ADVICE RReettaaiill A Acacaddeemmyy TThhe re reecceeppttiioon an arreeaa By Julio Ibáñez - [email protected] wo of the most critical areas of our stores are those cleared daily at the end of merchandise delivery operations. that manage the in昀氀ow and out昀氀ow of money and Having a disorganized reception area is synonymous with merchandise, and therefore, where each operation certain merchandise losses. Following the daily cleaning must be handled very delicately. We are undoubtedly plan is mandatory because it is an area with access doors and talking about the cashier area where sales are also where damaged products are removed, creating a risk of Tgenerated and the reception area, where all the possible infestations. merchandise we sell in supermarkets enters. One of the critical points within the receiving area is the Focusing on the reception area, it is very important to reception process of perishable products (fruits, vegetables, actively follow some non-negotiable rules to avoid possible meats, deli, 昀椀sh). It is recommended that, when receiving fresh losses. 吀栀e 昀椀gure of the Reception Manager must be considered products, the Reception Manager always be accompanied by equal to that of the Cashier or checkout Manager because if one the area manager receiving them. handles the 昀氀ow of money, the other is managing the 昀氀ow of merchandise, which obviously has signi昀椀cant monetary value. 吀栀e reception area must also set an example for the rest of WHEN RECEIVING FRESH the store in terms of cleanliness and order, being completely PRODUCTS, PLEASE NOTE: • Fresh products should be received in the early hours of operation; if not, negotiate with suppliers (it is very important GER: to receive fruits and vegetables, meats, and 昀椀sh from 6 am to MANA ON I RECEPT THE OF IES IT IL SIB ON RESP 8 am at the latest). t • 吀栀e manager of each fresh products area will monitor o d unloading docks closed when n tion doors an • Keep recep the arrival temperature of their orders to ensure that the cold t. esen r p voice vs. chain is not broken. 吀栀is reception should go directly from the tions, physical supplier in recep te all deliveries/ alida • V e system as refrigerated truck to the store's cold rooms. to th t in ter i en en d th dise, an chan received mer • Likewise, it will be the responsibility of the manager of . tory ven actual in e each perishable area to check the quality of the products upon • Properly manage all returns to suppliers to charge in th arrival and, if they do not meet the appropriate quality, be . ) ucts, damaged, wrong deliveries, etc. expired prod system ( r willing to reject the order. o personnel f external each of der r o e access th trol • Con g of people in crowdin voiding over dise deliveries, a chan mer In short, we cannot overlook reception in our stores because tion area. e recep th t store everything we sell in them comes through there, and any ou th direct deliveries wi • Keep track of DSD suppliers ( carelessness or lack of follow-up is paid for with negative an th wi em th providing , ) needs stock to ding r acco ders r o t consequences for the economy of our business or with the loss d also registering their exi trance an d to their en access car of customers. . tion door e recep re through th e sto from th 7676 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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