BUSINESS SHOWCASE Cordialsa USA Celebrates its 20th Anniversary Ambitious Goals to Secure its Future By Hernando Ramírez-Santos ordialsa USA is celebrating its 20th anniversary as sales achieved in 2020. a distributor of leading Hispanic food brands in the We continue to see immense potential in the U.S. Hispanic United States. It has been two decades of growth market. We are con昀椀dent that it will continue to grow, and we thanks to the vision of the company’s team, which has want to participate actively and participate in it. positioned its product portfolio in di昀昀erent regions of RA: We understand that Cordialsa USA Cthe country. operates in other countries; where else does Cordialsa USA knows that the U.S. Hispanic market and its the company have a presence? purchasing power are improving daily. For this reason, they LA: Cordialsa USA is part of Grupo Nutresa, a leader in have set an ambitious goal in their strategic development plan. processed foods in Colombia - with 50.2% of consolidated Luis Arango, Managing Director of Cordialsa USA, talked to market share - and one of the most relevant players in the Abasto about the company and how they prepare to continue sector in Latin America through eight business units: Meat, growing. Biscuits, Chocolates, Co昀昀ees, Tresmontes Lucchetti (TMLUC), Abasto Magazine: This year, Cordialsa USA Consumer Foods, Ice Cream, Pasta, and Others. celebrates its twentieth anniversary. How did With over 100 years of existence and more than 49,000 it start? employees, Grupo Nutresa is a diversified company in Luis Arango: Cordialsa USA began operations in 2004 geography, products, and supply, with a direct presence in 18 in California, intending to distribute some of the Grupo countries and international sales of US$1,783 million in 82 Nutresa brands in the Hispanic market in the United States. countries. Subsequently, in 2007, the main headquarters moved to RA: With what products did the company Houston. become known in the market? Cordialsa USA has grown rapidly in recent years. As a product LA: Cordialsa USA began its operations with leading brands of this year’s strategic planning exercise, the company has set with a long tradition in their respective countries of origin. a new and ambitious goal: to grow seven times by 2030, the Today, our portfolio consists of more than 40 brands, some 1414 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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