or organizations to create cross-promotions or co-branding initiatives. Expanding your reach and introducing your products to new audiences can help you grow your business. 6. Engage with your audience on social media: Use social media platforms to interact with your audience throughout National Candy Month. Share interesting content and fun facts about your products and encourage customers to share their candy experiences using a speci昀椀c hashtag. Consider running contests or sweepstakes to incentivize participation further. 7. O昀昀er discounts or promotions: Create special discounts or promotions exclusive to National Candy Month. Consider o昀昀ering package deals, free samples, or limited- time discounts. 吀栀ese options encourage customers to make a purchase and help drive sales. 8. Support a cause: Consider partnering with a charity and donating some of your sales during National Candy Month. Showcasing your brand values and encouraging customers to choose your products, knowing that their purchase will contribute to a more signi昀椀cant cause, can e昀昀ectively boost sales and promote social responsibility. 9. Monitor and analyze results: Throughout National Candy Month, track the effectiveness of your marketing e昀昀orts and campaign initiatives. Analyze sales data, social media engagement, customer feedback, and other metrics to evaluate the success of your e昀昀orts. Use this information to re昀椀ne your strategies for future campaigns. 吀栀e National Candy Month retailer activation campaign began in 2020 with just 570 stores. In its 昀椀rst two years, more than 50,000 stores participated in summer promotions, and the National Confectioners Association noted that the June celebration was an excellent opportunity to achieve substantial incremental sales in the candy category. AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM MMAAYY//JJUNEUNE 2 2002244 2929

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