FOOD INDUSTRY KICKS OFF AS THE LARGEST TRADE SHOW IN THE LAST 15 YEARS By Hernando Ramírez-Santos xpo ANTAD held its trade fair last March, which was ranked as the most important in the last 15 years, with more than 47,000 visitors and the presence of more than 1,200 booths in the Guadalajara Convention Center exhibition hall. Diego Cosío, president of the Asociación Nacional de ETiendas de Autoservicio y Departamentales (ANTAD), said that Expo ANTAD represents 94 Mexican retail chains with more than 48,000 stores. 吀栀ese associated companies make a direct investment of more than $2,000, which strengthens Mexico's economy. “Mexico has a unique opportunity in the next 昀椀ve to 10 years to grow more equitably and regionally, in addition to an exceptional demographic bonus until 2030. Neighboring the United States and nearshoring are unique, digitalization streamlines and simpli昀椀es government procedures, insecurity continues to be a challenge, and digital acceleration is an imperative for our partners,” said Cosío. 吀栀e trade fair was attended by 67 countries from Latin America, Europe and Asia, which o昀昀ered a wide range of products and services. National companies from 32 Mexican states also attended, of which 13 had their own pavilions on the business 昀氀oor. Francisco Cervantes Díaz, president of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), highlighted “the great relevance of this commercial platform not only in Mexico, but also globally as an (Continues on page ¬42) 4040 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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