FOOD INDUSTRY Go Online: Social Media Sales Marketing for 2024 By Mary Heslep, SVP, Ten Acre Marketing ocial to climb, and most have moved to a pay-to-play structure, media has encouraging brands to invest in boosting, sponsoring and become a powerful tool in advertising on the platform for the highest engagement. 吀栀is modern marketing, reaching 75 percent of the world’s does not have to be the case. population and attracting over 93 percent of internet Susers to a variety of social media channels, worldwide. SET PRIORITIES 吀栀e opportunities for food and beverage companies to Prioritizing quality content and strategic scheduling is the reach consumers directly are endless across many channels. best formula for slow and steady growth on social media. From targeted advertising, community engagement and Using a structured approach like a 90-60-30 planning cycle direct sales, 昀椀nding the channel that 昀椀ts your brand and your can help with creating and scheduling content e昀昀ectively, audience is key to a successful social media marketing strategy. moving a brand out of a reactionary position and allowing 吀栀e continuous expansion of social media in the last 25 years our social media team to dedicate more time to developing highlights its signi昀椀cant in昀氀uence on the changing consumer creative brand content. shopping behavior. With devices in hand, social media has perfected the one-click purchasing etiquette. • Begin mapping out topics 90 days in advance. • Write and review content 60 days before publishing. HOW TO WIN OVER CONSUMERS • Gain necessary review and approval in the 30-day window With each platform adding new shopping speci昀椀c tools before publishing. for brands, coupled with e-commerce for grocery now omni- present, brands can grow sales and consumer engagement Aligning your planning with product launches, new seasonal through social media, and should! o昀昀erings and other annual traditions, events and holidays will 吀栀e name of the game has always been to concur the ensure you don’t miss an opportunity to deliver next year’s channel’s algorithm, reaching key target audiences with your April Fools fake-food post opportunity, among others. content that the platform will prioritize for them, ensuring Once you’ve planned your content, it’s time to activate your more views and engagement. sales stack. Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok all With new AI tools created by each platform daily, there are have e-commerce tools and integration that allow consumers new opportunities to advance your social media engagement. a one-click purchasing experience. But the challenge of getting eyeballs is still the greatest hill 3232 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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