ADVICE Law for Reliable Arti昀椀cial Intelligence By Ricardo Gaitán, Brand Analyst he world is in a stage of digital transformation where arti昀椀cial intelligence (AI) challenges the notion of what it means to be alive, to feel, and to think. AI can generate images, music, videos, Tand even extremely realistic conversations with humans. Intelligence tools also serve as a mirror re昀氀ecting our desires, fears, and ultimately providing solutions. Imagine having a conversation where each response perfectly adapts to you, not because it's from a living individual, but from a machine programmed in the art of conversation. More than technical support software, the machine becomes an "advisor." 吀栀is circumstance raises questions about our future. How could we adapt to a world where machines understand us, perhaps better than we understand ourselves? What could humanity learn about itself? 吀栀is is not about where AI may lead us, but where we decide to go with it. 吀栀e central provision of this law concerns information, texts, images, or videos arti昀椀cially generated with false data GLOBAL OPERATION OF intentionally supplied to the system. Similarly, it establishes ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE restricted use by countries in biometric surveillance of public On March 13, members of the European Parliament spaces in search of individuals. established rules for the global operation of artificial 吀栀e "AI Law" also prohibits citizen scoring systems and mass intelligence, a law that marks a before and after in the legislative surveillance used in countries like China. management of this new technology. 吀栀e European Union's proposition urges that companies Although the EU is the 昀椀rst to take this step, it is not failing to comply with the standards could be "penalized" with alone. In the United States, the idea does not come from the 昀椀nes ranging from $8.2 million or 1.5% of their turnover to government, but from the private sector. Companies like IBM, $38 million or 7% of global turnover, depending on the type Google, and Microsoft have developed ethical principles for of violation. AI and have participated in various initiatives to promote its We hope that all governments around the world will give responsible use. their approval to the AI Law and that legislation will be 吀栀e agreement originated at a time when generative arti昀椀cial established as soon as possible.. intelligence systems, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Gemini chatbot, are becoming more popular, raising questions about the misinformation that has revealed manipulation, privacy violations, and discrimination. 7878 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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