Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks The Sweets & Snacks Expo 2024 sweetens Indiana By Abasto weets & Snacks Expo 2024 will occur May 14-15 at Convention Center in Las Vegas through 2032. the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, 吀栀e event, organized by the National Confectioners Indiana. It is the premier event for the sweets and Association (NCA), is expected to draw 16,000 attendees. snacks industries, bringing together thought leaders It will o昀昀er a wide range of educational programs, and industry experts to discover ideas, connect with including innovative data and trend tracking. In addition, peers, and drive these industries forward. S the Supplier Expo returns May 13-14 with a dedicated Beginning this year, the Sweets & Snacks Expo 2024 marketplace showcasing ingredients, machinery, will rotate for two years at the Indiana Convention Center packaging, and other services that help manufacturers in Indianapolis, followed by one year at the Las Vegas meet consumers’ changing needs. (Continues on Page 6) 44 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM

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