+ 3,600 350 50 Professionals went Exhibitors of Educational sessions to NGA Show 2024 products and and workshops services Network star whose positive energy, love of food, and experiences pushing outside of her comfort zone delivered an enthu- siastic kicko昀昀 to the show. Multiple networking events, including the opening reception, the Best Bagger Championship sponsored by PepsiCo, and the closing celebration at Brooklyn Bowl, which features a Women Grocers of America cocktail hour. Co-located with the Independent “吀栀e NGA Show is truly the place where Grocers Alliance Rally and and valuable products displayed on grocers gather – and gather they did, in Indoor Ag-Con. the expo floor. This year’s winners record numbers,” said Jamie Reesby, vice included Amodex in the Center Store president for generation and grocery at AWARDS PRESENTED category; Soulful Bee for Fresh Health Clarion Events. “Working closely with Several awards were presented, and Wellness/Pharmacy; Retail Data NGA and its members, we continue to including: Systems for Operational Services; Digi enhance our o昀昀erings, from education 吀栀e Peter J. Larkin Community America Inc. for Sustainability in Store to networking, to help grocers navigate Service Award a RoNetco Supermarkets Design; and Shopic for Technology. today’s competitive environment. Initial de Nueva Jersey. 吀栀e Student Case Study Competition responses have been glowing and we The Thomas K. Zaucha was won by the team from Cornell look forward to continuing to meet and Entrepreneurial Excellence Award University. exceed those expectations.” a la Excelencia Empresarial a Kim Eskew, presidente y director general de la cadena THE NGA SHOW 2025 THE NGA SHOW 2024 de supermercados Harps Food Stores de Next year, the NGA Show will take HIGHLIGHTS Arkansas. place Feb. 23-25, 2025, at the Caesars 吀栀e return of the popular Technology WGA Woman of the Year Award Forum Convention Center in Las Vegas. Summit and Financial Symposium on a Marcy Nathan, directora creativa de “It will be one more year here in this Sunday, plus a “Snack and See” session Rouses Markets. facility. 吀栀e good news is that next year, honoring the recipients of NGA’s 吀栀e Best Bagger Championship se many of our rooms that you saw many Creative Choice Awards for excellence in lo ganó Madison Ireland, de Harmons of the education rooms were so popular marketing and merchandising, featuring Neighborhood Grocer, de Utah. that we had people stand up by the walls. celebrity chef Curtis Aikens as emcee. NGA’s Creative Choice Awards: Next year, we’re going to turn some A sold-out expo hall featuring more Winners by popular online vote of those workshops into even larger than 350 exhibitors and sponsors, of the Outstanding Marketer and sessions so that more people will be more where retailers and wholesalers disco- Merchandiser awards were Michigan- comfortable and can attend”, said Greg vered products and services covering based SpartanNash and Hired Man’s Ferrara to Abasto during an interview the entire spectrum from store design Grocery and Grill in Conway Springs, on the last day of the 2024 NGA Show. to innovative food products and thought Kan., respectively. A complete list of “We want to continue to grow that, and leadership theater sessions with expan- winners can be found here. our goal is to grow this show so that ded educational opportunities beyond Students from the Food Industry the entire grocery industry is able to the main stage and breakouts. University Coalition presented the come together to 昀椀nd new products to The opening keynote address was Student Standout Awards, honoring make new connections to learn great presented by celebrity chef Carla Hall, a their choices for the most interesting education, and to take all that back to dynamic entrepreneur, author, and Food the companies to be able to grow.” +100 #42 23-25 Experts at sessions Edition of the trade Of February will be and workshops show produced by the NGA Show the National Grocers 2025 Association and Clarion Events AABBAASSTTO O..CCOOMM MMAAYY//JJ UUNNEE0 0 2 2 2244 4455

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