AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY border flavor The Route of Mexican Fruits and Vegetables through McAllen, TX By Paola Ochoa, AgTools cAllen occupies a strategic position on the border between Mexico and the United States, facilitating the e昀케cient transportation of fresh products from Mexico to the US market. 吀栀e city also stands out for its highly developed transportation infrastructure, streamlining the movement of goods, especially perishable products like fruits and vegetables. Among the variety of fruits and vegetables crossing the border of McAllen daily, avocados, tomatoes, lemons, Mand broccoli stand out En la variedad de frutas y verduras que cruzan a diario la frontera de McAllen, resaltan el aguacate, el tomate, los limones y el brócoli. THE MEXICAN AVOCADO 吀栀is fruit has experienced a signi昀椀cant increase in demand in the US market in recent years. Its versa- tility and nutritional bene昀椀ts make it an essential component in the diet of many Hispanic households. During 2022, Mexico sent a total of 1,320 million pounds of avocados to the United States through the McAllen border. However, throughout 2023, this 昀椀gure experienced a notable increase, reaching a total of 1,360 million pounds, representing a 2.7% increase. 吀栀is increase marked a signi昀椀cant milestone, being the highest 昀椀gure recorded in recent years. Volume of Mexican Avocados crossing though Pharr THE TOMATO It frequently plays a prominent role in culinary traditions. Its presence in Hispanic cuisine re昀氀ects the richness of cultural heritage and the continuity of family recipes. 吀栀is versatile ingredient is used in a variety of traditional dishes, from sauces and stews to salads and 昀椀llings. Tomato exports through the McAllen border remain steady throughout the year. However, in late 2023, the Maximum prices availability of Roma tomatoes was a昀昀ected reached $30 by high temperatures and drought that at the border for impacted the Sinaloa region, one of the $30 Roma tomatoes main Mexican producing regions. 吀栀is in 2022 phenomenon was re昀氀ected in border prices, reaching historic levels in December. Maximum prices Maximum prices exceeded $40, compared to the exceeded $40 maximum recorded in 2022, which at the border for was $30. $40Roma tomatoes in 2023 6060 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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