EDITORIAL A ShA red Achievement t Abasto, each issue marks a further step in our its distribution at the most important tortilla industry event commitment to excellence and quality information. in the United States, the Tortilla Industry Association (TIA) Today, we are honored to share a significant show in Las Vegas, NV. 吀栀is insert is not only a recognition of achievement with you: this edition, which you hold the tradition and innovation in tortilla manufacturing but also in your hands, has reached 132 pages, a record number a tool for connecting industry professionals. Afor our publication. 吀栀is achievement not only re昀氀ects our growth but also the constant support we receive from our 吀栀e second insert is dedicated to the vibrant candy industry, readers and advertisers. aligned with the Sweets & Snacks event, the leading showcase for the candy industry in the United States, which will be held G r A tI t U de t O OU r re A der S A nd A dvertIS er S in Indianapolis, IN. 吀栀is insert highlights the latest trends and First, we want to express our sincere thanks to you, our developments in the world of sweets and snacks, providing a readers, who month after month choose Abasto as your comprehensive and updated view that we hope will be of great preferred source of information in the food industry. Your interest to our readers. interest and loyalty are the reason for our e昀昀orts. Likewise, we extend our gratitude to our advertisers, whose con昀椀dence in lOO kin G tO w A rd the F U tU re our platform has been indispensable for this growth. Without Each page of this special edition re昀氀ects our commitment to their support, this editorial achievement would not have been excellence and innovation. By expanding our content to include possible. these special inserts, we not only celebrate these two sectors we cover but also reinforce our role as a leading informational r ec OG niti O n t O the Ab AS t O t e A m medium in the food industry. 吀栀is milestone is also the result of the tireless work of our 吀栀ank you for being part of this journey, for believing in our team. From journalists and editors to the design, sales, and work, and for making each of these 132 pages possible. Together, administration sta昀昀, every Abasto employee has played a we will continue to move forward, inform, and celebrate the crucial role. Day after day, their dedication and professionalism many facets of the food industry. ensure that both our print and digital versions are benchmarks of quality and relevance in the sector. Until the next edition. Speci A l InS ert S : c elebr A tin G Inn O v A ti O n S in the Ind US trY Gustavo Calabro 吀栀is special 132-page issue includes two special inserts that highlight vital categories of our industry. 吀栀e 昀椀rst celebrates the tortilla industry and its rich history, corresponding with 66 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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