Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks Snacks for the youngest ) a h p , Z, & Al n Y o i t a r e n Ge By Violeta Montes de Oca ( TASTE & TEXTURE n 2023, OnePoll conducted a survey revealing data 吀栀e results also revealed that 63% prefer their snack to about the snack consumption of the Millennial and have "a little spice," with 36% of Generation Z and 41% of Z generations, such as the fact that only 3% do not Millennials challenging themselves to try spicier foods during eat snacks. the pandemic. Millennial and Z generation, such that only 3% do Generation Z and Millennials agree that the most common Inot eat snacks. way they distinguish a snack from a meal is that a snack can It also revealed the time, causes, and even the 昀氀avors the be eaten on the go (37%), while a meal cannot. generations look for between meals. Respondents also de昀椀ne snacks as foods that require no 吀栀e survey considered 2,000 Americans between 18 and preparation or cooking time (35%) and say it is challenging 41, of which 1,125 belong to Generation Z and 875 were to 昀椀nd time for meals (35%). Millennials. THE ALPHA GENERATION SNACK TIME 吀栀e youngest population on this planet, who have only 吀栀e study revealed that 57% of respondents confessed to recently arrived, is the so-called Alpha Generation. 吀栀eir snacking between meals. However, three out of four consumers parents, primarily Millennials, are after a life rich in stimuli stop snacking at least an hour before their next meal. and new experiences, according to Datassential. Americans are also adamant about avoiding midnight 吀栀irty-昀椀ve percent of parents feed their babies solid food snacking, with only 2% of respondents saying they snack and skip porridge, thanks to a trendy baby-directed feeding late at night. practice. One in four (26%) respondents snack most often in the 吀栀irty-one percent of Generation Alpha already eat trendy early afternoon, the preferred time to snack, especially among ingredients, such as plant-based foods, several times a week. Millennials compared to Generation Z (33% vs. 21%). Fifty-six percent of Generation Alpha parents say they buy their children new foods they've seen on TV or the Internet. REASONS FOR SNACKING THE THREE GENERATIONS 68% of respondents admit they turn to snacks more often in Millennial: 1981-1995 times of anxiety or stress, which may explain why two-thirds Z: 1995-2009 eat more now than they did before the pandemic began. 吀栀ose Alpha: 2010-2024 who snack for a speci昀椀c purpose are often looking for a boost in energy (42%), some extra calories (33%) or protein (33%). 1010 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM

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