Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks 9 Ideas to Prepare Your Store and Increase Sales June is National Candy Month By Hernando Ramírez-Santos une is known for many things: the start of summer, 9 IDEAS ON HOW TO PLAN FOR Father's Day, and graduations. It has also earned the title NATIONAL CANDY MONTH: of the sweetest month of the year because it is National 1. Set goals: Determine your goals for participating in Candy Month. National Candy Month - are you looking to increase sales, build J For candy manufacturers and retailers, National Candy brand awareness, or interact with your customers? Having Month o昀昀ers a valuable opportunity to boost sales during speci昀椀c objectives will help guide your planning and execution. a traditionally slow period between Easter and Halloween. 2. Create a marketing campaign: Develop a By taking advantage of this month's celebration, shopkeepers, comprehensive campaign to promote National Candy Month. candy manufacturers, or distributors can realize an additional It can include print and digital advertising, social media $500 million in sales potential, according to estimates campaigns, email marketing, and in-store promotions. provided by the National Confectioners Consider partnering with influencers or Association (NCA), the organization bloggers who have a large following in that founded the holiday. the candy and snacking industry. 3. Launch limited- edition products: Introduce A VERY SWEET special-edition treats or SUMMER snacks to coincide with National Candy Month. 吀栀ese include new 昀氀avors, 94% unique packaging, or collaborations with other of people traveling on brands or organizations. the road this summer Limited edition products will bring treats. create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, encouraging customers to 82% purchase. 4. Organize of beach-goers in events or tastings: Set the U.S. will bring up events or tastings where candy. customers can try and learn about your products. One way to generate buzz around 96% National Candy Month is to partner with retailers or of people planning venues to organize events to go camping will and leverage your customer bring candy. base. Educating consumers about your brand and building 吀栀e NCA said retailers could relationships is an excellent leverage daily assortments opportunity to establish to increase sales velocity and a strong bond with your pro昀椀ts by limiting markdowns target audience. and building larger baskets 5. Collaborate with cross-selling, secondary with other brands counters, advertising, and or organizations: social media. Explore partnering with complementary brands 2828 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM

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