THE LIME It is another essential product in Hispanic cuisine, used in $7,800. Heading to Chicago, costs ranged refreshing beverages such as lemonades, aguas frescas, and from $2,600 to $5,500, while towards Los cocktails, as well as an essential component in stews, salads, Angeles varied from $2,400 to $5,400. and, of course, a variety of home remedies. It is important to note that a standard In 2022, Mexico exported 990 million pounds of lemons avocado truck usually carries around to the US through the McAllen border. However, throughout 1,600 boxes, each weighing 25 pounds. 2023, this 昀椀gure experienced a notable increase, reaching a Regarding the cost per box, avocado total of 1.07 billion pounds, representing a signi昀椀cant 8.3% transportation to New York 昀氀uctuated increase. 吀栀is growth remained steady throughout 2023 and between $2.50 and $4.80, depending on marked the highest export volume in the last ten years. the season. In the case of shipments to Los Given the high transit volume at the McAllen border, we Angeles, costs remained in the range of $1.5 observe a continuous 昀氀ow of refrigerated trucks departing to $3.3. to various parts of the US constantly. 吀栀is facilitates a more agile and e昀케cient delivery of products to their Its strategic position, efficient logistics and customs 昀椀nal destinations. infrastructure, as well as its ability to facilitate the rapid and secure Finally, 昀氀ow of fresh fruits and vegetables from Mexico to the United States, throughout allow Hispanic households to enjoy many favorite agricultural 8.3% 2023, avocado products all year round. Additionally, it enables new generations Increase in transportation to grow up with the recipes that their relatives enjoyed in their Lime exports prices from South places of origin. in McAllen, Texas to New York TX in remained in the 2023 range of $4,000 to AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM MMAAYY/J/JUUNNEE 2 2002244 6161

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