SOCIAL MEDIA SALES 44% 70% 47% USE THE RIGHT TOOLS 44% of Instagram users use the exclusively selling (e-commerce) via The many and varied direct to app to shop on a weekly basis. Meta TikTok Shop. 70% of TikTok users consumer sales tools across social Commerce Manager will allow you to discover new brands and products on media have enabled companies to manage an e-commerce sales funnel the channel. operate solely through these channels, that is supported by both Facebook and And if you’re not on Pinterest as a building tremendous engagement Instagram which is not only a robust brand, you should know that 89% of and sales to rival many on-shelf food, selling tool, but also allows you to view US pinners use Pinterest to research beauty and fashion products. It’s one sales activity directly tied to these purchasing decisions. 47% or 150 thing to have a social media marketing channels. million potential new customers are on plan. It’s the next level to sell through In the short life of the platform, Pinterest just to shop. With 320 Million social media, and the channels are TikTok has become the largest selling monthly users, that is a lot of people catering to brands. Go online. tool on social media, with products going to this one platform just to shop. AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM MMAAYY/J/JUUNNEE 2 2002244 3333

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