IN THE NEWS Quick News Convenience stores Wawa expands Sheetz has new stores to Alabama vice presidents Wawa will open its 昀椀rst Alabama store, at Sheetz promoted three executives to new positions. 18968 Greeno Road, Fairhope, on 吀栀ursday, Emily Sheetz is the new executive vice president of April 25. strategy and IT. She will be responsible for providing Additional stores will open in the summer, Emily Sheetz leadership and direction to 250 employees in the strategy, at 7095 Cottage Hill Road, Mobile, AL and IT and innovation teams. 21022 Hwy 59 Robertsdale, AL. Ryan Sheetz will serve as executive vice president In total, Wawa plans to open 7-10 stores of marketing and supply chain. He will oversee the in the Baldwin County and Mobile markets company's overall marketing results, as well as the over the next 3-4 years. performance of Sheetz Distribution Services and Sheetz Wawa is a convenience store brand that, Brothers Kitchen. with a presence in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ryan Sheetz Trevor Walter now holds the position of executive vice Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Florida and president of petroleum supply management, where he will Washington, D.C., totals nearly 1,000 stores. drive total customer service. Sheetz has more than 710 locations in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio and Maryland. It recently announced its expansion into more regions of Ohio and into the state of Michigan. Trevor Walter Yesway gains presence Circle K adds new in Oklahoma member to its Yesway, one of the fastest-growing convenience store operators in the United Board of Directors States, is signi昀椀cantly expanding its presence in Oklahoma. By the end of 2024, the Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc., a global company plans to have 15 stores in the state. leader in convenience and mobility with more Founded in 2015, Yesway is a multi-brand Stephen J. Harper than 16,700 stores in 29 countries under the platform headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. Couche-Tard and Circle K. brands, has appointed Stephen J. Harper, It operates 435 stores in Texas, New Mexico, former Canadian Prime Minister, to its Board of Directors. South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Harper is CEO of Harper & Associates Consulting, serves on the Wyoming, Oklahoma and Nebraska. Yesway Board of Directors of Canada-based Colliers International Group operates its portfolio primarily under two Inc. and chairs the International Democracy Union and Friends of brands: Yesway and Allsup's. Israel Initiative. 2424 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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