballard. the legislative session for its passage. Hundreds of UFCW 3000 supermarket workers from across Washington state sent messages to legislators encouraging “As I explained to legislators, we’ve already learned the hard passage of H.R. 6007, and some traveled to Olympia to meet way through past grocery chain mergers about the upheaval with legislators in person. it causes for workers and shoppers when these chains merge and close or sell o昀昀 neighborhood grocery stores,” said Yasmin “It’s a big sacri昀椀ce for everyday working people to take Ashur, a UFCW 3000 member and checker at the Port Orchard time out of their busy lives to try and engage with the local Albertsons who testi昀椀ed in support of the bill and was on hand political process,” said Joe Mizrahi, Secretary-Treasurer of to see the governor sign it. UFCW 3000. “But being in a union means we can share the load, work together, and make real change that impacts entire THE NEW LAW industries.” The new law requires public notification of new ownership. A period of job protection or rehire for current eligible employees. 2222 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE E 2 200224 4 AABBAASSTTO O..CCOOMM
IN THE NEWS Quick News Convenience stores Wawa expands Sheetz has new stores to Alabama vice presidents Wawa will open its 昀椀rst Alabama store, at Sheetz promoted three executives to new positions. 18968 Greeno Road, Fairhope, on 吀栀ursday, Emily Sheetz is the new executive vice president of April 25. strategy and IT. She will be responsible for providing Additional stores will open in the summer, Emily Sheetz leadership and direction to 250 employees in the strategy, at 7095 Cottage Hill Road, Mobile, AL and IT and innovation teams. 21022 Hwy 59 Robertsdale, AL. Ryan Sheetz will serve as executive vice president In total, Wawa plans to open 7-10 stores of marketing and supply chain. He will oversee the in the Baldwin County and Mobile markets company's overall marketing results, as well as the over the next 3-4 years. performance of Sheetz Distribution Services and Sheetz Wawa is a convenience store brand that, Brothers Kitchen. with a presence in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ryan Sheetz Trevor Walter now holds the position of executive vice Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Florida and president of petroleum supply management, where he will Washington, D.C., totals nearly 1,000 stores. drive total customer service. Sheetz has more than 710 locations in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio and Maryland. It recently announced its expansion into more regions of Ohio and into the state of Michigan. Trevor Walter Yesway gains presence Circle K adds new in Oklahoma member to its Yesway, one of the fastest-growing convenience store operators in the United Board of Directors States, is signi昀椀cantly expanding its presence in Oklahoma. By the end of 2024, the Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc., a global company plans to have 15 stores in the state. leader in convenience and mobility with more Founded in 2015, Yesway is a multi-brand Stephen J. Harper than 16,700 stores in 29 countries under the platform headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. Couche-Tard and Circle K. brands, has appointed Stephen J. Harper, It operates 435 stores in Texas, New Mexico, former Canadian Prime Minister, to its Board of Directors. South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Harper is CEO of Harper & Associates Consulting, serves on the Wyoming, Oklahoma and Nebraska. Yesway Board of Directors of Canada-based Colliers International Group operates its portfolio primarily under two Inc. and chairs the International Democracy Union and Friends of brands: Yesway and Allsup's. Israel Initiative. 2424 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
TECHNOLOGY FOCUS HHooww AAII iiss TTrraannssffoorrminmingg PPrriicciningg SSoolluuttiioonnss inin RReettaailil By Abasto ngoing economic volatility and in昀氀ation amplify 10% of their products under any given category in any given retailers’ pressure to optimize pricing and selling period. maximize customer loyalty. A recent report from “吀栀e consumer is more price sensitive today than they have Coresight Research outlines the measurable been in years, which makes it critical for retailers to have the advantages for retailers of utilizing AI for pricing right insights at the right time to adjust pricing in real-time,” Osolutions and how the technology can bene昀椀t said Coresight Research CEO Deborah Weinswig. pricing overall. “What we learned from this survey is that while retailers use Historically, large teams have made incremental price AI pricing tools, most still have a long way to go to integrate adjustment decisions using spreadsheets, data sets, and pricing tools with other enterprise technologies and systems formulas. However, more retailers realize that AI pricing can to maximize its bene昀椀ts. 吀栀e retailers who integrate the fastest mean the di昀昀erence between millions in pro昀椀ts or losses. will be the companies that we see rising above economic-driven The Future of Pricing: How AI Is Transforming Price pricing challenges in the months ahead,” Weinswig added. Planning in Retail report explores the current level of AI (arti昀椀cial intelligence) usage in pricing strategies, and the INVESTING IN AI FOR PRICING SOLUTIONS obstacles retailers must overcome to maximize the returns of 吀栀e report emphasized that as competition intensi昀椀es AI pricing technology investments. among retailers due to higher customer acquisition costs, According to the survey, 92% of respondents are using AI retailers will have to di昀昀erentiate through continued investing pricing today, but integrating data across the enterprise for in technology infrastructure (including AI). the most accurate results remains a challenge. Coresight Research’s survey found that 97% of respondents Coresight Research’s analysis found that by using AI-based currently using an AI-based pricing solution plan will increase pricing solutions, retailers across di昀昀erent verticals can investments in this area over the coming 12 months. 吀栀is increase annual revenues by 10%, on average, and improve 昀椀nding reveals that retailers have yet to achieve optimal AI margins by as much as 5%. However, retailers need to integrate usage levels and strongly intend to upgrade their AI-based AI pricing with other systems better to maximize its potential. pricing solutions soon. Another recent Coresight Research survey found that more Continued investments will also catalyze retailers to move than half (52%) of retailers cannot execute at least 10% of up the pricing maturity curve in the coming years. their promotional campaigns properly and are mispricing “Recent advancements in machine learning have made sophisticated pricing technology accessible to retailers of Of the retailers cannot execute all sizes, empowering them to implement complex pricing at least 10% of their promotional strategies that deliver optimal prices quickly and e昀케ciently,” 52%campaigns properly said Alex Galkin, Founder and CEO of Competera. 2626 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

ECONOMY OUTLOOK Impact of AI and Technology on Hispanic Purchasing Behavior in the US By Eduardo Pérez, Market5201 he Hispanic market in the United popularity among Hispanic consumers, especially States is a constantly growing among younger generations. Therefore, self- giant, with a purchasing power service chains that integrate this technology surpassing $1.5 trillion. This into their online shopping platforms can o昀昀er population group, increasingly a smoother and more convenient shopping Tconnected and technology-savvy, experience to this population segment. Another is transforming the way they shop with important aspect is that AI enables self- the help of artificial intelligence (AI). service chains to o昀昀er personalized shopping With this in mind, it is essential for self- experiences to Hispanic consumers. 吀栀rough service chains to understand and adapt data analysis, companies can identify each to the transformation in Hispanic customer's preferences and offer relevant purchasing processes. product recommendations. Likewise, it allows customizing content and audience segmentation MORE TOOLS,CLOSER, to 昀椀ne-tune social media messages. AT ALL TIMES FOR BUYERS & CHAINS SOMETHING THAT IS Hispanic consumers ALREADY HERE are increasingly using their Technology and AI are transforming the mobile devices to search purchasing behavior of Hispanics in the United for product information States. If self-service chains do not adapt to and compare prices. In these new trends, they risk losing market share this regard, AI facilitates in this constantly growing market. Investing in this process, allowing AI and personalizing the shopping experience for customers to quickly Hispanic consumers will be key to success in this find the products dynamic market. they are looking for and obtain detailed information about them. Additionally, voice L ET'S NO T FORGET technology is gaining • Im plem en ting da ta analysis systems to better un derstan d co nsum er pr ef er en ces, th e systems m ust be dynami c, wi th pr ojecti o n ca pabili ti es and trend detection. • In tegra ting perso nalized p r od uct r eco mm en da ti o ns thr o ugh AI, whi ch ar e fueled by r eal-tim e co nsum p ti o n an d based o n b uyer segm en ta ti o n. . • In tegra ting vo i ce sear ch techn o l ogy in to o nlin e shopping platforms. • Embracing AI tools f o r pr edicting co nsumer behavior. . 2828 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

NUEOURS COTRAV EPRO SRTOTARDYA Chamoy Mega Delicious & HEALTHY The Ally for the Summer and Back-to-School Season By Hernando Ramírez-Santos n the summer, with children enjoying school vacations, to explore a chamoy salsa and thus was born the Chamoy Chamoy Mega sauce is the perfect ally for Hispanic moms Mega formula, which has conquered the palate of Mexicans looking to create nutritious and entertaining meals for and crossed borders in the United States. their children. Because of its versatility, Chamoy Mega is 吀栀e company produces more than 100 products from the an excellent addition to any store that wants to o昀昀er its six categories currently in its catalog at its production plant in Icustomers an irresistible, high-quality product during this Santa Catarina, located in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, high-consumption season. Nuevo León. One of the most outstanding features of Chamoy Mega sauce Chamoy Mega’s product line is made with natural chiles is its incredible combination of 昀氀avors: sweet, sour, salty, and and selected raw materials, using high-tech machinery spicy. 吀栀is unique blend provides a delicious experience for and complying with the highest quality standards, with consumers and wins them over from the 昀椀rst bite. certifications such as SQF, HACCAP, FSVP, and FSAP, With more than 30 years in the market, Chamoy Mega has among others. positioned itself as a leader in the category in both Mexico and In addition to its exceptional 昀氀avor, the the United States. Its history dates back to the 1990s when the brand is presented in a fun and attractive Monterrey-based company Mega Alimentos decided to venture way, making it a hit with consumers. Its into the confectionery category. After a few attempts, it chose solid distribution and presence on store 3030 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
shelves have catapulted it as a favorite choice among even emerged called the “Chamoy Pickle Challenge,” shoppers. where consumers and in昀氀uencers use Chamoy Mega But that’s not all. 吀栀roughout the summer vacation in creative recipes and challenge others to follow the season and back-to-school season, Chamoy Mega takes challenge. on a particular relevance to the menu of Hispanic Recently, Chamoy Mega launched its new “Chamoy households. Moms who are always concerned about Picosito” 昀氀avor. 吀栀is version retains the quality and feeding their families healthy food without authenticity of the original version but with a sacri昀椀cing their children’s taste buds 昀椀nd touch more spice. It is perfect for frosting drinks Chamoy Mega the perfect solution since its because of its thickness and for enhancing the unique and fun taste makes children consume 昀氀avor of fruits and vegetables. more fruits and vegetables. In addition, the Chamoy Mega recipe contains no sugar or calories, making it a healthy option. CREATIVE IDEAS WITH CHAMOY MEGA For example, you can frost micheladas, cocktails, smoothies, and margaritas, giving it a unique 昀氀avor touch. To make delicious, refreshing, healthy popsicles, you can blend them with fruit and freeze them. A social media trend has BIG GROWTH PLANS 吀栀e company Mega Alimentos (in the United States, the subsidiary is Mega Foods) has started restructuring its sales force in the United States with the aim of continuing to grow in this market. Its strategy includes the development of regional and national customers, as well as the creation and execution of point-of-sale materials. With this plan, the company expects to spice up consumers’ lives in the United States and continue to grow in the coming years. During the summer and back-to-school season, Chamoy Mega has big plans to encourage salsa purchases. 吀栀ey will carry out brand activations at events and tastings, share content on social networks, and promote consumption at points of sale. 吀栀ey will also work on marketing and demonstration activities with commercial chains. In addition to o昀昀ering a quality option, the sales channels will satisfy the growing market demand that seeks exciting and di昀昀erent products. AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM MMAAYY/J/JUUNNEE 2 2002244 3131

FOOD INDUSTRY Go Online: Social Media Sales Marketing for 2024 By Mary Heslep, SVP, Ten Acre Marketing ocial to climb, and most have moved to a pay-to-play structure, media has encouraging brands to invest in boosting, sponsoring and become a powerful tool in advertising on the platform for the highest engagement. 吀栀is modern marketing, reaching 75 percent of the world’s does not have to be the case. population and attracting over 93 percent of internet Susers to a variety of social media channels, worldwide. SET PRIORITIES 吀栀e opportunities for food and beverage companies to Prioritizing quality content and strategic scheduling is the reach consumers directly are endless across many channels. best formula for slow and steady growth on social media. From targeted advertising, community engagement and Using a structured approach like a 90-60-30 planning cycle direct sales, 昀椀nding the channel that 昀椀ts your brand and your can help with creating and scheduling content e昀昀ectively, audience is key to a successful social media marketing strategy. moving a brand out of a reactionary position and allowing 吀栀e continuous expansion of social media in the last 25 years our social media team to dedicate more time to developing highlights its signi昀椀cant in昀氀uence on the changing consumer creative brand content. shopping behavior. With devices in hand, social media has perfected the one-click purchasing etiquette. • Begin mapping out topics 90 days in advance. • Write and review content 60 days before publishing. HOW TO WIN OVER CONSUMERS • Gain necessary review and approval in the 30-day window With each platform adding new shopping speci昀椀c tools before publishing. for brands, coupled with e-commerce for grocery now omni- present, brands can grow sales and consumer engagement Aligning your planning with product launches, new seasonal through social media, and should! o昀昀erings and other annual traditions, events and holidays will 吀栀e name of the game has always been to concur the ensure you don’t miss an opportunity to deliver next year’s channel’s algorithm, reaching key target audiences with your April Fools fake-food post opportunity, among others. content that the platform will prioritize for them, ensuring Once you’ve planned your content, it’s time to activate your more views and engagement. sales stack. Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok all With new AI tools created by each platform daily, there are have e-commerce tools and integration that allow consumers new opportunities to advance your social media engagement. a one-click purchasing experience. But the challenge of getting eyeballs is still the greatest hill 3232 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
SOCIAL MEDIA SALES 44% 70% 47% USE THE RIGHT TOOLS 44% of Instagram users use the exclusively selling (e-commerce) via The many and varied direct to app to shop on a weekly basis. Meta TikTok Shop. 70% of TikTok users consumer sales tools across social Commerce Manager will allow you to discover new brands and products on media have enabled companies to manage an e-commerce sales funnel the channel. operate solely through these channels, that is supported by both Facebook and And if you’re not on Pinterest as a building tremendous engagement Instagram which is not only a robust brand, you should know that 89% of and sales to rival many on-shelf food, selling tool, but also allows you to view US pinners use Pinterest to research beauty and fashion products. It’s one sales activity directly tied to these purchasing decisions. 47% or 150 thing to have a social media marketing channels. million potential new customers are on plan. It’s the next level to sell through In the short life of the platform, Pinterest just to shop. With 320 Million social media, and the channels are TikTok has become the largest selling monthly users, that is a lot of people catering to brands. Go online. tool on social media, with products going to this one platform just to shop. AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM MMAAYY/J/JUUNNEE 2 2002244 3333
FOOD INDUSTRY TThhe Pe Poowweer or of Rf Reettaaiill MMeeddiaia f foorr H Hiissppaannicic GrGroocceerryy S Sttoorreess BBy Ry Roon Mn Maarrgguulliiss interactive displays offering personalized recommendations based on your preferences and dietary needs. icture this: A vibrant aisle 昀椀lled with aromatic spices, IDENTIFY THE OPPORTUNITIES colorful produce, and nostalgic 昀氀avors. 吀栀is is the From suggesting recipe ingredients to highlighting new heart of a Hispanic food retailer’s domain, where arrivals and limited-time o昀昀ers, these immersive experiences every product tells a story, and every customer transform shopping into an adventure, fostering loyalty and interaction is an opportunity for connection. Yet, in increasing basket size along the way. Pa crowded marketplace, standing out requires more Moreover, retail media provides merchants invaluable than just quality products—it demands strategic visibility and insights into consumer behavior and market trends. 吀栀rough meaningful engagement. data analytics and performance tracking, retailers can Retail media can help Hispanic food retailers elevate their measure their marketing e昀昀orts’ impact, identify optimization brand, drive pro昀椀table sales, and cultivate lasting relationships opportunities, and stay ahead of the curve. with their diverse customer base. Whether adjusting ad placements based on peak shopping Retail media isn’t just about plastering ads; it’s about crafting hours or tailoring promotions to coincide with cultural experiences that resonate with consumers much deeper. celebrations, retail media empowers retailers to make informed For Hispanic food retailers, this means celebrating cultural decisions that drive growth and pro昀椀tability. heritage, honoring traditions, and inviting customers on a Retail media also enables Hispanic food retailers to leverage culinary journey. targeted advertising and promotional strategies supported by brands and tailored to their speci昀椀c audience. THE IMPORTANCE OF ADVERTISING By understanding Hispanic consumers’ unique preferences From targeted digital campaigns that speak directly to and cultural nuances, retailers can create compelling ad shoppers’ preferences to in-store activations that showcase campaigns that resonate deeply with their target demographic. authentic recipes and cooking demonstrations, retail media Whether through digital platforms, in-store signage, or becomes a conduit for storytelling and community-building. sponsored content, targeted advertising ensures that retailers Consider a digital billboard strategically placed in a e昀昀ectively engage and capture the attention of Hispanic retailer’s neighborhood, showcasing mouthwatering images shoppers, ultimately driving foot tra昀케c and sales. of traditional dishes alongside special promotions. 吀栀e message Hispanic food retailers can utilize retail media channels to is not just advertising; it is an invitation to explore 昀氀avors amplify their cultural relevance and connect authentically with of home, sparking curiosity and driving foot tra昀케c to the their customer base. Retailers can foster a sense of belonging retailer’s storefront. and loyalty among Hispanic consumers through storytelling, Similarly, a brand-sponsored social media post featuring a product showcases, and community-focused initiatives. heartfelt testimonial from a satis昀椀ed customer resonates far By highlighting traditional ingredients, recipes, and culinary beyond just a product endorsement. It is a testament to the traditions, retailers not only cater to the cultural preferences of retailer’s commitment to serving its community with care and their audience but also di昀昀erentiate themselves in a crowded authenticity. market, enhancing brand a昀케nity, growing basket size, and But retail media isn’t just about capturing attention; it is driving repeat business.. about creating memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression. Imagine entering a store and being greeted by 3434 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
FOOD INDUSTRY tthhe Ne Neew Gw Guueesst ot of Hf Hoonnoor ar at Ct Ceelleebbrraattiioonnss Mezcal! By Ramón Portilla ith the arrival of good weather and because Hispanics never lack an excuse to celebrate, starting with Mother's Day in May, to the wave of "Quinceañeras" and upcoming graduations, there's one more "guest" that has already sneaked W into the basic grocery list and seems to be taking a place of honor: mezcal. Yes, that "smoky cousin" of tequila that whether straight or in a mezcalina (something like a margarita, but with mezcal), we now 昀椀nd it in sophisticated cocktail menus across the United States, with exorbitant prices reaching up to $30 for an ounce of Tobalá (one of the most popular agaves). 吀栀is distilled spirit, with its deep From the smoky aroma of cooked agaves to the strong and complex roots in Mexican tradition and 昀氀avor of freshly distilled mezcal, every moment was a lesson in craftsmanship, is already reporting history and culture that made me think about how our Hispanic impressive growth levels. stores in the United States could revive these types of experiences According to Bloomberg, the at the point of sale. combined category of tequila and mezcal Products like mezcal, assuming our establishment has the proper has become the highest-value liquor licenses, can become di昀昀erentiators in the shopping experience we segment in the United States, reaching nearly o昀昀er. Not only because of the impact on the assortment perception $13.3 billion in sales in 2023. And yes, mezcal leads on our shelves, but also because we can use it as a product that this growth! transfers that particular sense of pride in its place of origin. With estimated sales of $432 million in 2022, this elixir is also For example, educating our customers about the types of agaves, becoming a culinary ingredient, from spicy dishes, rice, and seafood to desserts like chocolate tru昀툀es and caramel sauces; and this despite its prices ranging between $40 and $100 per bottle, making it a premium product on the shelf. Because of all this, on my recent trip to Mexico, I couldn't resist traveling to Oaxaca, this beautiful state in southeastern Mexico, expressly to visit a palenque, the name given to small businesses and communities that cultivate, process, and bottle artisanal mezcal. My visit to "Lalocura" was more than a sensory experience; it was a journey to the past, where I met the mezcal artisans whose passion and dedication breathe life into this centuries-old tradition. 3636 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
the distillation processes, and even the origin bottling (mezcal is produced in nine states in Mexico), is a way to make our stores stand out among other competitive options. 吀栀ese moments of connection not only strengthen ties with the community but also create a lasting emotional connection with our stores and our products. So, if you haven't yet ventured to try it, or if after reading this article you're eager to savor one, remember the saying: for everything bad, mezcal; for everything good, too; and if there's no cure, a liter and a half! "La Mezcaloteca" is the destination to experiment with mezcal if you visit Oaxaca. A tasting of 3 mezcals costs approximately $30. "Lalocura," a name that actually combines "Lalo" and "Cura" (Lalo is the diminutive of Eduardo, its founder; and Cura, in reference to the "bene昀椀ts" of mezcal for health), is a tribute to authentic artisanal mezcal. Isaac and his family have been cultivators and lovers of mezcal. It was fascinating to see how Isaac "tests" ways to improve the quality of agaves and how to make them grow healthy. 吀栀ere are agaves that take up to 20 years to mature and be ready to go through the distillation process. Unlike Tequila, whose designation of origin is precisely in Tequila, Jalisco, Mezcal originates in 9 states of Mexico. AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM MMAAYY/J/JUUNNEE 2 2002244 3737
FOOD INDUSTRY Tech Integration is Transforming the Restaurant Experience By Hernando Ramírez-Santos echnology use in restaurants • Sixteen percent of is accelerating, creating new touchpoints operators plan to invest in Arti昀椀cial Intelligence between restaurants and the consumers they serve, (AI) integration (including voice recognition) in 2024. according to the National Restaurant Association’s • Eighty-two percent of Gen Z adults are comfortable Restaurant Technology Landscape Report 2024. ordering at a limited-service restaurant with a T smartphone app. 吀栀e new report identi昀椀es consumers’ varying expectations • Sixty-昀椀ve percent of all adult consumers would be regarding technology, depending on whether they are dining comfortable paying their check at a full-service at a full-service restaurant or ordering delivery to their homes, restaurant with a computer tablet at the table. as well as generational di昀昀erences in preferences. Restaurant operators are getting creative in expanding technology offerings, paying close attention to consumer Michelle Korsmo, President & CEO of the National preferences, but generational di昀昀erences persist. Restaurant Association, explained that operators have a tremendous entrepreneurial spirit and are constantly When asked how likely they’d interact with a tablet at the table, innovating. most Gen Z adults, millennials, and Gen Xers say they’d use these options, but fewer than half of baby boomers said they would. “More than three in four operators say technology gives them a competitive edge, and this research will also help Compared with full-service and limited-service options, the operators 昀椀nd the right technology 昀椀t for their restaurant and use of technology in the delivery segment is already baked into their customers. In addition to valuable research on restaurant consumers’ expectations. 吀栀ey expect to be able to access, order, operator outlook, our research on the technology landscape in customize, and pay for delivery orders through their computers or restaurants provides insights on consumer expectations that smartphones, and if they can’t, they’ll order from somewhere else. operators need to evaluate their tech investments con昀椀dently,” said Korsmo. “吀栀e data clearly show that restaurant operators and owners are rapidly embracing technology and integrating it into their KEY INSIGHTS FROM THE daily operations,” said Hudson Riehle, Senior Vice President of RESTAURANT TECHNOLOGY Research and Knowledge for the NRA. “Understanding which LANDSCAPE REPORT 2024 technologies customers in each segment would like to have, really want, and consider essential provides operators with substantial • Expect to see more technology in the coming year – opportunities to enhance the customer experience, amplify 55 percent of operators are planning investments to marketing, and operate more e昀케ciently.” improve their service areas, while 60 percent are looking for technology to enhance the customer experience. 3838 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
FOOD INDUSTRY KICKS OFF AS THE LARGEST TRADE SHOW IN THE LAST 15 YEARS By Hernando Ramírez-Santos xpo ANTAD held its trade fair last March, which was ranked as the most important in the last 15 years, with more than 47,000 visitors and the presence of more than 1,200 booths in the Guadalajara Convention Center exhibition hall. Diego Cosío, president of the Asociación Nacional de ETiendas de Autoservicio y Departamentales (ANTAD), said that Expo ANTAD represents 94 Mexican retail chains with more than 48,000 stores. 吀栀ese associated companies make a direct investment of more than $2,000, which strengthens Mexico's economy. “Mexico has a unique opportunity in the next 昀椀ve to 10 years to grow more equitably and regionally, in addition to an exceptional demographic bonus until 2030. Neighboring the United States and nearshoring are unique, digitalization streamlines and simpli昀椀es government procedures, insecurity continues to be a challenge, and digital acceleration is an imperative for our partners,” said Cosío. 吀栀e trade fair was attended by 67 countries from Latin America, Europe and Asia, which o昀昀ered a wide range of products and services. National companies from 32 Mexican states also attended, of which 13 had their own pavilions on the business 昀氀oor. Francisco Cervantes Díaz, president of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), highlighted “the great relevance of this commercial platform not only in Mexico, but also globally as an (Continues on page ¬42) 4040 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
FOOD INDUSTRY EXPO ANTAD 2024 + 15,000 business meetings + 15% more than in 2023 essential reference point for business life. It is also an excellent showcase to consolidate magni昀椀cent business opportunities between manufacturers, suppliers and traders of all economic sectors. During the 41st edition of Expo ANTAD, more than 15,000 business meetings were held, 15% more than the total number held at the 2023 expo. Cosío told Abasto that the biggest challenge for ANTAD, and for Mexico as an economy, is the digital evolution. “Practically most chains are already integrating into the digital ecosystem with a total transformation of their business model. We are de昀椀nitely excited about this digital evolution, and we want to accompany all our associates in this process”. 4242 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
FOOD INDUSTRY NGA Show s de 4 conclu 202ith record w ce n a d n e tt a By Violeta Montes de Oca he National Grocers Association (NGA) and Clarion Events announced the successful conclusion of the 2024 NGA Show. From March 10 to 12, 3,600 grocery retail industry professionals came to the Caesars Forum Convention Center in Las Vegas for networking and education, plus Ta sold-out expo hall featuring nearly 350 exhibitors of products and services. 吀栀e NGA announced record-breaking attendance and a sold-out exhibition hall, making this year’s show their biggest in 42 years. It brought together independent retailers, wholesalers, food retail industry executives, food/CPG manufacturers, and service providers from all over the United States for the three-day event. 吀栀e National Grocers Association and Clarion Events produced the 42nd edition of the annual trade show and conference. “We had the largest NGA show we’ve ever had in the history of the organization. We’ve got fantastic retailers, including many of the regional chains here participating as well. So, it’s just been a great show, a lot of great energy, a lot of nothing but positive feedback”, said Greg Ferrara, NGA President, and CEO to Abasto Media. 吀栀e 2024 NGA Show was a three-day event o昀昀ering over 50 educational sessions and workshops by more than 100 experts. Topics included labor issues, food as medicine, employee retention, deli trends, private label, AI in marketing, omnichannel marke- ting, digital promotions, data analytics, sustainability, and more. 4444 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
+ 3,600 350 50 Professionals went Exhibitors of Educational sessions to NGA Show 2024 products and and workshops services Network star whose positive energy, love of food, and experiences pushing outside of her comfort zone delivered an enthu- siastic kicko昀昀 to the show. Multiple networking events, including the opening reception, the Best Bagger Championship sponsored by PepsiCo, and the closing celebration at Brooklyn Bowl, which features a Women Grocers of America cocktail hour. Co-located with the Independent “吀栀e NGA Show is truly the place where Grocers Alliance Rally and and valuable products displayed on grocers gather – and gather they did, in Indoor Ag-Con. the expo floor. This year’s winners record numbers,” said Jamie Reesby, vice included Amodex in the Center Store president for generation and grocery at AWARDS PRESENTED category; Soulful Bee for Fresh Health Clarion Events. “Working closely with Several awards were presented, and Wellness/Pharmacy; Retail Data NGA and its members, we continue to including: Systems for Operational Services; Digi enhance our o昀昀erings, from education 吀栀e Peter J. Larkin Community America Inc. for Sustainability in Store to networking, to help grocers navigate Service Award a RoNetco Supermarkets Design; and Shopic for Technology. today’s competitive environment. Initial de Nueva Jersey. 吀栀e Student Case Study Competition responses have been glowing and we The Thomas K. Zaucha was won by the team from Cornell look forward to continuing to meet and Entrepreneurial Excellence Award University. exceed those expectations.” a la Excelencia Empresarial a Kim Eskew, presidente y director general de la cadena THE NGA SHOW 2025 THE NGA SHOW 2024 de supermercados Harps Food Stores de Next year, the NGA Show will take HIGHLIGHTS Arkansas. place Feb. 23-25, 2025, at the Caesars 吀栀e return of the popular Technology WGA Woman of the Year Award Forum Convention Center in Las Vegas. Summit and Financial Symposium on a Marcy Nathan, directora creativa de “It will be one more year here in this Sunday, plus a “Snack and See” session Rouses Markets. facility. 吀栀e good news is that next year, honoring the recipients of NGA’s 吀栀e Best Bagger Championship se many of our rooms that you saw many Creative Choice Awards for excellence in lo ganó Madison Ireland, de Harmons of the education rooms were so popular marketing and merchandising, featuring Neighborhood Grocer, de Utah. that we had people stand up by the walls. celebrity chef Curtis Aikens as emcee. NGA’s Creative Choice Awards: Next year, we’re going to turn some A sold-out expo hall featuring more Winners by popular online vote of those workshops into even larger than 350 exhibitors and sponsors, of the Outstanding Marketer and sessions so that more people will be more where retailers and wholesalers disco- Merchandiser awards were Michigan- comfortable and can attend”, said Greg vered products and services covering based SpartanNash and Hired Man’s Ferrara to Abasto during an interview the entire spectrum from store design Grocery and Grill in Conway Springs, on the last day of the 2024 NGA Show. to innovative food products and thought Kan., respectively. A complete list of “We want to continue to grow that, and leadership theater sessions with expan- winners can be found here. our goal is to grow this show so that ded educational opportunities beyond Students from the Food Industry the entire grocery industry is able to the main stage and breakouts. University Coalition presented the come together to 昀椀nd new products to The opening keynote address was Student Standout Awards, honoring make new connections to learn great presented by celebrity chef Carla Hall, a their choices for the most interesting education, and to take all that back to dynamic entrepreneur, author, and Food the companies to be able to grow.” +100 #42 23-25 Experts at sessions Edition of the trade Of February will be and workshops show produced by the NGA Show the National Grocers 2025 Association and Clarion Events AABBAASSTTO O..CCOOMM MMAAYY//JJ UUNNEE0 0 2 2 2244 4455
FOOD INDUSTRY NSA upli昀琀s female leadership with Women’s Forum 2024 By Violeta Montes de Oca early 200 attendees gathered at the Women’s Predominately Forum 2024, organized by the National male-lead industry Association Supermarkets (NSA) in New York Even in the food and beverage on Wednesday, March 6. industry, everyday phrases like The event at the TWA hotel honored “Behind a great man is a great Nestablished and generational female leaders in woman” have changed to “Next to a the independently owned and operated supermarket industry. great man is a great woman.” 吀栀e NSA uplifted the voices of women not only in the Store and supermarket owners’ supermarket industry but across several industries through partners are no longer called “wives” three panels focused on topics such as successful leadership, because they are family businesses. women in 昀椀nance, and work-life balance. 吀栀ey are “partners” because they are Founded in 1989 by Hispanic entrepreneurs, the NSA directly involved in the operation and represents independent supermarket owners in New York management. and other urban cities on the East Coast, Mid-Atlantic, and “Today, I can tell you that women Florida. Most of its 600 members are of Hispanic descent, in our industry represent more serving communities of color. than 20%, which is a big number,” 吀栀e event felt Latino, with Spanish present in networking said William Rodriguez, an NSA’s moments and in the language chosen by some award-winning Emeritus Executive Board member. women and panelists to address the audience. Men, families, At the Women’s Forum, Caroline and some elected o昀케cials from New York City and New York Diplan, President, and owner of State attended the Women’s Forum 2024. C-Town Supermarket, was awarded as a generational leader. What Happened at Womans Forum “吀栀is award means a lot to me because being honored in a 2024 male industry means that we are doing really good,” she said. “Women have always been an integral part of the Equity and the pursuit of achieving all goals was also a theme independently owned and operated supermarket industry, at the Women’s Forum 2024 hosted by NSA. and it is more important now than ever before to support and “Obviously, we are at that point of feminism where we can do celebrate the women deeply involved in our industry,” said Seny whatever we want. We have that power, that mentality and it’s Taveras, Executive Director of NSA, during the opening of the important to remember that for ourselves because we are super, Women’s Forum 2024. women are thriving,” said Limer Vieluf, Assistant General Plant Hilda Esteves, News 12 New Jersey’s Meteorologist, was the Manager at Cibao Meat Products master of ceremony. 吀栀e vent included a keynote address from Marlene Cintron, Regional Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration. In addition, there were leaders awarded for their signi昀椀cant contributions to the advancement of women in a predominately male-lead industry. 4646 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
FOOD INDUSTRY eennss op op cceerrss oo G Grr eerriioror SuSupp tt ee kk marmar rr ee pp uu ss tt ss rr 昀椀昀椀 tsts ii i in Ln Laas Vs Veeggaass By Hernando Ramírez-Santos outhern California’s grocery store chain, Superior such a welcoming community and look forward to building Grocers, celebrated the grand opening of its strong relationships with our new neighbors.” inaugural store in Las Vegas, Nevada. 吀栀e new The grand opening of Superior Grocers in Las Vegas location marks a milestone for the supermarket witnessed an overwhelming response from eager shoppers, brand as it extends its service beyond the borders with lines forming well before the doors opened at 9 AM on Sof California for the 昀椀rst time. March 27th, 2024. Customers were delighted by the diverse Founded in 1981, Superior Grocers has been serving array of unique o昀昀erings, including an expansive selection of communities throughout Southern California for over four fresh produce, premium meats, a wide variety of groceries, and decades. Now, with the opening of its Las Vegas store, Superior specialty foods. Grocers continues its legacy of providing quality products, In addition to the wide range of products, Superior Grocers in exceptional service, and unbeatable value to new customers Las Vegas o昀昀ers a selection of in-store made sushi, bakery items, boba for your horchata, and a delightful dulcería featuring a wide variety of Hispanic candy, adding to the unique shopping experience for customers. During the opening, attendees were treated to a performance by Las Vegas High Mariachi Joya, adding to the celebratory atmosphere of the event. Government o昀케cials in attendance included: • Richard “Tick” Segerblom, Clark County Chair and Commissioner, District 5. • Sarah Johnson from Nevada Lieutenant Governor Stavros Anthony’s o昀케ce. • Hector Lizaola from US Senator Catherine Cortez Masto’s o昀케ce. As part of its commitment to the Las Vegas community, Superior Grocers presented checks and donations to the following organizations: • Sandy S Miller Elementary School: $1,000. • Ann Lynch Elementary School: $1,000. • Mario & Joanne Monaco Middle School: $1,000. while continuing to serve its loyal patrons. • Las Vegas High Mariachi Joya: $3,000. CEO and President Richard Wardwell stated, “We are thrilled to bring Superior Grocers to the vibrant community With over 72 locations in California and now one in Las of Las Vegas. 吀栀is expansion represents our commitment to Vegas, Superior Grocers continues to expand its reach while providing quality products and exceptional service to new upholding its core values of quality, variety, value, and service. customers while continuing to serve our loyal patrons in Southern California. We are incredibly excited to be a part of 4848 MMAAYYOO//JJUUNNIIO 2O 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks MANZELA USA INTRODUCES ITS NEW SNACKS CRUJI PAPAS & CHICHARRÓN ARTESANAL By Hernando Ramírez-Santos anzela USA, widely recognized for its Japanese peanut snacks, continues to innovate its product portfolio to satisfy consumers eager for new experiences. To Mthis end, the company announced the launch of three new 昀氀avors of its Cruji Papas and Chicharrón Artesanal snacks in the U.S. 吀栀e platform for their grand debut will be at the Sweets & Snacks show, the largest candy and snacks trade show in the CRUJI PAPAS INTRODUCES THREE United States, which takes place May 14-16 in Indianapolis. Manzela USA will present its new products alongside the NEW FLAVORS traditional assorted snacks and Japanese peanut snacks that Manzela USA is also introducing its new Cruji Papas have made the company famous. snacks with three di昀昀erent 昀氀avors to satisfy all consumers In an interview with Abasto, Esteban Cuellar, national sales in the market. director for Manzela USA, o昀昀ered details of the new snacks and Las Cruji Papas Saladas, is a lightly salted snack plans to get the products on store shelves nationwide. for those who enjoy chips but don't eat spicy snacks. "Our customers already recognize the quality of the brand Las Cruji Papas con jalapeño, o昀昀er a slight with their peanuts. Consumers have known us for almost 40 spiciness for those who like chili peppers. years in Mexico and the United States, and we are one of the Las Cruji Papas endiabladas, are for those who leading brands in Japanese peanuts. We want to do the same enjoy the sensation of 昀椀re in their snacks. now with these new products," said Cuellar. In addition to the delicious 昀氀avor o昀昀ered by each of the varieties of Cruji Papas, their quality ensures that they will CHICHARRÓN ARTESANAL always be crunchy, living up to their name. Stores have been selling this well-known snack in central and Manzela USA began distributing Cruji Papas and southern Mexico for quite some time, which is trendy among Chicharrón Artesanal in supermarkets and convenience consumers. Because of its great demand, Manzela USA decided stores to familiarize customers with the new snacks. to start marketing it in the United States so that consumers in "We will be doing many demos because people have to this country can enjoy this unique snack. try the product, to get to know it, so they understand what Manzela USA's Chicharrón Artesanal, although it looks and di昀昀erentiates us from other brands," concluded Cuellar. tastes like pork, is made with 昀氀our. In addition, as its name suggests, it is prepared in an artisanal way. "In the U.S. market, I have not seen a chicharrón like this one because of its elaboration process, from the dough cutting to cooking, all 100 percent handmade. When the customer begins to taste it, he will be able to distinguish that di昀昀erence", Cuellar pointed out. 22 MMAAYYOO//JJUUNNIIO 20O 20224 - 4 - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks The Sweets & Snacks Expo 2024 sweetens Indiana By Abasto weets & Snacks Expo 2024 will occur May 14-15 at Convention Center in Las Vegas through 2032. the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, 吀栀e event, organized by the National Confectioners Indiana. It is the premier event for the sweets and Association (NCA), is expected to draw 16,000 attendees. snacks industries, bringing together thought leaders It will o昀昀er a wide range of educational programs, and industry experts to discover ideas, connect with including innovative data and trend tracking. In addition, peers, and drive these industries forward. S the Supplier Expo returns May 13-14 with a dedicated Beginning this year, the Sweets & Snacks Expo 2024 marketplace showcasing ingredients, machinery, will rotate for two years at the Indiana Convention Center packaging, and other services that help manufacturers in Indianapolis, followed by one year at the Las Vegas meet consumers’ changing needs. (Continues on Page 6) 44 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks MMaaiin Fn Faacctts & Ds & Daatteess Mark your calendar and keep these dates and facts in mind: 13 - 14 May: Supplier Showcase 14 - 16 May: Sweets & Snacks Expo 2024 +16, 0 attendees ~50 speakers and panelists JJOOHHNN D DOOWNWNSS ~150 companies registered for the Supplier Showcase PPrreessiiddeennt at annd Cd CEEO oO of tf thhee NNaattiiononaall Con Conffeeccttiiononeersrs AAsssosocciiaattioionn “Candy and snacks have the unique ability to elevate ordinary experience” SWEETS & SNACKS EXPO 2024 John Downs, president and CEO of the National Confectioners 吀栀e Sweets & Snacks Expo 2024 will feature some 50 speakers Association, host organization of the Sweets & Snacks Expo, and panelists discussing key industry topics. said. “吀栀e Sweets & Snacks Expo provides a platform for these Educational sessions will address topics such as robotic thriving categories to explore the latest innovations, gain automation, the state of snacking, trends in confectionery valuable insights, and connect with leading experts—all with and global confectionery and snacking trends, video games the joint mission of providing that unique and unmatched to engage consumers, celebrity collaborations, recyclable experience for consumers. We are delighted to be back in Indy packaging, and color additives and their regulatory predictions. once again to showcase the extraordinary value and impact of these SUPPLIER SHOWCASE industries.” 吀栀e Supplier Showcase is the Sweets & Snacks Expo dedicated Attendance at the event to helping confectionery and snack suppliers connect with requires registration, potential and existing customers. On May 13-14, there will which is available from be an opportunity to network with confectionery and snack the SweetsAndSnacks. manufacturing partners before they bring them to the leading com website. trade show 昀氀oor. There will be about 150 suppliers registered in eight categories: business services, colors, 昀氀avors, ingredients, logistics, packaging equipment, packaging supplies and processing equipment. 66 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks MaMarrss I Innveveststss $7 $700 MMiillillioonn i inn H Haackckeettttssttoowwnn,, nnJ PlJ Plaantnt By Abasto ars announced an investment of more than According to the company, the multi-year investment in the $70 million in its Hackettstown, New Jersey Hackettstown factory began in 2023, supporting Mars' ongoing plant further to strengthen its commitment commitment to quality and food safety by incorporating a new to innovation and manufacturing excellence. state-of-the-art chocolate production facility. According to a company press release, "At Mars, our commitment to quality and innovation has M this investment supports a Research been at the core of our business for more than a century," said and Development (R&D) Innovation Study that includes Anton Vincent, president of Mars Wrigley North America and implementing a new test kitchen, packaging lab, manufacturing Global Ice Cream. e昀케ciency improvements, and food safety advancements at the "吀栀e continued investment in our Hackettstown plant Hackettstown plant. rea昀케rms our commitment to innovation in New Jersey and 吀栀e R&D Innovation Studio in Hackettstown, which belongs enhancing our associates' facilities to create more moments to Mars, is adapting to changing consumer preferences to of everyday happiness for our consumers," Vincent explained. accelerate innovation and product development. 吀栀e opening of the New Jersey Innovation Studio follows the recent opening of Mars Snacking's $42 million Research A SPACE FOR INNOVATION and Development Center in Chicago. 吀栀is innovation center will support the production of Mars Wrigley's iconic U.S.-made products, such as M&M'S®, SNICKERS®, TWIX®, MILKY WAY®, SKITTLES®, , y w Jerse STARBURST®, EXTRA®, and ALTOIDS®, as well as the ory in Ne Mars has a long hist company's future product innovations. ark more w ing opened its doors in Ne v 吀栀e upgraded packaging lab will facilitate the development ha ears ago and been part of the and testing of sustainable packaging materials, in line with than 80 y Mars' commitment to a circular economy where packaging 58. 9 1 e c n i s ty i n mmu o c n w o t s tt e k c Ha materials are recycled, reused, or composted instead of becoming waste. 吀栀is approach rea昀케rms Mars' commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility throughout its manufacturing process. 88 MMAAYYOO//JJUUNNIIO 20O 20224 - 4 - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks Snacks for the youngest ) a h p , Z, & Al n Y o i t a r e n Ge By Violeta Montes de Oca ( TASTE & TEXTURE n 2023, OnePoll conducted a survey revealing data 吀栀e results also revealed that 63% prefer their snack to about the snack consumption of the Millennial and have "a little spice," with 36% of Generation Z and 41% of Z generations, such as the fact that only 3% do not Millennials challenging themselves to try spicier foods during eat snacks. the pandemic. Millennial and Z generation, such that only 3% do Generation Z and Millennials agree that the most common Inot eat snacks. way they distinguish a snack from a meal is that a snack can It also revealed the time, causes, and even the 昀氀avors the be eaten on the go (37%), while a meal cannot. generations look for between meals. Respondents also de昀椀ne snacks as foods that require no 吀栀e survey considered 2,000 Americans between 18 and preparation or cooking time (35%) and say it is challenging 41, of which 1,125 belong to Generation Z and 875 were to 昀椀nd time for meals (35%). Millennials. THE ALPHA GENERATION SNACK TIME 吀栀e youngest population on this planet, who have only 吀栀e study revealed that 57% of respondents confessed to recently arrived, is the so-called Alpha Generation. 吀栀eir snacking between meals. However, three out of four consumers parents, primarily Millennials, are after a life rich in stimuli stop snacking at least an hour before their next meal. and new experiences, according to Datassential. Americans are also adamant about avoiding midnight 吀栀irty-昀椀ve percent of parents feed their babies solid food snacking, with only 2% of respondents saying they snack and skip porridge, thanks to a trendy baby-directed feeding late at night. practice. One in four (26%) respondents snack most often in the 吀栀irty-one percent of Generation Alpha already eat trendy early afternoon, the preferred time to snack, especially among ingredients, such as plant-based foods, several times a week. Millennials compared to Generation Z (33% vs. 21%). Fifty-six percent of Generation Alpha parents say they buy their children new foods they've seen on TV or the Internet. REASONS FOR SNACKING THE THREE GENERATIONS 68% of respondents admit they turn to snacks more often in Millennial: 1981-1995 times of anxiety or stress, which may explain why two-thirds Z: 1995-2009 eat more now than they did before the pandemic began. 吀栀ose Alpha: 2010-2024 who snack for a speci昀椀c purpose are often looking for a boost in energy (42%), some extra calories (33%) or protein (33%). 1010 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks Global Consumers Continue to Prioritize By Abasto ondelēz International presented the 昀椀fth annual CONSUMERS EAT SNACKS: State of Snacking™ report, a global consumer trend study examining annual perceptions of CONSISTENTLY: how consumers make decisions about snack 66% of consumers agree that they have not made signi昀椀cant consumption. changes in their snack spending, despite being more M吀栀is year's report reveals that, amid the current price-conscious. global economic uncertainty, consumers continue to prioritize, purchase, and prefer snacks. ATTENTIVELY: Developed in collaboration with 吀栀e Harris Poll, this report 85% of consumers claim to regularly enjoy the 昀氀avor, was initially launched 昀椀ve years ago in support of Mondelez aroma, and texture of a snack while eating it; 78% claim to International's mission to lead the future of snacking appreciate snacks more when consumed mindfully. consumption. 吀栀e last 昀椀ve years of tracking attitudes and behaviors among VENTURING: thousands of people from countries have shown a consistent Surveyed consumers leverage social media (62%) and trend line of consumers demonstrating a preference for snacks seek novelty, with six out of ten over meals. considering themselves "snack This year's results reveal that snack-eating behaviors adventurers" who enjoy trying continue to grow, including a notable increase in mindful new snacks. snacking, with the chocolate category in particular closely associated with joy. PURPOSEFULLY: "吀栀e trend lines of the past 昀椀ve years of our State of Snacking More than two-thirds of global report reinforce that, despite ongoing dynamic environments consumers agree that they usually and shifting preferences, snack consumption remains an choose brands that align with integral pillar in the lives of global consumers," said Dirk Van their values, fueling a growing de Put, Chairman and CEO of Mondelez International. appetite for sustainably bene昀椀cial snacks. "As a more intentional consumer evolves, adopting snack consumption consciously, we continue to empower their EVOLUTION OF MINDSET ABOUT SNACKS: choices through our brands, while aspiring to become a global • Snack consumption remains one of the preferred eating snack leader," Van de Put added. habits. 88% of consumers claim to eat them daily. 吀栀e survey demonstrates consumers' growing desire for snacks that o昀昀er both satisfaction and alignment with personal •Six out of ten agree that they prefer many small meals and environmental values. throughout the day rather than a few large meals. Consumers rely on snacks for perceived benefits such as increasing energy (75%), SNACK SELECTION: improving mood (74%), and aligning with 昀椀tness • Social media plays a crucial role in snack discovery. More goals (70%). than half of surveyed consumers expressed interest in an Additionally, 63% of surveyed consumers "instant purchase" option for snacks found online. seek snacks that contribute to minimizing their environmental impact. • 74% state that the novelty of 昀氀avor and texture combination is important to them when choosing a snack. • 56% discover new snacks on social media, with even higher 昀椀gures among younger generations. 1212 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
SNACKING WITH PURPOSE: representing a statistically signi昀椀cant increase of three • 63% of surveyed consumers seek snacks that aim to percentage points compared to last year. minimize their environmental impact through actions such as carbon o昀昀setting, prioritizing local ingredients, • Millennials are the most likely to say that they and optimizing supply chains to promote sustainability. prioritize snacks with fewer plastic wrappers (71%). • 74% claim to usually recycle their snack packaging, discover new snacks on 56%Social Media seek novelty, and six in ten consider themselves “snack adventurers” 62%who like to try new snacks.
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks Delight Your Palate WITH HEALTHY SNACKS By Abasto he foundation of a healthy diet may include nutritious Board, Americans love snacks, and they turn to them an breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, but equally average of three times a day. important are the snacks in between. Regardless However, where and when these snacks are consumed can of when or where you snack, foster healthier eating vary from being on-the-go or on the couch, from dawn till habits with nutritious snacks that help you get bedtime. Tthrough the day. Nearly a third (30%) of respondents snack while in bed, According to an online survey conducted among 1,000 considering it their favorite snacking spot. However, only Americans aged 18 and over across the US by Wake昀椀eld 35% of their snack choices are considered healthy. Research on behalf of the American Pecan Promotion Nourishing yourself during busy days can be easy with SS an option like nuts. According to the survey, 66% of snack SSTTEDED NU NUTT of snack consumers enjoy AA RORO d % Boar n o ti o m o Pr ecan P can ri e Am 66 nuts by themselves e h t f o esy urt o c pe Reci ion time: 40 minutes at Prepar 5 minutes ooking time: 3 consumers enjoy nuts by themselves, and 58% C 8 eat them as part of a nut mix. ings: Serv es If you're among the 50% seeking a late w pecan halv afternoon snack, you can turn to nutritious a 4 cups r / • 2 1 e oil or pecan oil • 2 teaspoons oliv alt and satisfying solutions to satisfy afternoon • 1 teaspoon 昀氀aky sea s cravings without feeling guilty. . With a satisfying crunch, comforting creaminess, and o 300 F satisfying chew, nuts are the dried fruit that can give en t v he o t t ehea 1. Pr t shee baking your routine a boost with delicious 昀氀avor and plant-based a on pecans he t e 2. Plac es. nutrition. or 15 minut e f and bak arm Just a handful of nuts - around 19 pieces - provides a good he w oss t l, t w f bo oo pr t 3. In a hea t, source of 昀椀ber, thiamine, and zinc, and an excellent source of e oil and sea sal v he oli h t t i pecans w our copper and manganese, an essential mineral for metabolism y h t i w ains gr t sal ger lar y an crushing hem. and bone health. 吀栀ey also provide a mix of protein and good ou sprinkle t 昀椀ngers as y he fats - 18 grams of unsaturated fat, including oleic acid, and he pecans back out on t ead t 4. Spr or only 2 grams of saturated fat - to help keep you satis昀椀ed and e f er and bak y ingle la t in a s baking shee . energized throughout the day. y golden and dry l t gh il li t es, or un As an added bonus, their versatility and easy pairing pro昀椀le 20 minut hem t t en and le v he o om t make them a perfect ingredient in recipes you can whip up hem fr e t v Remo t. he baking shee in no time. ool on t c 1414 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
CC HIHI CC KKPP EEA AA AND NND N UUT CT C OO OO 吀栀ese chickpea and KKIEIE nut cookie dough bites DDOUGOUGHH B BIITTEESS are perfect for a snack Recipe courtesy of D awn Jackson Blatner and packed with 昀氀avor, , RDN, on behalf of the American P ecan Pr omotion Boar as they swap flour and d. Prepar ation time: 10 sugar for a mix of nuts, minutes Se rv i n gs: 2 chickpeas, vanilla extract, 4 cinnamon, and sea salt, • 1 cup raw nut pieces with dark chocolate chips • 1 can (15 ounces as a 昀椀nishing touch. ) chickpeas, rinsed and drained Or you can simply toss • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract warm nuts with olive oil and sea salt in this • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon recipe for roasted nuts for an on-the-go snack that can be • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt prepared in advance without worrying about them spoiling. • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips Another advantage of nuts: they can be stored in the 1. In a blender or food processor chickpeas, va , blend nut pieces, refrigerator for up to nine months or frozen for up to two nilla extract, cinnamon, and sea salt for 3 t o 5 minut es, scraping down the sides occasionally years, giving them a longer shelf life than many pantry s , until m o o t h a n d c r e a m y favorites. Plus, they can be thawed and refrozen without 2 . . S t ir in dark choc ola t e chip 3. Form 2 s. losing 昀氀avor or texture. 4 cookie dough balls. Enjo nec y as is; no baking e s s a ry . Not e: St ore an y left o v ref ers in an airtight container in the rigerat or for up t o 昀椀v e da ys or freez e for up t months. o three AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM MMAAYY//JJUNEUNE 2 2002244 1515
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks WWhenhen ch chooccoolalattee mi mixxeess wwiitthh ""eexoxottiicc"" i innggreredidieennttss Abasto hinking about chocolate is usually associated with sweet and is part of recipes with chicken, turkey, pork, and beef. 昀氀avors that go hand in hand with desserts. But this sweet Mole, for example, is a recipe for a "savory" dish with a bit treat and even the cocoa, from which it originates, is also of this delicacy. present in dishes that you would not think of at 昀椀rst sight. Avocados from Mexico recently shared a recipe that includes 吀栀ere are recipes in which chocolate adds a special chocolate and avocados. Avocados are considered a superfood Ttouch to the 昀氀avor. In Spain, it is used to thicken sauces and help with the texture of desserts. AAvvoocacadodo a andnd da darrkk c chohoccolaolattee b brroownwnieiess YYummummyy!! 4 large eggs Put the chocolate chips in a • Makes 16 servings. 1 cup of granulated sugar microwave-safe bowl and heat on • Each serving has 210 8 ounces of dark chocolate chips high power for 15 seconds, stirring calories. 1/2 cup of dark cocoa powder between intervals, until melted. • If stored in a 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract With the mixer running, add the container at room 1/2 cup of whole wheat 昀氀our chocolate to the egg mixture. temperature, they will 2 large avocados Stir in the cocoa, salt, vanilla last 3-4 days. 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts (optional) and 昀氀our. • In the refrigerator, Mash the avocados in a separate their life extends Instructions bowl until very smooth. to 7 days Preheat oven to 350°F. Add to the batter and mix until Line an 8x8-inch cake pan with everything is incorporated. parchment paper and spray with Pour the batter into the prepared cooking spray. pan and bake for 30 minutes or until Beat the eggs and sugar with an a toothpick inserted in the center electric mixer until the mixture is comes out clean. bubbly and 昀氀u昀昀y. Let cool before cutting Source: Produce for Kids 1616 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks Healthy snacks By Abasto nacking between meals, a common practice to stave o昀昀 HEALTHY AND CRUNCHY SNACK IDEAS hunger before lunch or dinner, can be a healthy choice. • Sliced apples with a tablespoon of low-sodium Understanding the importance of choosing nutritious peanut butter. snacks is key to maintaining a balanced diet. • Pears with fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese. 吀栀e American Heart Association shared some • Vegetables served with hummus or tzatziki Sideas for snacks that are part of a healthy diet. So, sauce. For example: people can add some ingredients to their next grocery list to - Carrot and celery sticks. snack between meals and take care of their diet - Bell pepper slices. - Slices of zucchini or cucumber. - Broccoli and cauli昀氀ower 昀氀orets. Natural Beverages - Cherry or grape tomatoes. • Roasted chickpeas. • Popcorn (air-popped or inflated with Some people prefer to have a snack in vegetable oil). liquid form. The American Heart Association • Rice cakes and whole-grain crackers. recommends checking the nutritional • Unsalted nuts and seeds. information on everything we drink, such as soft or energy drinks. Those that have a sweet taste can provide excess calories. OTHER SIMPLE SNACKS However, there • Whole-grain toast with low-sodium peanut are natural beverages butter or another nut spread. that can replace them, • Fat-free or low-fat cheese. such as: • Fruit and vegetable smoothie. • Whole-grain crackers with canned tuna or • Natural or sparkling low-sodium salmon. water. Slices of citrus or • Canned fruit (packed in its juice, water, cucumber, mint, or other or a little syrup). herbs will add 昀氀avor. • Raw or baked apples sprinkled with cinnamon. • Skimmed or semi- • Raisins, dates, 昀椀gs, and other unsweetened skimmed milk, natural dried fruit. soy milk or oat milk, or • Frozen bananas or grapes. unsweetened nut milk. • Fresh fruit salad with fresh herbs, such as mint • Unsweetened tea or ginger. or coffee. • 100% fruit juice. 吀栀e American Heart Association recommends checking • Low-sodium nutrition labels on packaged snacks to identify servings, tomato or mixed calories, sugars, and sodium.identi昀椀car porciones, calorías, vegetable juice. azúcares y sodio. 1818 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks All About Chips & dips By Violeta Montes de Oca lthough potato chips and dips are often in Potato chips' versatility is not limited to their taste. People the same store aisle, they are not necessarily can customize them with various dips that enhance their 昀氀avor complementary snacks. and make them an even more delicious experience. Consumption of these two snacks, a favorite 吀栀us, they create a classic pairing that always stays in style. for their texture and 昀氀avor, often happens when Please read about the 昀氀avor and brand and how much they Apeople watch TV or want to eat something while are purchased to combine for unique fusions. on the go, such as on a trip or commute. CHIPS DIPS BY FLAVOR In 2021, 191.41 million consu- Flavors of potato chips most eaten mers in the United States used dip in the U.S., according to consu- to accompany their snacks or mer data: vegetables. Natural – 191.19 Statista data shows this Barbecue – 86.95 昀椀gure could increase to 197.34 Cream & Onion – 69.67 million consumers by 2024. Salt & Vinegar – 48.07 Most popular brands as of Cheese – 39.11 November 2020? Jalapeño – 29.22 Hidden Valley Ranch Unsalted/Low Salt – 20.86 Other Flavors – 35.17 Frito-Lay NOTE: CONSUMER DATA IN MILLIONS Tostitos SOURCE: STATISTA WITH NOVEMBER Kraftz 2020 DATA. Cheez Whiz Dean’s BY BRAND Heluva Good Market share of leading potato chip Lipton brands in the U.S. in 2021/2022. Pace Lay’s (41%) Ortega Ruffles (18%) Pringles (13%) THE MOST POPULAR DIPS Marca propia (6%) StrawPoll, a platform with open Utz (4%) polls that started in 2007, asked Cape Cod (4%) in April of this year which is the Kettle (3%) most popular dip for potato chips Herr’s (1%) in the United States. Wise (1%) Here are the results: Munchos (1%) Salsa NOTE: SALES IN DOLLARS Guacamole SOURCE: STATISTA WITH IRI DATA; Cebolla francesa SNAC INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING Espinaca FOR 52 WEEKS ENDING APRIL 17, 2022. Queso Hummus Ranch Buffalo Alcachofa Cangrejo 2020 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks TThhee s snanacckk tthahatt p poopsps wwiitthh f fllavavoorr By Violeta Montes de Oca n the United States, they are called popcorn. Still, in Latin America, some call them palomitas (Mexico), cotufas (Venezuela), crispetas (Colombia) and pochoclos (Argentina), among others. Whatever their name, this snack could well be the grandfather of all others because people have been eating it for centuries. 吀栀ey were an integral part of Aztec ceremonies in the early 16th century. In the United States, natives ate them and used them as ornaments in ceremonial headdresses, necklaces, and decorations. I吀栀roughout the centuries, its easy preparation has remained the same: it is a grain that explodes when in contact with heat, and people eat it. According to the Popcorn Board, most people associate eating popcorn with the best family moments. 吀栀e Board is made up of popcorn companies responsible for getting popcorn to consumers in the form of their choice: kernels, ready-to-eat popcorn, or microwave popcorn. POPCORN GOES WITH... Americans' favorite movie genres: Favorite popcorn 昀氀avors in the US: Action Butter 20% 30% Drama Salted 14% 18% Comedy White Cheddar 12% 14% Romantic Comedy Cheddar 11% 10% Horror Kettle Corn 11% 9% 2222 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks 吀栀e Popcorn Board released some interesting data on popcorn consumption. According to a survey conducted by OnePoll at the request of the Popcorn Board in January 2021 of 2,000 Americans, this is how they eat this snack:: Requirements for a perfect movie night 1 Palomitas de 2Manta 3Chocolate maíz (51%) acogedora (46%) (37%) Industry data Of popcorn is Of popcorn is eaten 70%eaten at home 30%outside the home. CCononttaaiinnererss o off p popopccorornn,, qquuarartt--ssiizzee,, ar aree ccononssuummeedd p perer p pererssonon 4343 ppeerr y yeeaar.r. Major popcorn- producing states are: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, 99 Kentucky, Michigan, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska and Ohio. BBiilllliioonn co connttaaiinenerrss of of ppooppccoornrn q quuaarrtt--ssiizeze a arree 1414 ccoonnssuummeedd a annnnuualalllyy i inn tthhe Ue Unniitteed Sd Sttaatteess, b, baasseedd oonn 20 201166--20202020 s saalleess.. These are the main types of corn: sweet, Dent, Flint, 44 and popcorn 2424 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks NCNCAA C Calalllss on on F FDADA t too TTakakee Ac Acttiionon Challenges State Laws Prohibiting Use of Food Additives By Abasto he National Downs stressed that "FDA needs to Confectioners assert its authority as a legitimate national Association regulatory decision-maker and leader in (NCA) spoke food safety. It's time to stop pretending out against that consumer magazine editors and state Ta number of legislators have the scienti昀椀c expertise and bills in several states to quali昀椀cations to make these all-important ban various FDA-approved determinations." food processing additives. According to the leading FOR AND AGAINST ADDITIVES trade organization for the Following California's adoption of a food $48 billion U.S. confectionery additive ban in fall 2023, Illinois, New York, industry, the issue has received and Pennsylvania are among a handful of much media attention without states considering similar proposals. accountability and little fact-checking Meanwhile, Indiana, Maryland, South among legislators, non-governmental Dakota, Washington, and West Virginia organizations, non-pro昀椀t lobbying groups, have rejected similar bills because the activists, and media members. proposals lack a scienti昀椀c basis. In the same vein, NCA reported that Kentucky lawmakers recently passed a NO SCIENTIFIC BACKING resolution recognizing that food safety NCA complained that some states' decisions should be fact-based and driven support for proposals to ban additives by those with regulatory expertise. relies on falsehoods that are all too easy "Usurping FDA's authority does to accept at 昀椀rst glance. nothing more than create a patchwork "Some states are proposing to dismantle of inconsistent state requirements that our well-developed national food safety increase food costs, create confusion system in an emotion-driven campaign around food safety, and erode consumer that lacks scienti昀椀c backing," said NCA con昀椀dence in our food supply," Downs president and CEO John Downs. concluded. 2626 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks 9 Ideas to Prepare Your Store and Increase Sales June is National Candy Month By Hernando Ramírez-Santos une is known for many things: the start of summer, 9 IDEAS ON HOW TO PLAN FOR Father's Day, and graduations. It has also earned the title NATIONAL CANDY MONTH: of the sweetest month of the year because it is National 1. Set goals: Determine your goals for participating in Candy Month. National Candy Month - are you looking to increase sales, build J For candy manufacturers and retailers, National Candy brand awareness, or interact with your customers? Having Month o昀昀ers a valuable opportunity to boost sales during speci昀椀c objectives will help guide your planning and execution. a traditionally slow period between Easter and Halloween. 2. Create a marketing campaign: Develop a By taking advantage of this month's celebration, shopkeepers, comprehensive campaign to promote National Candy Month. candy manufacturers, or distributors can realize an additional It can include print and digital advertising, social media $500 million in sales potential, according to estimates campaigns, email marketing, and in-store promotions. provided by the National Confectioners Consider partnering with influencers or Association (NCA), the organization bloggers who have a large following in that founded the holiday. the candy and snacking industry. 3. Launch limited- edition products: Introduce A VERY SWEET special-edition treats or SUMMER snacks to coincide with National Candy Month. 吀栀ese include new 昀氀avors, 94% unique packaging, or collaborations with other of people traveling on brands or organizations. the road this summer Limited edition products will bring treats. create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, encouraging customers to 82% purchase. 4. Organize of beach-goers in events or tastings: Set the U.S. will bring up events or tastings where candy. customers can try and learn about your products. One way to generate buzz around 96% National Candy Month is to partner with retailers or of people planning venues to organize events to go camping will and leverage your customer bring candy. base. Educating consumers about your brand and building 吀栀e NCA said retailers could relationships is an excellent leverage daily assortments opportunity to establish to increase sales velocity and a strong bond with your pro昀椀ts by limiting markdowns target audience. and building larger baskets 5. Collaborate with cross-selling, secondary with other brands counters, advertising, and or organizations: social media. Explore partnering with complementary brands 2828 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
or organizations to create cross-promotions or co-branding initiatives. Expanding your reach and introducing your products to new audiences can help you grow your business. 6. Engage with your audience on social media: Use social media platforms to interact with your audience throughout National Candy Month. Share interesting content and fun facts about your products and encourage customers to share their candy experiences using a speci昀椀c hashtag. Consider running contests or sweepstakes to incentivize participation further. 7. O昀昀er discounts or promotions: Create special discounts or promotions exclusive to National Candy Month. Consider o昀昀ering package deals, free samples, or limited- time discounts. 吀栀ese options encourage customers to make a purchase and help drive sales. 8. Support a cause: Consider partnering with a charity and donating some of your sales during National Candy Month. Showcasing your brand values and encouraging customers to choose your products, knowing that their purchase will contribute to a more signi昀椀cant cause, can e昀昀ectively boost sales and promote social responsibility. 9. Monitor and analyze results: Throughout National Candy Month, track the effectiveness of your marketing e昀昀orts and campaign initiatives. Analyze sales data, social media engagement, customer feedback, and other metrics to evaluate the success of your e昀昀orts. Use this information to re昀椀ne your strategies for future campaigns. 吀栀e National Candy Month retailer activation campaign began in 2020 with just 570 stores. In its 昀椀rst two years, more than 50,000 stores participated in summer promotions, and the National Confectioners Association noted that the June celebration was an excellent opportunity to achieve substantial incremental sales in the candy category. AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM MMAAYY//JJUNEUNE 2 2002244 2929
Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks By Abasto he 昀椀fth annual edition of the National Confectioners Association’s (NCA) State of Treating re昀氀ects the snack buying trends in 2023, a year in which in昀氀ation grabbed all the attention. 吀栀e study analyzes long-term trend lines and documents what changed and why those changes occurred in confectionery shoppers’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors T$61, 0 billion dollars U.S. confectionery sales forecast for 2028. SOURCE: EUROMONITOR | PASSPORT MODEL JANUARY 2024 Sales trends in 2023 Total sales in all channels: $25.9 billion in chocolate + $19.2 billion in non-chocolate candy + $3.7 billion in gum = $48.8 billion in confectionery. FUENTE: EUROMONITOR |PASSPORT MODEL ENERO 2024 In Circana-measured channels only, year-over-year growth for each segment was as follows: 5.8% chocolate 2023-dollar sales growth. 12.1% non-chocolate candy 2023-dollar sales growth 15.4% gum and mints 2023-dollar sales growth. SOURCE: CIRCANA, TOTAL US, MULO+C, 52 WE. 12/31/2023 3030 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM
Lifes Occasions Chocolate and candy play a special role during celebrations and holidays. +8 out of 10 Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, and the winter holidays. 64% of total confectionery sales take place during these holidays: 4 billion | +5.6%Winter Valentines: $4.5 billion | +10.1% $ Halloween: $5. Easter: $5.4 billion | +9.4% Holidays: $6.5 billion | +4.6% 2-3 times per week The average frequency with which consumers enjoy chocolate or candy treats. Confectionery enjoys very high permissibility with consumers who understand the role of treating in a happy, balanced lifestyle. 86% 80% Believe it is Believe that OK to have a physical health piece of choco- and emotional late or candy well-being are occasionally.. interconnected. For the vegetarian palate In recent years, growing awareness of health and wellness has led to a signi昀椀cant increase in demand for vegan confectionery products. Vegan confections do not have dairy, but natural colors, 昀氀avors, and real fruit juice. 吀栀ey are ideal for people with dietary restrictions or allergies or who are concerned about their health. According to Future Market Insights Inc.’s Vegan Confectionery Market report, the global vegan confectionery market has grown signi昀椀cantly in recent years, driven by many factors. One of the main ones is the demand for vegan confectionery products due to the popularity of veganism, especially among the Y or millennial generation and the economically active population. $1,276.3 $1,377.7 million was the value million is the estimated value of of the global vegan the global vegan confectionery confectionery market in market in 2024.. 2023. 9.2% 27.6% 6.8% is the growth potential is the market share that is what the U.S. market of the global vegan vegan chocolate bars will is expected to grow from confectionery market have in 2024. 2024 to 2034. from 2024 to 2034. AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM MMAAYY//JJUNEUNE 2 2002244 3131
FOOD INDUSTRY NUMBER OF CONVENIENCE STORES ON THE RISE More than 152,000 operate in the US By Hernando Ramírez-Santos he U.S. convenience store industry has added more retail locations to the c-store universe for the second consecutive year, reported the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS). 吀栀ere are 152,396 convenience stores operating in the United States. A 1.5% increase over last year’s store count of 150,174, according to the 2024 NACS/NIQ Convenience Industry Store Count. T 吀栀ese stores are estimated to sell 80% of the fuels consumers purchase in the United States. 吀栀e recently released store census shows 120,061 convenience stores selling fuels, up 1.2% from 118,678 stores in 2023. CHANGES IN THE LAST DECADE: 2024 - 152,396 (+1.5%) (-1.6%) 150,274 - 2019 2023 - 150,174 (+1.5%) (-0.3%) 152,720 - 2018 2022 - 148,026 (-1.5%) (+0.2%) 154,535 - 2017 2021 - 150,274 (-1.6%) (+0.9%) 154,195 - 2016 2020 - 152,720 (-0.3%) (+0.9%) 152,794 - 2015 5050 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
吀栀e bulk of C-stores comes from “A-sized” (1-10 stores) operators at 96,156 locations (63.1% of total C-stores). Of these, 91,799 are single-store operators, up slightly from 90,423 stores in 2023. Second are “E-sized” operators with more than 500 stores. THE NUMBER OF CONVENIENCE STORE OPERATORS STORE SIZE STORE COUNT ALLOCATION A (1-10 stores) 96,156 63.1% B (11-50 stores) 9,157 6.0% C (51-200 stores) 9,033 5.9% D (201-500 stores) 5,186 3.4% E (501+ stores) 32,864 21.6% Nearly every state increased its store count. Texas continues to have the most convenience stores (16,304 stores), or more than 1 in 10 stores in the United States. After losing 53 stores in 2023, California added 177 to its store count. Only seven states saw a reduction in their store count: Alaska, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, and Vermont. While the C-store industry grew its retail presence in local communities throughout the United States, other brick-and-mortar channels had a di昀昀erent experience: CHANNEL 2024 2023 % CHANGE Convenience 152,396 150,174 1.5% C-stores selling fuels 118,678 120,061 1.2% Fuels kiosks 13,065 13,346 -2.2% Grocery 45,047 45,380 -0.7% Drug 39,752 40,008 -0.6% Dollar 38,435 37,067 3.7% With the U.S. population at an estimated 336 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, there is one convenience store per every 2,204 people. 吀栀e 2024 NACS/NIQ Convenience Industry Store Count is based on operating stores as of December 31, 2023 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM MMAAYY/J/JUUNNEE 2 2002244 5151
LATINAS IN THE INDUSTRY Teresa Blanco, the link between community and vendors By Violeta Montes de Oca orthgate González 3rd USDA grant in 2024 helping Meet Teresa Market’s owners Calfresh participants earn and Blanco have made a redeem additional free produce longstanding at grocery store level. commitment to care Another example, when Her mom and dad were from Jalisco, Nfor the community’s schools’ setup a “field trip” México. She was born in Santa Monica and health and wellbeing. Sometimes, or healthy store tour to visit is the youngest of her siblings. the stores operate as a health Northgate Market, they turn it “When I was a kid, I guess I’ve always portal. Teresa Blanco is the mind into a walkover through Nutrition volunteered. I was Treasurer and President and hands behind this. Month in March. at Elementary, as well as in junior high She is the Director of “Our goal is that after they do and high school, involved in student Community Engagement and the tour for one hour, they learn government-type programs and giving Wellness at Northgate Market. how to shop healthier when they back to the community,” Blanco said in an Northgate Market held over come in with their parents and interview with Abasto. 600 events in 2023 to bring free help them make a difference,” That is very similar to her work today, health screenings and nutrition said Blanco. and she also ensures her family is involved. education about chronic diseases The supermarket chain Women in Teresa’s family and coworkers to the stores. The result? partners with vendors to promote have inspired her to keep doing what she Customers see the market as a healthier options and products. loves and be proud as a Latina. health portal to learn more about 吀栀e goal is to create an enrichment “Women have inspired me to make sure nutrition and how to improve environment for the kids. At the that we’re always giving back, making a their general way of life. end of the store tours, kids leave di昀昀erence in the community, and taking with bilingual coloring books, time to care for ourselves,” Blanco said. fruit, and nutrition knowledge. “Women should also know our worth HER ROLE IN THE Teresa’s involvement with value. Because we juggle so much for COMMUNITY the community our families. Especially as Teresa enjoys her job as Director also involves Latinas, we juggle so many of eresa enjoys her job as Director Northgate 2005 She worked ten things regarding work and life of Community Engagement and Market associates months at El Super. balance, and I think women Wellness at Northgate Market. and their family 2010 She was on board at overall carry a lot more weight She explains that the pros of members. As a Northgate Market.. on their shoulders every day,” working in the industry are cancer survivor, 27 Years in marketing. she added. the different partnerships the she co-founded 20 Years of developing Teresa is a single mother company establishes to better the a cancer support and managing partnerships who 昀椀gures out how to come community. Northgate Market group in 2016 with with nonpro昀椀ts. home after work and make a has been hosting free onsite her coworker, home meal with her children. breast exams and mammograms Juan Manuel She makes that a priority. at store level since 2010. UCSD “Chito” Suarez. and Northgate Market will launch 5522 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM
LATINAS IN THE INDUSTRY GRISELDA GARCÍA: 26 years with stores in NY By Violeta Montes de Oca riselda García is their spending habits, purchasing a hard-working power and requirements, allowing and visionary her to determine if additional woman who services should be o昀昀ered to them. runs a Mexican “By having the customer, you can Grestaurant three sell them everything. It’s easier to blocks from Central Park on New sell them more, to expand your York’s Upper East Side: Dalila’s repertoire of merchandise or Food Market Inc. services you can offer them, as She comes from a matriarchy in opposed to finding a new one,” Puebla, Mexico. she said. In New York, they started El That’s why her store sells Tepeyac, a bodega-style store everything from meat, milk, and o昀昀ering Mexican products. Since tortillas to hot food. 吀栀ey even then, she and her four siblings prepare food for events, such as have generated 22 businesses, all parties. following the food line. “A lot of analysis causes paralysis, “I have worked in this sector so it’s better to be there and jump since 1998 and have witnessed the in,” she said. evolution and modernization of the No one regrets being brave, she way of doing business, as well as added, so she “took the plunge” and the growth of our community and her restaurant Dalila’s was born. its buying power,” said Garcia in an interview with Abasto. Griselda studied and practiced FROM BODEGA TO law in Mexico for two years, RESTAURANT although she has been a merchant El Tepeyac grew because a all her life. supermarket closed on the When she arrived in the United next block. States, she said her studies helped “We took another location to her understand the system and set make a butcher shop, we extended up her stores the hours at that time around here where we have been living OWN BRANDS: TEPEYAC HER TEACHER? forever. 吀栀e only home deliveries AND DALILA’S THE CUSTOMER that were made were of hot food. I - Tepeyac started as a bodega offering dairy, Griselda has years of experience said, why not do beer? Finally, there meat and beer with home delivery or internet in what she calls the noble is a high consumption,” she said. sales. It has also been a courier delivery point. profession of merchant. So, Griselda had a phone line just - Dalila’s Food Market Inc is a restaurant that One of her most valuable for those orders, but people also operates Monday through Sunday from 8:00 AM sources of knowledge has been wanted food. 吀栀e next opportunity? to 1:00 AM. her customers. She has a habit Men without a partner or family The menu includes tamales, huaraches, of questioning those who visit who miss traditional stews. empipianadas, burritos, chile relleno, tacos, nachos, her stores about their shopping “I’ve had to reinvent myself nopales salad and other traditional dishes. 吀栀ey even preferences, the products according to the circumstances. In o昀昀er vegetarian options, food prepared with blue they usually purchase, their the pandemic, the concept of food corn and desserts. And to go with it? Beer, salsas, origins, and where else they for sale over the Internet came up,” guacamole, tostadas and sides. shop. 吀栀is enables her to assess García said. 5454 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM