AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY // / Lipman Family Farms Acquires Northeast Produce By Abasto ipman Family Farms announced integrated entity. its strategic expansion through the The former owners of Northeast Produce will acquisition of Northeast Produce. play essential roles within Lipman Family Farms. L吀栀is deal, which represents Lipman’s Mike Melninkaitis will take on the position of 12th acquisition in the past 20 years, reinforces the director of Business Development Manager in the company’s commitment to growth and innovation. Northeast, while Joe Ru昀케ni will remain in charge With agriculture forming the company’s foundation, of sales operations at the Plainville, CT, facility. 吀栀is Lipman aims to provide fresh food reliably, e昀케ciently, collaboration will bring together the expertise and and consistently throughout the year. Elyse Lipman, experience of both teams to support the growth CEO of Lipman Family Farms, expressed delight at and success of the joint welcoming Northeast Produce to the Lipman family. venture. “吀栀is acquisition represents our growth-focused Melninkaitis expressed strategy, allowing us to better serve our customers enthusiasm about the two by providing them with high-quality, fresh produce in companies’ shared vision and an expanded geographic area,” Lipman added. cultural alignment, highlighting the potential of Emphasizing the increasing demand for fresh working together as one united team. Meanwhile, produce due to a growing population, Lipman CEO Ruffini emphasized the opportunity to enhance reiterated the company’s dedication to investing in customer relationships and build upon Northeast services, infrastructure, and partnerships to ensure Produce’s foundation of excellence in quality and the availability and safety of fresh produce. service. “We need to make sure that we’re growing in a Under Lipman’s leadership, Northeast Produce’s way that makes produce accessible, a昀昀ordable, and Plainville facility will maintain operations and attainable for generations to come,” Lipman stated. continue to provide services to its customers. 吀栀is 吀栀e company anticipates a smooth and uni昀椀ed continuity ensures a seamless transition for clients transition with Northeast Produce as Lipman Family and reinforces both companies’ commitment to Farms progresses with its evolution and expansion. delivering exceptional products and services. By combining the respective strengths of both organizations, they aim to create a more robust and 6464 MMAAYYOO//JJUUNNIIO 2O 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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