FOOD INDUSTRY NSA upli昀琀s female leadership with Women’s Forum 2024 By Violeta Montes de Oca early 200 attendees gathered at the Women’s Predominately Forum 2024, organized by the National male-lead industry Association Supermarkets (NSA) in New York Even in the food and beverage on Wednesday, March 6. industry, everyday phrases like The event at the TWA hotel honored “Behind a great man is a great Nestablished and generational female leaders in woman” have changed to “Next to a the independently owned and operated supermarket industry. great man is a great woman.” 吀栀e NSA uplifted the voices of women not only in the Store and supermarket owners’ supermarket industry but across several industries through partners are no longer called “wives” three panels focused on topics such as successful leadership, because they are family businesses. women in 昀椀nance, and work-life balance. 吀栀ey are “partners” because they are Founded in 1989 by Hispanic entrepreneurs, the NSA directly involved in the operation and represents independent supermarket owners in New York management. and other urban cities on the East Coast, Mid-Atlantic, and “Today, I can tell you that women Florida. Most of its 600 members are of Hispanic descent, in our industry represent more serving communities of color. than 20%, which is a big number,” 吀栀e event felt Latino, with Spanish present in networking said William Rodriguez, an NSA’s moments and in the language chosen by some award-winning Emeritus Executive Board member. women and panelists to address the audience. Men, families, At the Women’s Forum, Caroline and some elected o昀케cials from New York City and New York Diplan, President, and owner of State attended the Women’s Forum 2024. C-Town Supermarket, was awarded as a generational leader. What Happened at Womans Forum “吀栀is award means a lot to me because being honored in a 2024 male industry means that we are doing really good,” she said. “Women have always been an integral part of the Equity and the pursuit of achieving all goals was also a theme independently owned and operated supermarket industry, at the Women’s Forum 2024 hosted by NSA. and it is more important now than ever before to support and “Obviously, we are at that point of feminism where we can do celebrate the women deeply involved in our industry,” said Seny whatever we want. We have that power, that mentality and it’s Taveras, Executive Director of NSA, during the opening of the important to remember that for ourselves because we are super, Women’s Forum 2024. women are thriving,” said Limer Vieluf, Assistant General Plant Hilda Esteves, News 12 New Jersey’s Meteorologist, was the Manager at Cibao Meat Products master of ceremony. 吀栀e vent included a keynote address from Marlene Cintron, Regional Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration. In addition, there were leaders awarded for their signi昀椀cant contributions to the advancement of women in a predominately male-lead industry. 4646 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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