Our TM BUENOS CONSEJOS. Collaborators BUENOS NEGOCIOS. MARY RON ANA JULIO IBÁÑEZ PAOLA OCHOA COPPOLA HESLEP MARGULIS MARÍA TRIANA Retail Executive, Director of Operations Creative Director of Director of RAM Psychologist & International. CEO at Agtools. She has Ten Acre Marketing. Communications, Business Consultant. of Aurora Grocery a Master's degree in Former vice presi- LLC. He is a journa- She is Marketing Group and President Clinical Nutrition and dent of marketing for list specializing in Director of AnaBella of the Hispanic more than 10 years United Fresh Produce the food industry. Dried Food. Retail Chamber of of experience in the Association. Commerce. supply chain. JAIME ENRIQUE RICARDO GAITÁN “RICK” PARRA Branding specialist. RAMON PORTILLA NISSA PIERSON Executive Director of Master in Marketing Founder HumanX Renowned herb expert, multicultural consul- Management, Insights. Visionary cooking teacher and ting for Cross Cultural Universidad San Plablo. leader in customer recipe creator. Nissa Conexion with over Author of the book: "101 insights. Passionate writes about fresh 30 years in the CPG useful branding tips". about CX. Innovator herbs on her blog sector. in Insights technology MyHerbal-Roots.com. ABASTO MEDIA IS ACCREDITED / ACTIVELY INVOLVED Gerente General / VIOLETA MONTES DE OCA Mercadotecnia Multicultural WITH THE FOLLOWING ASSOCIATIONS: General Manager [email protected] • /Multicultural Marketing GUSTAVO CALABRO 336.724.9718 x.203 ANITA GRACE, MBA [email protected] • Cuentas Nacionales / [email protected] • 336.724.9718 x.204 National Accounts 763.792.3538 ELIANA LANKERD Director Creativo / Creative [email protected] • Administración & Eventos / Director 336.724.9718 x.202 Administration & Events JENNIFER PANTOJA-PAREDES Ventas México-Latam / FERNANDA PIÑEROS WALKER [email protected] • Sales Representative LATAM fernanda.pineros@abasto. 336.724.9718 x.201 MARCELA CHAVES com • 336.724.9718 x.213 [email protected] • Coordinador Editorial / 336.724.9718 x.206 PPubublliicciiddaadd / / A Addvvererttiissiinngg Editorial Coordinator NILDA MARÍN adadveverrttiissiinngg@@aabbaassttoo..ccoomm HERNANDO [email protected] • 33336.6.44886.6.22442244 Abasto es una revista bimestral de circulación nacional publicada By Hispanic RAMÍREZ-SANTOS 336.968.1276 Marketing Consultants, Inc. P.O. Box 20577 Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproducción parcial o total de su [email protected] JUAN PABLO MADERO Suscripciones / Suscriptions contenido sin previa autorización del Editor. Abasto investiga la seriedad de sus anunciantes, pero no se hace responsable del contenido de las ofertas. Las • 336.724.9718 x.205 [email protected][email protected] opiniones expresadas By los autores y contribuyentes que colaboran en esta revista no son necesariamente compartidas By los editores o representantes 52.1.333.167. 8502 de HMC (Hispanic Marketing Consultants) Abasto Media. 88 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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