AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY IFPA invites the agribusiness industry to The Mexico Conference 2024 By Abasto he International Fresh Produce Association conference area and focused networking segments included in (IFPA) will hold The Mexico Conference on the program," emphasized Ramirez. May 22 and 23 in Guadalajara, the only event in In addition to the Business Tables to connect buyers with Mexico that brings together the entire supply producers (which require separate registration), for the 昀椀rst time, chain of the fresh produce industry. each conference or educational session will be followed by a co昀昀ee TThe Mexico Conference is designed for break and networking session held in the expo area. doing business, o昀昀ering multiple opportunities to make Exhibition booths will provide attendees the opportunity to connections and share global industry insights on food showcase their product innovations, but also explore potential safety, workforce, the Mexican market situation, and more. products or services for their businesses. 吀栀e event will bring together leaders, business owners, Educational sessions will focus on crucial topics in昀氀uencing founders, and decision-makers who can connect and the market in Mexico and beyond its borders. showcase their products and innovations during the event. In addition to a presentation on consumer trends and a detailed It is a strategic opportunity for those already doing business session on the market situation in Mexico, 吀栀e Mexico Conference in Mexico or planning to do business in this country. will feature food safety experts. Dr. Emily Moyer, from IFPA, and leaders from the Inter- “The fresh produce supply chain in American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) will Mexico is based on strong partnerships, present a new training platform and tools designed to support business connections, and innovation” organizations in their e昀昀orts to strengthen their operational dijo Rubén Ramírez, gerente regional de IFPA en México compliance. Another highly relevant topic that 吀栀e Mexico Conference will "吀栀e Mexico Conference is the only event in Mexico that brings address is an analysis of trends and challenges that will shape the together the entire supply chain, and with our proximity to the Mexican workforce over the next decade. United States, it o昀昀ers an unparalleled opportunity to establish Registration for the event is now open, and if there is interest business connections. in participating in the Business Tables activity to be held on May We have intentionally designed the event to create multiple 21, you can contact Rubén Ramírez: Rramirez@freshproduce. opportunities for the growth of our members' businesses, from com. Business Tables, to integrating the expo or exhibition area in the 6262 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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